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Posts posted by Aguy

  1. 37 minutes ago, docile tapeworm said:

    Paid $25 for the lot. I asked and the guy originally said “not for sale” but immediately followed with “well you have to buy them all and I haven’t been able to go through them”. I’m think he is gonna say $100, to my surprise he comes back with $25. 

    he said he buys at estate sales and I think he knew he had something but the dude was older and probably still had a flip phone if that. I could have stayed and picked at that sale all day. I picked up the belt buckles, cd’s, halo toys and dare folder all at the same sale. The shoe box on the bottom had 1000 cards in it if I had to guess. I’m still scanning.


    That Invasion box takes me back. That and 7th edition was when I first got into MtG.

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/19/2022 at 10:07 PM, Tulpa said:


    Toughest for me was Beach Boys vs EWF. Both are great songs.

    As much as I love VH, Running with the Devil is a song I don't care for that much.


    I agreed with everything except the last part. I love Black Sabbath but Iron Man is one of their songs that just doesn't do it for me. Now, if it were Fairies Wear Boots it'd be a different story. And that's one of EWF best songs, but it's hard to beat near peak Brian Wilson.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tabonga said:

    There was a radio station (I think it was in California) that as a gag  said they had hidden a fairly large amount of money in various denominations in books in a local library.  Listeners descended on the library and threw pretty much all of the books on the floor looking for the non-existant money.  Between the damage to books and having to reshelve everything the radio station got stuck with a really large bill.

    Reminds me of my local San Diego radio show. April 1st, 1993, they reported the space shuttle had to make an emergency landing at a local municipal field in a relatively residential area. Over 1000 people showed up to see. The police were pissed and threatened to bill the station for all the extra hours it took to clear the traffic.


    @TabongaHarper's Island isn't without it's faults, but sometimes this genre does require a little suspension of disbelief. At this point, it does feel like a little time capsule from mid 2000s, complete with its own early YouTube web series.

  4. 38 minutes ago, docile tapeworm said:

    @Aguy I get a feeling I’m a dollar short and a day late or I’m in the nick of time lol

    either way I still see it often enough I. The wild that it should be fun.

    Of course, the wild is where you'll find most of the deals. On a lark, I checked what GS still offers, and for what it's worth, they still have some non sports related stuff for $5 one might be able to find CIB in store.

    CoD: BO3
    Dragon Age II
    Dark Souls
    Dead Rising 2
    The Darkness II
    Smipe Elite V2
    Walking Dead S1
    Splinter Cell Blacklist
    The Evil Within
    Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
    Civilization Revolution
    Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
    Mirror's Edge
    Far Cry 3


    • Thanks 2

    54 minutes ago, drxandy said:


    Haha my local store got wise and now 360 games are all like 5$ on the low end except the sports stuff, so I don't think I'm gonna be seeing any super cheapies soon. I made out like a bandit for a while. Every once in a while something pops up at the thrift for cheap still.

    I used to run a wordpress website about games readily available at Gamestop, Redbox (when they used to sell games), and eBay (When you could still get $5 games with free shipping and no tax). I haven't been back to the site in years but apparently the eBay links still work. Looking back at some of the games I posted back then makes me wish I picked up more as, like you said, even the baseline for the cheap stuff has shifted higher.


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  6. 2 hours ago, Tanooki said:

    That game looks fun, yet questionably maybe not.  It's nice not having conflict which is rare for a style of game like that, but it seems barren, and listening to pieces of that talk about it having basic moves restricted earlier does seem not like the smartest of choices but it could be worse.  Maybe it's the cats and no real NPCs or something to work with to put more reason into why you're there and doing stuff, but maybe not and it's fine in action.  I mean you had games like Flower, Journey, and Sky from that one developer and you're not getting slapped around and investigating huge spaces without more than a subtle nudge.

    Either way, utterly remarkable audio aside since a composer helped, that this was done by a single person as the polish visually is very much there.

    It's not that one developer, it's thatgamecompany.

  7. 3 hours ago, Tanooki said:

    Next month I'll have a decent amount of gold coins to lose, any suggestions of stuff that Switch ONLY has that's not specifically on Steam/Gog and/or mobile?  I already have Baldur's Gate DA which is a fairly recent release.  If necessary I may drop it on an ACA game of some sort, but who knows... I think I'll end up losing a few dollars so I'd rather not.

    Fast RXM

    Good Job!

    Vitamin Connection (LRG #59)

    The Stretchers

    Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns

    Golf Story (LRG #13)

    Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun

  8. 9 hours ago, Tanooki said:

    Agreed on the FFV soundtrack it has some insanely stand out music for the franchise and the system.

    I also agree and feel like it doesn't get the recognition it deserves. The soundtrack disk from FF Anthology is still in my regular rotation.

    • Like 1
  9. Well, I strained my left calf muscle skateboarding Saturday afternoon which gave me plenty of time to get this book going. No Spoilers opinion below


    I though it was alright, not as good as the 3.98 on goodreads would lead me to believe. It was kind of long and meandering, kind of predictable, and the ending wasn't very satisfying. I also found it kind of weird how self-referencing it was (Christine, It).


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  10. For most of us North Americans, daylight saving time will begin this Sunday morning. It's time to "spring" forward, so 2am automatically becomes 3am. So here's a friendly reminder to finalize any murderous plans where you need to obfuscate the time of death, or change the internal clock if you're playing Pokemon G/S.

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