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Sachen Variants

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I'm starting this thread for doner24, as apparently stating facts and realities in another thread where Sachen stuff was being discussed, was too negative. 

So to continue about the Sachen variants:


If people are going to be referring to these as variants, then all of the different cartridge shells that Sachen used for their games are variants, too, no? Same with the different colours of plastic, the different styles of boxes on the Game Boy releases (blister versus cardboard), etc. Even the more modern generic boxes used for releases as Huge Insect, and also the other releases once they ran out of original boxes with unique artwork, during the early 2000s importation of the games.

All of those are technically variants, though aside from generic versus original artwork boxes, I've never seen anyone make a big deal over any of it, aside from those who own certain editions of the coloured boxes using it as a selling factor to try to suggest that their games are some sort of mythical first print or something, when it was all just a random thing. Case in point, no one even wants the generic boxes, of any colour, and only care about bit when referring to Huge Insect or the other "rares". Some peeps trying to inflate their e-peen or add a false demand / value? Probably.

Just to show everyone how silly it sounds, a few weeks ago someone I know offered to sell me a copy device cart. I showed him I had one, boxed, and he said "Bbbbut...mine is blue, all the ones I've seen, including yours, are black. So mine's worth more. " Um yeah, sure, but mine has the box bro, and for 98% of people, we don't care about stuff like this, as there's unlimited combinations depending on what raw materials were cheapest.


Edited by fcgamer
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Administrator · Posted

I haven't even read whatever former place there was an issue, but calling another user out publicly in the title of a thread about [whatever subject you want to talk about], and then passive-aggressively starting out the thread, is not a good way to foster actual constructive conversation about whatever topic is at hand, whether that is Sachen or anything else.  

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5 minutes ago, spacepup said:

I haven't even read whatever former place there was an issue, but calling another user out publicly in the title of a thread about [whatever subject you want to talk about], and then passive-aggressively starting out the thread, is not a good way to foster actual constructive conversation about whatever topic is at hand, whether that is Sachen or anything else.  

Not calling anyone out, he told me to start a thread if I wanted to discuss it further about the variants. So I did.

But as you can see from the disjointed fashion of the response , it would have fit much better if it were posted in the thread where we were discussing all of this stuff to begin with. Hence why I personally didn't want to start a separate thread about it, but I do feel the contents should be discussed.

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Moderator · Posted
49 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Not calling anyone out, he told me to start a thread if I wanted to discuss it further about the variants. So I did.

But as you can see from the disjointed fashion of the response , it would have fit much better if it were posted in the thread where we were discussing all of this stuff to begin with. Hence why I personally didn't want to start a separate thread about it, but I do feel the contents should be discussed.

Have you ever admitted that you were wrong in your life, or do you just continually go against everything someone says to you, regardless of the position? 

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37 minutes ago, doner24 said:

Have you ever admitted that you were wrong in your life, or do you just continually go against everything someone says to you, regardless of the position? 

Let's stay on topic , please, about the Sachen variants.

In ernst, I would like to discuss the darned things, and also considering that I wasn't allowed to discuss them in the other thread, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. So I start a thread for it as you requested, then you and others just thread crap left and right. 

So I'll ask again, if I want to discuss the issue, what am I supposed to do? 

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In terms of variants I think there are five major variants of Sachen cartridges.

Light Grey with Original Artwork label on thick paper

Light Grey with Original Artwork label on thick paper with a pin out hole in the top left corner

Dark grey with Original Artwork label on thick paper with a pin out hole in the top left corner

Dark grey with generic label on thick paper, pin out

Datk grey with generic label on thin paper and pin out.


Also: I’m looking for a generic Olympic IQ. They just flat out don’t exist.

Edited by ThePhleo
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  • The title was changed to Sachen Variants

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