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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Yeah as much as I don't know how to feel about it, the chemical imbalance thing is probably a lot of the reason. I guess you go through stuff - traumatic things - and it creates this really bad habit in your brain that sometimes becomes this endless loop. That mixed with chemistry being off is the worst thing in life I've experienced
  2. Your story is interesting and inspiring to me. I might need this
  3. So true - I'm stuck focusing on the latter part of that when I know I need to remember I'll get through it. It's really hard when in that focus of not knowing - coupled with pain, it has me thinking dark dark stuff
  4. Thank you guys - haven't gotten out of bed yet but I'm about to. Y'all are helping thank you so much
  5. Thank you for the kind advice - I'm trying my best to focus on physical or creative activities to take my mind off of things. I happen to have a piano that I rarely play - may take some time to mess around, hopefully without making myself sadder!
  6. Looking into this will be a priority for me - thank you
  7. I'm happy you found help - it is inspiring and I don't feel bad in any way toward getting help. I think I really need some extra help, but I'm afraid I'm out of luck for lack of insurance/$. I'm not aware of any free help
  8. At this point I'm open to horseshit. But this sounds like a good idea in order to shift my focus - something I desperately need. I'm going to try this too - thank you
  9. Yeah I'm doing my best to motivate myself to do this exact thing while I have the free time right now. I think I used collecting as a sort of therapy activity to focus on over the years. I see some irony that I'm having to face the result of that now
  10. You know what's fucked up is that I've had the urge to drink lately because some sort of logic deep in my head telling me that would help the anxiety
  11. That's interesting - I'm so sorry you dealt with that, I know that's like the closest thing to Hell in real life for me. I have been wanting to get some sort of therapy on and off for years - even moreso now. I've dealt with a lot of pain from my past on my own and I feel like it's maybe culminating to some bad point. I don't have health insurance though and could only think to reach out to a co-worker whose partner is a therapist - only for advice for a referral or something, anything. From their lack of response, I don't think they have the time for me. So I'm not sure how to reach out for help.
  12. This hits close to home - I always feel less anxious when I progress with something. Probably why I'm struggling so hard - I'm off of work because of the snow. A lot of stressful things have happened to me lately. One of the major ones being that suddenly I can't talk to my former best friend. Kind of my only friend unfortunately. Feels devastating. I'm struggling to reach out - that's why I made this topic really. I don't have family near me and a severe lack of people I can talk to right now in my life. I found out I have to move by the summer and that adds to my stress because I'm a bit of a hoarder and have no good prospect or resources to move yet. Thank you for letting me kind of vent virtually
  13. Man this might be some real solid advice for me. I stopped drinking completely from having done so religiously for years back in 2014. I 100% feel as though my anxiety has gone up and up since then. It's gotten worse and worse as time has passed. The real scary thing is that I never had any anxiety problems EVER before. I didn't even understand the word or what an anxiety attack really was, but now it's unfortunately a very familiar concept. I also drink a lot of caffeine, and realize it's probably not good. I can use the same obsessive thinking I used to quit alcohol to try to stop myself from that habit too I think though. Thank you for the reply - I'm struggling today
  14. Thank you - gonna look into vitamin d. Also my God do I need that - someone telling me it WILL pass
  15. Hello again fellow nerds - it's a long-time lurker here trying to get some input from the community since I think y'all are some stand-up dudes. I've been dealing with anxiety lately that I can only describe as crushing. Couple that with a bit of tendency to obsess, and I'm really struggling to get past the thoughts in my head. Sorry that's kind of vague, but I was wondering if others have ways they deal with anxiety. Thank y'all in advance for just being here.
  16. Thanks man - I really take that to heart
  17. Thank y'all for your encouragement - sad to say this but I don't have anyone to really tell me this. I've been kind of struggling lately. Thank you again for the kind words
  18. I've been seriously battling the urge to drink a lot lately - sorry to be a killjoy, but this is maybe the only community I have to tell that to. Haven't in 6 years going on 7 for context I guess
  19. If anyone ends up with a copy of Divinity 2 for Switch and wants to trade or sell - holler at me please!
  20. Man I was going to try for one or two of those switch blind boxes in hopes of getting a copy of Divinity 2. That should be read as hopeless really...But I got messed up over the death of Doom - very little motivation this morning, or today really. Hope y'all got lucky
  21. I concur with others who like Reddit only for the collector threads. I follow a number of them for vinyl and games and they seem to be a really good resource for upcoming releases (and they're really bad for your wallet man!).
  22. I was going to respond with some negativity toward Skyline chili being overrated (guess I just did oops), but I'll say instead that Cincinnati seems to have a cool character vibe. Never been tho lol
  23. Soma


    I was overlooked and ignored! :_( lol
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