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Dr. Morbis

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Everything posted by Dr. Morbis

  1. Yeah, Nintendo also "reworked and re-released" Punch-Out with a new name, so I guess by your logic "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!" doesn't count for a licensed set either. Come on, man! I don't own a CIB SE and probably never will (unless I win the lottery). This isn't about protecing investments; it's about recording history for posterity - and getting it right. To say that SE doesn't count is literally re-writing history erroneously. 1 - SE was manufactured by Nintendo. 2 - It was given a Seal of Quality by Nintendo. 3 - It was released to retail by Bandai 4 - It was purchased by North American consumers in North America. I mean, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? Is that seriously not good enough for you?????
  2. Haha Tanooki, saying that SE is a special case that is "just well gray area, fuzzy" completely kills any and all credibility you may have had for making any arguments AT ALL related to the NES library. SE was manufactured by Nintendo themselves and it was licensed... I mean, WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?! This thread makes my brain hurt. I feel like Will Farrell's character at the end of Zoolander when he's wondering why everyone thinks Ben Stiller's new BLUE STEEL look is so awesome when he can plainly see that it's the exact same old look. Are first-party Atari 2600 games the only "real Atari games" ??? ... so like Activision, Imagic, Mattel, etc, and all the other 70% of the non-Atari sanctioned games in the library don't count? Are first-party Coleco games the only "real Coleco games" ??? Are first-party Intellivision games the only "real Intellivision games" ??? ...And on and on and on... Seriously guys, AM I ON CRAZY PILLS?
  3. Wow, talk about a cult of relativity. Sorry guys but not everything in this world means what you want it to mean or is what you want it to be. Not everything on earth is relative. These aren't poems just hanging out there for every individual in the universe to come along and define. Sure, you can collect what you want, but to not count the roughly 10% of the library that is unlicensed as "Nintendo Games" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my NES collecting life. Anyone who says otherwise is a Johnny-come-lately who only started collecting in the last ten years. Seriously, if this topic had been posted on NA in, say, 2008, you would have been laughed out of the room and ridiculed for the entire rest of your short-lived forum existence. Fuck yeah they're Nintendo games. No, they are not licensed. No, you are not legally obliged to collect them. But just admit you're not collecting all of the NES games out there for [insert reason here]. Don't make up bullshit to justify why you collect what you collect. Just be fucking honest. Man, I thought it was ridiculous when the whole licensed set vs unlicensed set discussions became a thing in the last decade or so, but this one tops that by a mile. Sorry, but the question put forth by the OP is pants-on-head retarded. 'Nuff Said.
  4. They didn't want holier than though 'Muricans complaining that their kids were clubbing baby seals...
  5. It depends on what you count as a variant. If you're going -1's and star manuals and whatnot, there are hundreds upon hundreds; if you're like me and you're only going for major variants, the black and white Data East ones are pretty hard to track down, Black Hollywood Squares as mentioned, black Rad Racer I remember being tricky, and the common Athletic World manuals are technically the variants: the original manual is the Family Fun Fitness version...
  6. Yeah, my copy of Hollywood Squares came sealed with a blue manual in a black box. I actually had to track down the black manual variant separately...
  7. I'll check with Mike. He's got some time off work right now, but getting him to do anything is like pulling teeth...
  8. That's the '89 re-release. Harder to find for sure, but nothing really specail about it. Now that gocollect has tried to start that whole "print run is special" bullshit, we'll be seeing asking prices like this on random NES items from here to eternity...
  9. I totally agree with this. For me, it's my second favourite console because it came out in the NES era with basically a NES-style controller and NES-type games and gameplay. It's like a "turbo"-charged NES, if you will. It's strong on shooters but weaker than the NES on everything else. For gaming I love it, for collecting, I can't really say because I got the US set completed (minus Magical Chase, Aaarrgh!) years ago when prices were cheap. So worth playing: yes. Worth collecting: no. Get an everdrive or whatever the TG equivelant is and just enjoy the games.
  10. Okay, I've added a link to Mike's official Game Contents FAQ in the OP. I tried to make it a clickable link, but when clicking the 'link' button it said "There was a problem loading this content." If a mod could fix that or tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be cool. I did tell Mike about the new site, but I don't think he's signed up yet; he hasn't been around on NA much in the last couple years, so even if he joins here, his appearances will probably be sparse. And austin532, opening all of those games would be most excellent! I used to have almost a hundred sealed games myself but opened them many many years ago. I was actually the second largest contributor after Dain when Mike originally started populating his list. Dain was actually going to open a massive amount more than he did, but he got cold feet and stopped a few letters into the alphabet...
  11. Welcome to the NES Sealed Game Contents Thread. Mike (the_Wizard_666) is the creator and I am the curator of the full list of titles hosted over on Gamefaqs. That list can be found here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/nes/916386-nes/faqs/49943 THIS LIST IS UP TO DATE AS OF: January 9th, 2024 This list is populated with entries from people like you! Our mission is to provide factual information about all of the original contents contained within every title in the NES library. As such, if anyone here finds themselves opening up a sealed NES game that was clearly NEVER OPENED BEFORE, please list the contents in this thread, detailing each item's code (where applicable) and providing as much information as possible, including the Seal of Quality type (round or oval). Pictures are a definite bonus. I personally thank you now, and posterity will most definitely thank you later. For me, there are three important aspects to this project, and number one is accessibility to all. That is why we have the list hosted on Gamefaqs - because that site is essentially a universal source for videogame information. Number two is keeping it updated in a timely manner, and then making sure it falls into the right hands should the person updating the list ever have, want, or need to bow out. And the third really important aspect is that it remain a *factual* repository of information only containing entries from opening sealed games. I really do think it's great that people out there are committed to making lists of "assumed" or "probable" contents, but for me personally, I don't want a list of people's best guesses; I want a list that only contains items factually known to come with each title. Lastly, I want to send out a HUGE thank you to all of those who have continued to make such awesome contributions to this project. DoctorEncore, austin532, Trifecta and the rest of you really are helping to push this project forward to the point where we are actually past the halfway point of the library. From here on out I'll be doing updates after about every five entries or so, so keep those submissions coming in
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