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I think they suck, to be honest.
No idea about a full set and what should count or not, but then again I couldn't care less about stuff like that. That's more a discussion for the collecting subforum.

Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu was a hit? That game is (almost) objectively truly awful. How much did it sell?

They've done a lot? What have they done, besides producing a lot of awful games? I honestly don't see the appeal or why your respect for them keeps growing.

Please elaborate, I'd love to hear your perspective, as it's pretty unique. No diss.

Edited by ifightdragons
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@ifightdragons : Regarding Master Chu, I've been told that locally it was considered quite popular, as with that game they broke into decent sidescrollers of similar nature to popular Japanese releases of the time. Compared to Japanese games, it's not good, but considering the demographic, yeah locals here saw it as a really major deal.

Regarding the company, by now I'm stunned, really, really impressed.

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2 hours ago, fcgamer said:

@ifightdragons : Regarding Master Chu, I've been told that locally it was considered quite popular, as with that game they broke into decent sidescrollers of similar nature to popular Japanese releases of the time. Compared to Japanese games, it's not good, but considering the demographic, yeah locals here saw it as a really major deal.

Regarding the company, by now I'm stunned, really, really impressed.

You're Taiwanese? Then I can see why you'd be more fascinated than the Average Joe by Sachen. Come to think of it, I faintly remember that Taiwanese flag next to your name back on NA.

I get the fascination, but I can't say I agree. But more power to ya being proud of one's nation's gaming history. It's an interesting perspective to hear from.

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I'm still upset that you won the 60-Pin Huge Insect, but you're the only other person in the world I would trust it with anyway so I'm happy its in good hands.


I do count them towards *my* lists.

However, I think it may be fair to group Sachen, Panesian, and Myriad/Caltron into their own category. "Import Unlicensed"

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I guess this is the best place to ask about this... Has anyone heard about actual hardware and consoles made by Sachen? I've seen the Famicom and NES and Gameboy games, but I also heard they made some actual consoles too. I think they made a famiclone maybe? Did they do a gameboy clone too? 

Actually I do have a Sachen gameboy cart adapter that they made to help fit Sachen carts into a regular gameboy, so I guess that counts as hardware... But has anyone seen like a real system from them? I guess a Sachen Nintendo clone would probably be the Sachen holy grail for someone like @fcgamer, lol!

Yeah, count me as a Sachen fan too, I guess, if only for the "couple guys in a warehouse churning out games" charm! 😅

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@OptOut : Yeah I own a pal (ugh) nes clone, it's cool though because they demo it on the box with the Tengen Tetris!!!

They did make some Famiclones at the turn of the century, they're not too interesting though. You ever hear any other stories or rumours of Sachen stuff, Optie?

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20 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

I'm still upset that you won the 60-Pin Huge Insect, but you're the only other person in the world I would trust it with anyway so I'm happy its in good hands.


I do count them towards *my* lists.

However, I think it may be fair to group Sachen, Panesian, and Myriad/Caltron into their own category. "Import Unlicensed"

I think theres atleast two of those @ThePhleo , I'd reckon there's more. It's a really funny cart though, I love showing it to my Taiwan friends, as it's literally the only Famicom Sachen cart not released in Taiwan. It drives them crazy 😄


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4 hours ago, OptOut said:

I guess this is the best place to ask about this... Has anyone heard about actual hardware and consoles made by Sachen? I've seen the Famicom and NES and Gameboy games, but I also heard they made some actual consoles too. I think they made a famiclone maybe? Did they do a gameboy clone too? 

Actually I do have a Sachen gameboy cart adapter that they made to help fit Sachen carts into a regular gameboy, so I guess that counts as hardware... But has anyone seen like a real system from them? I guess a Sachen Nintendo clone would probably be the Sachen holy grail for someone like @fcgamer, lol!

Yeah, count me as a Sachen fan too, I guess, if only for the "couple guys in a warehouse churning out games" charm! 😅

Sachen made a system called "Q-Boy"

Here's a guy with one on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5fA0c8QeaA

I believe they were released around 1999/2000, and according to the US Trademark Office, they were slated for release in the United States!



2 hours ago, fcgamer said:

@ThePhleo : I was ready to bid really high on that cart, thank you that it went so cheap 🙂

i really like that Sachen cart, but it's not the crown jewel in my Sachen collection. 😉

You have a Papillon Gals, or a Green/Blue/Orange Huge Insect? Princess Maker? Millionaire II!? Journey to the West? WHAT, WHAT IS IT!

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I did not know a thing about Sachen till now, though Ive played Master Chu (not really a good game, but not the worst either). After this thread, I went for further research on that, and found out I knew some other of their games. One curious fact, maybe, is that at least two of them were released* in Brazil (I clearly remember Pyramid and Double Strike advertisements on game magazines from back in the day). I didn't imagine Sachen was Taiwanese, and the only other company from there I can think of now is IGS (which games I highly enjoy). 

*Back then, though Nintendo itself didn't release Nes related products in Brazil, somehow it was locally legal for other companies to release Nes games as well as famiclones.  


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Hey @DreamCuPS I also live in Taiwan, just like my pal @fcgamer! Sachen and IGS are pretty good representatives of the can-do attitude and industrious nature of Taiwanese, lol!

Have you heard of IGT soft tho? It's not an old company like Sachen or those old bootleggers, I think they started like in the last decade or so. I only got one game from them so far, Cross straight independence on famicom, but I'm looking for others... I'll show you a pic when I get the chance.

They are a REAL throwback to he Sachen style, the game is hilarious and stupidly difficult, and full of glitchy fun, lol! I mean it's terrible, but in just the right kind of way! I don't even know if they made any other games or if they made it off the island, I just picked up my copy local, but I'm always looking out for their next release, it's kinda like Sachen reborn, lol! 😉

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Hello there, @OptOut . Unfortunately I havent heard about IGT Soft, and since I could not find anything meaningful about the game you mentioned, Im looking forward to see pics of that, whenever you can share it. 

Regarding Taiwanese and Chinese companies, now I remembered Yoko / Cony from the 90s, and their Nes' Street Fighter II (with 4 characters). There was also that Street Fighter III (9 characters) for the Nes too, I dont know who produced that one, but I really think it was good, I played it a lot during my youth. 

Among modern Chinese companies, I know Camex (they do the casual / mobile style, Tactical Monsters R.A. is their best imo), theyre from Hong Kong. Ive been working as a collaborator with them for months now, translating their newest game to portuguese. 🙂 

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Ah, yeah I got a couple Famicom Street Fighters, lol! I can't believe they managed to squeeze a fighting game like that on to FC/NES, lol!


As for Cross straight independence, well here it is:


My friend I got this from is a local dealer and he was saying this game is a little controversial among Taiwan collectors because of political stuff in the game. It's a side scrolling shooter where you fly around Taiwan shooting down invading Chinese planes so, I guess I see his point, lol!

Oh wow, Portuguese huh? So, are you from Portugal then @DreamCuPS? Or perhaps Brazil?

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A Taiwanese game where you gun down Chinese fighters?  That sounds like a quality release right there given the CCPs horrible actions day by day year by year.


That set of SF games looks great, there just are so many and the quality varies.  Some seem to have wretched control, others seem almost spot on to the Capcom 2 button GB attempt.  Then you have those with a full/near full roster then some that go down to just a few which is pretty weak.  I also found the conversion or two I came across in the past for Samurai Shodown and also Fatal Fury were quite respectable, MK something or other as well seemed ok too.

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@OptOut Hey, interesting stuff you got there. Cross Strait seems definitely very obscure, there's not much info around (I guess it wasn't even dumped already). I didn't imagine new games for the Famicom were still being produced in Taiwan. And yep, I got the same opinion about SF III. Thanks for sharing these pictures and extra info, mate. 

I was born in Chile, but Ive lived in Brazil all my life. Back in the 90s, products from Taiwan were really common here, people would get them in Paraguay, through importers. The vast majority of Nes, Mega Drive, Snes, Ps1, etc... cartridges/cds were non official ones, apparently made in Taiwan. Id say it was the main factor that made gaming possible, or at least easier, for most people around here. 

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@OptOut : Do you know Richard from IGT as well then? I met him through another guy I used to teach at Hwa Yan, whose girlfriend is the ITG manager. They've got a small studio set up over at the art street near Donghai, their shop is quite close to the notorious "field sharks" and the coffee supply shop.

I'm gonna start a new thread for the great reveal, I'll post a link here in a bit. Sadly I need some help.

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On 4/14/2020 at 11:52 AM, ThePhleo said:

I'm still upset that you won the 60-Pin Huge Insect, but you're the only other person in the world I would trust it with anyway so I'm happy its in good hands.


I do count them towards *my* lists.

However, I think it may be fair to group Sachen, Panesian, and Myriad/Caltron into their own category. "Import Unlicensed"

There were 3 completed auctions for a green 60-pin Huge Insect on ebay in early 2018.  Was there another one since then? 

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Great to see @fcgamer is still pushing sachen! I have always thought they were cool carts and would love a few for my collection. Been assuming with unlicensed stuff falling out of popularity, sachen stuff would become available on the cheap. Havent looked in a while, but may start shopping around. 

As far as whether it's part of a full set, the overall consensus (unfortunately IMO) is only licensed us games are included. When people aren't including tengen in full sets, sachen doesn't have a shot. Fot what its worth, I think tengen should be in and go back and forth on sachen. If they were sold in US stores (honestly can't remember), id say yes. I dont remember ever seeing one here though before collecting became a thing

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19 hours ago, Noobguy said:

There were 3 completed auctions for a green 60-pin Huge Insect on ebay in early 2018.  Was there another one since then? 

That's probably around the time I got mine, probably one of those auctions.

There's a picture of a (loose?) One in some old-timers collection too.

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On 6/2/2020 at 5:30 PM, fcgamer said:

That's probably around the time I got mine, probably one of those auctions.

There's a picture of a (loose?) One in some old-timers collection too.

I only know because I won 2 of the auctions.  Glad I could save one for you.  🙂

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Editorials Team · Posted

I was looking at Game Boy contemporaries and found the Mega Duck (also released somewhere as Cougar Boy??) whose library is almost 100% Sachen games that were also unofficially released on Game Boy. I wonder if Sachen was behind the production of that thing.

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On 6/9/2020 at 1:51 PM, Splain said:

I was looking at Game Boy contemporaries and found the Mega Duck (also released somewhere as Cougar Boy??) whose library is almost 100% Sachen games that were also unofficially released on Game Boy. I wonder if Sachen was behind the production of that thing.

From what I can tell, yes.

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