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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. between u and gloves we will fail this lol
  2. what the two reactions? it took too long so he said now more....
  3. look around workshop look specifically for tools
  4. mario is usually my goto, but i might have to try someone different for this I will start on this after the ebay auction im looking at is over, win or lose
  5. anything is possible, just try it!!!!
  6. @Krunch must take your word for it, I'm not turning my phone or screen sideways!!!!
  7. wave to elf ask elf where everyone went
  8. also @Rhapsody98 we are now in a workshop
  9. Believe it or not, I have it on good authority that he now has a starfox as well
  10. shoot, south, then east, i missed that one
  11. Happy Birthday @SNESNESCUBE64! Hope you have a good day! Edit: How could I forget a yoshi!
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