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  1. A Kansas officer shot a girl while aiming at her dog. Can he claim self-defense immunity? https://www.yahoo.com/news/kansas-officer-shot-girl-while-234507599.html First off, the officer did NOT shoot her - freakin' BS reporting here. What happened was the bullet ricocheted and struck the girl. Fortunately she is fine. Lower court rulings in favor of the officer have already been used as reasons not to charge other law enforcement officers in use-of-force cases...Dexter Betts responded to a domestic violence call. He shot at a dog, missed, and bullet fragments hit a girl who was in the line of fire. Maloney conceded that Betts felt threatened, but he said the officer never articulated a fear of imminent death or great bodily harm, which is what justification for deadly force requires. Since the ruling will apply outside of law enforcement scenarios, Biles said, the court should consider the effect on hypothetical scenarios. His example was a crowded concert where a person faces a reasonable threat. "If they've got a gun, they can just start shooting," Biles said of the statute. "And regardless of how many people drop, they're going to have immunity, as long as you can show the threat was there while the trigger's being pulled." Betts fired two shots at the dog. Both bullets missed their mark. At least one ricocheted off the floor, and fragments hit a 9-year-old in a toe and above her eye. The girl had been sitting on the floor behind the dog. The miniature English bull terrier, named Chevy, was also hit by bullet fragments. "Here we are four years later," Hoeme said. "It's really easy for us to talk about ... he could have done this, he should have done that." The court took the case under advisement. A decision from the justices is likely several months away. Mike Tyson said "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
  2. To be fair, Pelosi is saying do not speak while in China. Freedom of Speech is one of the great things about the USA, but it does not apply once you leave the USA. If an athlete speaks out in Beijing, they could easily be arrested and tortured.
  3. Wow... And then, still apparently fuming over their mayo fight, Erlbacher mowed Solberg down with his pickup truck. After running him down once, he left — and the first strike was not fatal. But Erlbacher then decided to turn back to run over his pal again two more times. Erlbacher then called Pryor, Solberg’s brother, to inform him that he'd killed his sibling. "'It was just another bar fight in Harrison County,' until it wasn’t any longer," Pryor said during the trial, according to the Register. Erlbacher had claimed that he did not intentionally kill Solberg and his lawyers attempted, unsuccessfully, to reduce the charge to second degree murder. He also tried to blame alcohol for his actions that night. I wonder how that went - "Your honor, I was just trying to help him into my car when he fell under the tires. Then, he fell under the tires again... and again! Also, Mr. Beer was driving the truck your honor, I'm just a fist-fighting Harrison County type o' guy..."
  4. Konami... that name rings a bell. Oh yeah, didn't they make games at one point, decades ago? Dracula Best is not their "best" Castlevania soundtracks. In my mind that goes to PERFECT SELECTION DRACULA BATTLE PERFECT SELECTION DRACULA BATTLE II If you enjoy fabulous 80s era arranged music, it does not get any better! A runner-up would be Perfect Selection Dracula ~NEW CLASSIC~, which in my mind is a bit overrated. That said, if you are into the original soundtracks, Dracula Best I and II are well worth finding. I saw Dracula Best I on ebay for under $50 shipped from Japan...
  5. So, as a long-time video game music collector, I have to say in my mind this selection is okay for a beginner, but far from "amazing". In fact, for a collector I would actually call it "poor" - reason being is that there already exist FAR FAR better soundtracks. For example: Akumajo Dracula Best 2 2-CD soundtrack, covers Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania the Adventure, and Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge. Total music time is over 1 hour and 38 minutes. Also, many (but not all) of these are available for very reasonable prices. Since these soundtracks come from Japan, they are also high-quality, include interviews etc. (in Japanese), and the music is always the higher-quality famicom as opposed to the NES chip. If anyone has any questions or you're looking for suggestions regarding Castlevania let me know, I'll be happy to discuss. For the record, at one point I owned numerous Castlevania soundtracks, over the years I've given most away and I now have a collection I'm mostly happy with - although still a tad too large
  6. New NES game is a sequel to one of the system's longest-lasting mysteries https://www.gamesradar.com/new-nes-game-is-a-sequel-to-one-of-the-systems-longest-lasting-mysteries/ Cool
  7. Dang! I thought this only happened in video games
  8. Sol Cresta - the collector's edition is $129 - dang!
  9. I bet it's all due to worthless admins, they always cause trouble...
  10. Good point, I didn't even notice that! Of course there are a TON of LRG on amazon, but they're sold via second-hand scalpers sellers.
  11. Jumping on the Evercade train Yeah, got it signed by Carl Forhan, who founded Songbird Productions in 1999 - always happy to support indie developers and publishers!
  12. As New Yorkers were paying tribute to slain NYPD Officer 27-year old Wilbert Mora, this is what actress activist POS Susan Sarandon had to say
  13. Actual value, vs crazy marked-up price...
  14. Hold your horses, there will be more, by 2035. Hopefully.
  15. Found it, @TDIRunner was correct, it's just a transparent case https://www.retrorgb.com/pc-engine-transparent-case-by-retro-game-restore.html Really though, why has no one produced an HDMI TG16??
  16. I was thinking TG16, but good point about the PC Engine.
  17. No, I wish there was more info. I couldn't find anything except this screenshot, which I thought was strange. You would think there would be something somewhere, but I have yet to find anything! That said *if* they do release a system with HDMI, I'll purchase it! It looks super cute @TDIRunner the original is much larger, so it seems unlikely for it to be just a replacement case.
  18. Yeah, I saw that, but who knows? Maybe there is an option to add CD support? At any rate, I want to learn more about this cute little system
  19. I got an email from Castlemania games with this alluring image Looks like an HD Turbografx machine! I know that Analogue plans to release one sometime this year - is this system one that has already been released? Anyone know anything about it?
  20. I totally understand to each their own, but yeah, I really got very bored with Metroid Dread. In my mind a MUCH MUCH better metroidvania is Blasphemous - although I will add I did not like their new "true ending" I thought it ruined much of the atmosphere of the game, although the game (apart from that lame ending) is great
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