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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. I assume we are going to count things like desserts and stuff as well? @Gloves. Like this is open ended to main dishes, sides, desserts etc.?
  2. i have heard of this but dont think im gonna go that route, i have something special in mind.....
  3. im a no white, wheat for everything normal, this i will experiment with lol
  4. This thread club is gonna ruin my diet . Sourdough has to be the way to go no?
  5. Now.....tomorrow morning I go get stuff to make me a grilled cheeze!
  6. Whoever's month it is can post their original blurb with their recipe and then post pics of the dish after its cooked? Kinda like hey its my month, here is what we are doing, create away!
  7. Let me propose a thread for each month? We can post all month long if we do more than 1 instance of it and it would be easy for folks to go through and look at the recipes etc.
  8. If anything, I can see this as a way to "improve" upon our recipes as a group. Find different ways to do things, maybe new spices or techniques, i have been watching a lot of cooking shows recently........
  9. I plan on doing this here thingy Glovesy wovesy started, whether i can or not for a bit remains to be seen, but if the first one is grilled cheese im all in. Love a good grilled cheese. On that note, i will suggest some things, but i am busy irl at the moment and will have to look around and get some recipes/suggestions made. If i were to make a first suggestion, it would be Cornbread, aka Cowboy cornbread known to me. I think a good cornbread recipe, that is really an all in one meal, would be the way to go, ill share more info. when time comes. It is more like a "casserole" to an extent. So don't choose me to be first
  10. I thought it was already in easy mode, just gotta star grind enemies outside of battle and way over level, not that hard .
  11. but then you wouldn't know about secret santa........if u would partake..........
  12. do u have cookies? If u have cookies, they will disappear when u click them and it remembers, through cookies, that they have been clicked........
  13. I thought i was gonna stream a bunch this week, but biking and sick got in the way, I am making headway on starcraft, hopefully be done soon. Finally got a good battle plan for the mission Im gonna try. Plus i have a save i can scum for it. Should be able to possibly knock out chopper attack this week as well......maybe.....stupid last level
  14. jetforce gemini is prolly open if anyone wants to start it......i could try tomorrow if i beat chopper 64, body harvest is a ball ache, but i will work on it some more soon.
  15. I asked him recently, he said he was making progress......but i will let him defer to you or what not. I got this week off, im gonna play the last level of chopper attack tomorrow, hopefully, for the third or fourth time, and hopefully knock out some starcraft level(s).
  16. Didn't take a picture, obviously i streamed it, that is what i meant to say lol
  17. if it hasnt been beaten yet, mario wonder is dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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