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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. When you were a kid, did you "play Legos" or "play with your Lego Bricks System™ "? Before the Super Nintendo released, everyone just played their Nintendo(s).
  2. It's in the name. One is a Family Computer and the other is a full fledged Entertainment System. Pretty sure the Famicom is for doing homework and writing papers or something. Clearly not the same.
  3. Argument B: Nintendoes Potato Potatoes Tomato Tomatoes Torpedo Torpedoes Nintendo Nintendoes Or Nintendoes what Sega don't!
  4. Argument III: Nintendo's *You fool! Apostrophe S can only indicate posession. Wrong! There are a few rare instances where apostrophe S is indeed acceptable or even the standard. In the matter of plural capital letters, AP style recommends the apostrophe S to indicate the plural (Chicago states to just add an S). You know your three R's, right? Readin', ritin' and 'rithmetic. And in the case of single numerals, both AP and Chicago style recommend the the apostrophe. I hit the jackpot on the slots! Straight 7's. I'm gonna buy a dozen Nintendo's with all my winnings! https://www.dailywritingtips.com/forming-plurals-with-s/
  5. Argument 2: Nintendos Just add a S. Nintendos Or I have dos (as in 2) Nintendos.
  6. Argument 1: Nintendo Like moose, the plural of Nintendo is Nintendo. Or Nintendo is the name of the company and therefore singularly, Nintendo.
  7. So if I have two Nintendo(s?), what is the plural form? Overheard on the playground: His family is rich. He has two Nintendos! One upstairs and one in his bedroom.
  8. Totally different. I don't think I've even seen a Famicom irl. It's the stuff of eastern legend only briefly mentioned in hushed tones on the playground associated with awe inspiring rumors of some new third Super Mario in which the player can literally fly through the entire game. Purely mythical.
  9. Just wondering where he drops off for you? I'm probably least interested in rewatching Basterds, Hateful 8, and KB 2.
  10. I did really enjoy it but I probably won't watch it again. Probably goes the same for most of his movies after Pulp Fiction save for Death Proof. By definition, I guess it's a 5 because I won't really go out of my way to watch it again. But it's better than that. I also want to give it a 7, very good but not quite great. So I guess in the end it evens out to a 6. It all comes down to runtime I guess. My attention span just won't allow for three hours to casually watch Tarantino flicks, let alone the double header Kill Bill or the extended Hateful Eight. I'll probably never get around to watching that one. Oh, and his portrayal of Bruce Lee in this movie rubbed me the wrong way even if it was admittedly funny.
  11. I gave it a generous 6 but I don't really play it much. I really want to play it but like my phone, I find myself abandoning games after a couple weeks. It's essentially just a Fortnite machine for my kid.
  12. I went NES Genesis NES PS2 360. I kept on with the NES after reverting back from Genesis though and PS2 and 360 were like my side bitches.
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