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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. Thanks to all who participated!!!! @spacepup will do the final update when he gets time!!!!!! Goal Achieved, and more to come on the normal auctions here on vgs!!!!
  2. should have grabbed coal . someone speedrun us back lol
  3. friendly PSA to those who are new to discord, you might show up early in case you don't know how to navigate it! We can help you prior to the auction! I will be on around 7pm to help you if needed. It is now 3:17 EST Also, just so you all are aware in case you aren't aware of the time zone.
  4. slow down! lol Also, you said dinghy and head .
  5. Some very good games in here . Maybe give your reasoning behind each one? MAYBE you should do a small write up for each one like @Reed Rothchild. He keeps trying to get me to do N64.
  6. ask mrs. claus about the boat and cookies
  7. I haven't played, but i will post some times tomorrow as it is my only day off!
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