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Beat the SNES Library - 310/714

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I beat Darius Twin on the upper path. It's an okay game, but it looks underwhelming for an SNES game and gets somewhat dull after a while since most of the enemy patterns just repeat. Also, many of the alternate paths just seem to be mostly the same with he same bosses and mostly just changes to the environment. Only the level in the very middle seemed to be completely original and it was very tough, which is why I tried that one only once. Also, the final level is brutal. You can tell that this game is from the era of quarter munchers.

Darius Twin.jpg

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Today I wasn't really in the mood for anything so I figured I might as well take out the trash: Captain Novolin and Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters are done. Jokes aside, these games aren't particularly good nor educational, but at least Captain Novolin gave me a few laughs because of how ridiculous it is. In Fun With Letters I did every world again from start to finish and only gave an exemplary foto of the end of one world.

Captain Novolin.jpg

MEY Fun With Letters.jpg

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I beat Bronki the Bronchiasaurus and Mickey's Ultimate Challenge. So Bronki is another edutainment game that wants to teach young childern about asthma. The approach is similar to the one in Captain Novolin, in that you have platforming sections interspersed with pieces of information about living with and treating a certain illness. However, Bronki works much better as a game than Captain Novolin, which is honestly not saying that much, since Bronki features six worlds that have three big platforming levels each and that end with a boss fight. The levels are also much bigger and have more interesting elements in them. Of course, they can't compete with good platformers and that doesn't even take into consideration that the controls in Bronki are not so tight and a bit unresponsive. But at least it's playable and partially enjoyable as a mere game. Whether the educational aspect of it does have any value I can not say, but I give them props for trying and for reaching out to real doctors and medical advisors. So it may not be a must-play game, but at least it's tolerable and one of the better edutainment games. Also, it features enough content for about 1 hour of playtime. Even speedrunners still require roughly over 30 minutes. I needed help from a Youtube video to beat the fifth level boss since that one as the hardest challenge in the game. On another note, I've seen that this title is labelled as really easy, but somehow I thought that it featured challenging platforming sections and at least one hard boss fight that cost me many lives, i.e. it may not be really difficult, but it's not a walk in the park either.

Mickey's Ultimate Challenge is just a compilation of mini games and is pretty lackluster in the quality and the quantity of its content. I palyed both medium difficulty with Mickey and hard difficulty with Mini to see if there is any difference, but there isn't. Having palyed this game once is enough and there's not much of an incentive to ever go back. It's mildly entertaining for a short time, but does nothing well enough to keep you coming back. Its only saving grace are the bright, colorful and cheerful visuals thanks to the charming Disney characters. That being said, there are several Disney games both on the SNES and the Genesis that look a lot better than this one and that have better music too. That makes this game another "only once in your lifetime" sort of game.


Mickeys Ultimate Challenge.jpg

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Yes, that's the one! Hahaha, your description is perfect. I found that in order to defeat him you have to use your breathing attack while he's still far enough away. Then you move a little bit away and jump on the platform above you. Stay on the outer ledge of that platform and lure the boss to the end of the paltform below. Now run to the other side and he will walk towards you. Then try to hit him once or twice with your breathing attack before jumping back on the paltform above you. Rinse and repeat. But even then you can sometimes have bad luck and be kicked off the platform.

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I played through Brain Lord for the first time.  Puzzles were kind of boring and there was some irritating level design.  Lots of slowdown too.   It played well enough though, so I wouldn't consider it a bad game, but there are much better similar games on the system.

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Lagoon is done.  

I was pretty disappointed with Brain Lord and still in the mood for an action RPG, so I decided to give this one a go.  My first impressions were not good.  The range of your sword seemed way too short, the first dungeon was boring, and the music was a bit irritating.  There was also an annoying escort mission in the first dungeon.  It wasn't hard, the guy you escorted just walked very slow.

For some reason, I started to like it more the more I played.  The sword range never increased, the dungeons never got more interesting, and the music didn't improve.  I think what made me appreciate it more was the challenge of having to time your sword attacks more carefully than you would normally have to in a similar game.  The bosses were tough, but not too tough, making beating them pretty satisfying.  Overall, I had more fun with this one than Brain Lord.

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The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is done.

After beating Lagoon, I thought I'd finish off the last of my unbeaten SNES action RPGs.  This one was a huge disappointment.  I had heard good things and it looked pretty good, but the whole thing was just tedious.  While it's a short game, some of the enemies take a ridiculous number of hits to defeat and you barely do any damage to the bosses unless you level up.  I really wanted to like it, but it's gotta be my least favorite action RPG on the system.  It seems they upped the defense for all the enemies in the US version, so maybe the Japanese version would be more enjoyable.

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Editorials Team · Posted
15 hours ago, Red said:

The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is done.

After beating Lagoon, I thought I'd finish off the last of my unbeaten SNES action RPGs.  This one was a huge disappointment.  I had heard good things and it looked pretty good, but the whole thing was just tedious.  While it's a short game, some of the enemies take a ridiculous number of hits to defeat and you barely do any damage to the bosses unless you level up.  I really wanted to like it, but it's gotta be my least favorite action RPG on the system.  It seems they upped the defense for all the enemies in the US version, so maybe the Japanese version would be more enjoyable.

 I'd be curious to see your collective thoughts for the genre.

And you did Ultima Black Gate and Runes of Virtue II?

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On 3/30/2020 at 4:31 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

 I'd be curious to see your collective thoughts for the genre.

And you did Ultima Black Gate and Runes of Virtue II?

I never played Black Gate and it has been many years since I tried Runes of Virtue II (which I likely played for less than a half hour).  I didn't mean to imply that I've beaten every SNES action RPG.  By unbeaten SNES action RPGs, I just meant unbeaten of the ones I currently own, which also include:

Secret of Mana - Easily my favorite.  I've played it through multiple time never seem to get tired of it.  I admit that some of the flaws have become more noticeable in recent play throughs, but the never stopped me from enjoying it.

Secret of Evermore - It has been a long time since I've played this one, but I recall enjoying it.  The only thing I remember not liking about it was the resource gathering.  I've really gotten into the Monster Hunter games since then though, so maybe it wouldn't bother me as much if I were to replay it now (something I've been meaning to do).

The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past - I know some don't consider this an action RPG, but since the gameplay is so similar to every other game on this list, I'm including it.  Like Secret of Mana, I've played this one multiple times.  I don't find myself enjoying it as much as I used to, but I'd still rank it as one of the best SNES games.

Illusion of Gaia - Another one I liked and played multiple times.  Last time I played, I was actually going back and forth between playing the US and Japanese versions at the same time to see the differences.   Their weren't many, but they were neat to see when they popped up.

Soulblazer - Like Secret of Evermore, it has been a while since I played this one.  I recall thinking it was decent, but never had the desire to play it again.

Hmm, now I kinda want to try Runes of Virtue II again.  I'll see if I can get ahold of a copy.  Just curious, is there a reason you asked about the two Ultima games specifically?

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I won a game in The Chessmaster.

The last year I've been playing on chess.com quite regularly. Its turned into my all time favorite game. I cant get enough of it lately. I just need a quicker connection. My internet blows, which makes the lag sadly almost unplayable.


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Imperium is beat! I've included some boss pictures throughout the game.

Most of the game is knowing which gun to use at what time. I play chicken for most of the boss fights and use the third weapon which always shoots in the opposite way your moving. It's slow for the fight but helps me to stay alive. The lazer is my least use gun. You would think it would be the strongest but I've found it to be the weakest.





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