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Everything posted by TheBiRD

  1. Très bon français! Bravo! « remember » in french, depend of the sentence but it means « me rappeller ». Like : Maybe I can remember = Peut être je peux me rappeller
  2. j’ai pelleté le bord de rue ce matin a 5h30am avant la job btême!!... et tanto fait le reste a souffleuse une b9nne heure... cé parti!! et oui il me semble tu est dans le nord toi tu m’avait dis sur NA.. tu étais loin de mon Lachute en tout cas! j’ai la chance d’avoir mes colis qui attendent toujours au chaud au burau de poste ! j’attend justement une belle console Killer Instinct snes mint!
  3. But don’t VGA or Wata have a margin of error in there grading? 3-4 exemples here and there for one or the other compagnie. I guess the % of error is still good.
  4. Bonjour, hi les compatriotes! Faites signes de vie! Vu notre proximité dans ce beaux grand Québec, je propose ce thread pour discuter des dates et feedback des rencontre Du Club des collectionneurs de jeux video du Quebec (CCJVQ). D’annonces Kijiji interessante trop loin de chez vous! De discuter pour se rapprocher et peut être mener à des rencontre/échange.. Ou bref, discuter de ce qui se passe autour de nous ici!
  5. Contra, Super C and SMB
  6. Snes console variant Cib mint that I don’t have yet. Snes sealed NHL 95 and 96 to complet my sealed EaSports nhl set!
  7. Last two show were System of a Down and Iron Maiden
  8. Someday, I thought they were Flashback guys..
  9. For me, they are just the first I discovered doing Repro.. I found them to be high quality, cib and most of all gave me the feeling to unpack a sealed game!
  10. They just shutdown them buisness and Im curious to know why and what happened at this time?? Anybody knows??
  11. When I was 12-13yo, me and my brother took our Snes to the flea market in exchange of the Playstation that came out 1-2 years before. I remember the trade didn’t even cover the PS price and we had to add money to the deal.... remember the Snes came with Chrono trigger, ff2, ff3, BoF 1-2, zelda, Mario... But the saddest part is that I kept the box and manual of those game.. one day, I was cleaning my closet and told myself.. « this is useless and takes space for nothing » then it goes right in the garbage.. damm.. Ebay story is around 15 years ago, I sold a sealed MUSCLE for less that 200$... I'm happy I still have the other copy I had with me!
  12. Mine is the final boss of the rarest variant of The Legend of Zelda.
  13. About half of that stuff is going directly in my collection, other part will be for resell/trade for stuff for the collection!
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