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Silent Hill

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Everything posted by Silent Hill

  1. Yep, you're right. That's the beauty of politics. Everyone will dismiss the opposing candidate with a myriad of comments.
  2. I agree that Chicago definitely still has a huge crime/homicide problem, but at least the trend is heading in a positive direction. Not sure what the solution is other than gun and gang control, though I'd say more community programs for the youth, better education systems, and increasing the two parent household are good ideas. For why demographics and crime rate matters, here is an excerpt from this study (and there are quite a few similar studies): https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2019/the-truth-behind-racial-disparities-in-fatal-police-shootings/ The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that’s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens. Beyond officer race, the team drew other conclusions about details related to racial disparities in fatal officer shootings. “Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings,” Cesario said. “Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.”
  3. Yeah except one is a movement, with no actual structure and one is the president of the united states? Somehow those arent equal. I see what you are getting at Though. Your stance that Biden=Trump because one time Biden said something off color doesnt make sense to me, however. Im not going to try to convince you anymore Biden has done a lot more than make one "off color" comment, and you know that. I get that it's the lesser of two evils at this point, I just don't see how anyone could really think Biden is a good fit (when not comparing directly to Trump) I think Biden is potentially more of a threat, because he'll try and say whatever people want to hear but his actions won't align and he's got a history of that. He's lucky Trump is in office now, because that's definitely making Biden the default choice for many.
  4. Am I crazy or does slightly tweaking this correlate pretty well to the BLM extremists?
  5. They're both demented, one is just as slimy as the other. To me "Kung Flu" and calling Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." are neck and neck. But I'm not favoring one or the other per se, regarding their remarks. My only concern at the moment is really the potential growth/momentum of the racial division and violence associated with the movement. With their moving targets of racism and lack of a tangible plan, I can't say I see an end in sight. Look at this: https://www.newsbreak.com/washington/seattle/news/0PPBvRrO/chop-in-seattle-has-black-only-racially-segregated-zone Or this: That's the type of shit I'm worried about.
  6. Eh - let's just hope that the trade off of snake oil for brash verbal ignorance is in our favor as a country. I guess worst case scenario is economy, jobs, education etc. may suffer, but at least we'll have someone who (somewhat incoherently) speaks in a more professional manner, assuming he can keep racist remarks and fibs about his Civil Rights participation off his tongue.
  7. I mean, we all know that Trump is racist, But the common argument seems to be “well we don’t know what he is thinking“ . Yes we do. Trump can be read like a book, and is constantly getting played by other countries like China and Russia. I’ll be voting for Biden for the sheer fact that he’s not a degenerate liar and he will try to improve America standing on the world stage. Oh and he admits when hes wrong. and I don’t feel that he’s going to accuse Donald Trump of treason if Trump gets voted out baselessly (Although I can’t wait to see Trump get tied up in court for years- Fingers crossed he does go to jail for treason) Fair enough. I hope yours and other's confidence in Biden is justified if he's elected. I for one am not confident based on his lackluster political career and history (and current trend) of racist remarks. I think he'll appease the mob to win the vote, then turn around and not do shit. (PS. Biden has habitually lied for years about his involvement with Civil Rights)
  8. As far as equality for all citizens, it will go a long way that large portions of the country will no longer think they have a racist president. He won't be tweeting about "thugs," blaming protesters for bad turnout at at rally, etc. Having a voice in charge who has a reputation for listening to black people's concerns and treating them with respect will go a long way toward restoring peace even if progress is slow. Are we talking about the same Joe Biden here? He's made countless racist remarks and I'm not aware of anything he's done to help the black community in his 40+ year tenure. (Though I'm aware of some things he's done to hurt the black community)
  9. And Trump said there was “good people on both sides” of the Charleston rally. It goes both ways. The seattle mayor supports CHAZ (which I personally dont agree with) and Trump supports white nationalists who kill people with their cars. Who is right? I can't find where Trump supported the driver of that car, or supported white nationalists/neo-nazis, though his statement about "good people on both sides" wasn't the best thing to say. I honestly don't think his intention was to claim that any white nationalist or neo-nazi are "good people", especially since he condemned them earlier in his statement. Regardless, I don't care for Trump and I don't think he's a good president (he talks straight from the ass, though he has done some good things). That said, I sure as shit don't respect people like the Mayor of Seattle. Hopefully we can all agree on that. My biggest concern with Biden is that he's made tons of racist remarks over his tenure and I'm not aware of anything he's done over 40+ years to help the minority communities, in fact there's quite a few things he's done to stunt their improvement. At least Trump has implemented things that have impacted minorities (especially black people) in a positive way.
  10. You are correct. They are also the outlier. To quote the whole police brutality thing, “a few bad apples”.... Pretty strong outlier to create these types of results across the entire country. And unfortunately people (some very powerful) are most definitely supporting these outliers. Even the Seattle mayor called CHAZ/CHOP the "Summer of Love" and supported it. Though it seems she may be backtracking now after the recent events.
  11. Curious on what you think Biden will do if elected and how that would translate to a better economy, job market, and equality for all citizens.
  12. In my opinion, “supporting” BLM can be awareness however you want it to be. It can be marching in a protest. it can be trying to educate someone online through facts and information. it can be asking your racist co-worker not to use those terms around you. It can be not purchasing a product that has an outdated racist stereotype picture. What is wrong about any of that? Nothing is wrong about any of that and I don't think I've implied otherwise. The most recent BLM movement has resulted in communities being destroyed, innocent people being injured/killed, city blocks being held hostage, restricted police presence/crime upticks and even racial division/segregation. Those are the things nobody in their right mind should be supporting.
  13. I don’t recall ever mentioning Marxism? You didn't, but BLM did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdpIIiBe7Wc
  14. The biggest flaw with that whole thing- you're assuming that Taiwan has the same freedoms as the US does, and they likely do not. So he did choose to move somewhere that those particular discriminations may be perfectly legal. If you want to get into global racism, there are much bigger fish to fry than anything going on here. @CodysGameRoom Can you remind me what my logic was and how it's flawed? I want to make sure "my" logic is still within context when you deem it as flawed.
  15. 30 per million fatal police shootings of black people, vs 12 per million for white people. And rising. Sure, there is a disparity in police shootings towards black people, but your source doesn't investigate or highlight the "why" (interaction rate, community demographics, crime, etc.), doesn't address unarmed vs. armed and doesn't address the race of the officer(s) involved. Your second link doesn't show a rising trend. Chicago is notoriously crime-ridden, as conservatives like to remind me. To address this, in 2016 the mayor planned to hire 970 new police officers. That is 3 years after closing the 50 schools I previously mentioned; mostly in black neighborhoods (the city is also notoriously segregated, but that somehow never comes up). Would you like to guess how the crime and homocide rates have gone since these decisions? Homicide rates have dropped YOY since 2016 (~35% decrease from 2016 - 2019), were you implying that it rose when more police were hired? Closing of schools never seems like a good solution, but that article you linked describes the reason why they did it and their intentions of placing those kids in schools that have higher achievement ratings. Haven't looked into whether that ended up helping or not, but their intentions seemed good in 2013.
  16. Feel free to answer my questions directly, otherwise I respect your decision to bail from this topic. PS: Clearly people who support BLM and Marxism are the ones who are “wrong”. Troubling for us all if you think I’m part of the minority on that.
  17. Their own race isn't paid to serve and protect. Police are. So when they don't, it's a huge problem. When they don't en masse, it's systemic. What? I’m saying the fatality odds of being killed by their own race, in their own community, aren’t even close to the odds of being killed by police, much less a white cop. Why would you be in favor of something that increases those already absurdly high odds (like limiting police presence)? It’s incredibly counter-intuitive. Also, police had millions of interactions last year with hundreds of thousands of violent criminals taken off of the streets But those 10 unarmed black people who were killed last year really goes to show that they systemically don’t protect and serve. Yea I mean, they are protesting racism, so of course they will be there??? Is the sky blue?? I have to keep reminding myself that BLM translates to “BLM only when killed by white police”. If it weren’t so sad it almost be comical. Maybe next year there will be zero unarmed black people killed by police so they’d be able to focus on the actual prominent threats to their communities/livelihoods for once.
  18. It would still suck but it's not racism. What if the cop was black?
  19. And in the second one, “If it’s like one less shooting a year then, yes, that’s progress but at the same time couldn’t we be doing so much more?” said Damayanti Wallace. “In the mayor’s mind and the superintendent’s mind what it looks like is more police and that’s what makes people feel safer. But in our minds police make us feel a lot less safe.” That’s fear, by the way. Why are people afraid of the police? Why do they feel less safe with more officers? Because that's what they were taught, doesn't mean it's correct. The odds of being shot by their own race are FAR greater than being shot by police. Why favor the former? Do you really think less police will have any positive impact in black on black shootings? No, because police ought be be involved in their communities. Defund does not mean eliminate. This is one example of a good action. Police also helped at a march I was in. In that case they were mainly for traffic control, but yes they protected us. That was good. Anyway. There are demonstrations against black intraracial violence all the time. It's ironic because police ARE involved in their communities and do far more good than harm, but yet let's defund them and make it more difficult to improve training, screening and recruiting. Less police = More crime - 100% And I never said there weren't demonstrations against black on black violence, but that BLM aren't involved. They clearly don't care. They weren't involved with any of your examples and they won't get involved over what happened in Chicago last weekend. But you better believe they'll be there immediately when the next black person is killed by a white cop.
  20. Lived here my whole life and systemic racism is not "painfully obvious" to me. But I'm willing to listen to your compelling evidence that: A: Systemic Racism is real and is a major issue in 2020 B: BLM aren't out to "get" white people and/or the police To me, it just seems you're frustrated that people have an opposing view and we shouldn't bother continuing the thread.
  21. Yeah that's great to see! Too bad BLM took no part in either, and the first example was led by police. Ironic? Those killers may not be police, but they sure kill in much greater numbers. Regardless, I think I see your point - since the killers aren't white police officers, there's no need for BLM to get involved and shift focus away from the REAL threat to black lives.
  22. I bet defunding Chicago PD will help too. A troubling comment in that article: "The father of the murdered toddler is not cooperating with police". I can't even imagine....
  23. Source? The only thing I know that BLM insists on is that Black Lives Matter. It's a shame that you disagree. Why would you need a source? Was George Floyd's murder clearly a hate crime? No evidence of it being racially driven, yet that's the one that most recently fueled this fire. Also, if they only insisted that "Black Lives Matter", in general, maybe they'd be protesting black on black crime, which takes a ridiculously higher volume of black lives than white police officers. Doesn't help their cause when they only seem to be outraged when a black person is killed by a white person. (More black people were murdered this past weekend (including a toddler) in Chicago alone, than unarmed black people who were killed by white police in 2019.)
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