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Mega Tank

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Everything posted by Mega Tank

  1. LAST CALL, one more needed for Game 2! Once Zi is set, we start!
  2. I re-invited you as it seems you joined and left. You need to redeem the tokens for the fog of war setting before you join the game. Let me know if you need any help with this. I don't think we have anyone else joining in, so once you are set up, we are ready to roll!
  3. Stock was gone faster than that man. Refreshed at 12:30 sharp, out of stock.
  4. Don't forget, the louder the sound your speakers give off, the more that cage is going to rattle... you know, Pepper has to sleep there.
  5. @ChickenTendas @FireHazard51 @zi Waiting on you all to join the lobby. Have you guys redeemed your tokens to play with Fog of War? Let me know.
  6. @SpoonMan Abrams X Redeem your tokens for Fog of War and you should be able to join.
  7. There are five of us in that Fog of War Lobby so far. @Jeevan @Rooster @ZeldaFan042 @SpoonMan Abrams X did you all encounter this when joining?
  8. Game 1 is full. @ziI sent you the invite. The game begins as soon as Zi joins! Good luck!
  9. Yes, that invite was sent out some time ago. If your user name is Fox then you have been invited. Once an invite is sent, I cannot reinvite.
  10. @fox @0xDEAFC0DE @B.A. @ZeldaFan042 Please accept your invites to the games. We have a full lobby for Game #3, so as soon as all of you accept game #3 can begin. If you do not see an invite, please refresh as sometimes an invite may not be showing up. Thank you!
  11. Game 3 is full. If you have signed up for a game, you should have an invite. Please accept these as soon as possible. Thank you.
  12. I'll be buying Overcooked 2. Let's GOOOOO.
  13. The lobby size is something that cannot be changed once the lobby is created. If the lobby is created for 9 players, we can start with less. If the lobby is created for 5, then 5 is the max. You can always start with less, you can never go over what the lobby was made for. I would like to get these games rolling by the end of weekend, so ping and @ anyone that you might think is interested!
  14. Please provide me with your Dominating12 username so I can send an invite
  15. Concurrently. A move doesn't take that long, so I figure it shouldn't be too bad. Also, I don't like leaving people out, so I figured we can get 3 boards going. Remember, a game will start once it fills or we have some time pass since the last join, so it doesn't mean they will start all at the same time, but more or less run around the same time frame.
  16. When the game starts, we will see if the game has "Team chats." We can always start a PM when the teams are set.
  17. Alright, throwing together 3 games. We will see how this goes! Please state the game number/s you would like to sign up for. The options are... Game 1: Deathmatch Game 2: Deathmatch - with fog of war (This is a game setting. If turned on then you will not be able to see any territory that is not next to a territory owned by you. The log also will only show the start and end of turns.) Game 3: Team Deatchmatch 3v3 All of these games are 24 hour LONG PLAY, random beginning placements and random game order. @Jeevan @fox @0xDEAFC0DE @B.A. @FireHazard51 @ZeldaFan042 @MashFan81 @Sumer @SpoonMan Abrams X @spacepup @Gloves @Scrobins @ninjistar @darkchylde28 If I pinged you, it's because you have played or shown interest. Just trying to get the word out! Here we go!
  18. Good game everyone. Well done @MashFan81! We can try for 2 lobbies at the same time. I think people should be able to manage 2 games at the same time. If we do this, would people want the same format for both lobbies or a different format? I purchased a premium account so we can make unlimited lobbies I think, but let's not get too crazy lol
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