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Yeah Yeah Beebiss 2


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On 2/4/2022 at 7:50 PM, Tanooki said:

I'm curious what this bee biss nonsense is that it needed a sequel.ย  Random place holder title as the game isn't a real thing.

It's almost certainly a butchering of the Famicom title Rai Rai Kyonshis: Baby Kyonshi no Amida Daibouken, which was a Family Trainer (Power Pad) game.

Edited by scaryice
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That's possible looking at that.ย  I saw some note about it when i started to dig after being curious, and you're seemingly confirming what others feel was the case too.

At one point people really felt that power pad would take off, just I guess, wasn't the right time or audio capability yet.ย  I mean like look what a PS1 era generation did for the same type of mat but for dancing with DDR.ย  Who knows what if the NES had some wicked chip tune audio going, dozens of tracks, and then some 8bit DDR seizure worthy visuals going on?ย  That could be fun.

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On 2/7/2022 at 10:22 AM, scaryice said:

It's almost certainly a butchering of the Famicom title Rai Rai Kyonshis: Baby Kyonshi no Amida Daibouken, which was a Family Trainer (Power Pad) game.

I can't find it, but I could swear I saw a video pretty recently where someone tracked down the person in charge of Funco listings at the time and they said it was definately the kind of thing their boss would have inserted as a paper trap.

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17 minutes ago, AlternatorDelux said:

I can't find it, but I could swear I saw a video pretty recently where someone tracked down the person in charge of Funco listings at the time and they said it was definately the kind of thing their boss would have inserted as a paper trap.

If you can find that video, it would be interesting to see.ย  The only thing I'm aware of that makes that kind of claim is the video linked at the beginning of this thread, where John Riggs postulates third-hand (at least) about someone having made that same sort of claim, but without any specifics to allow for further digging, verification, etc.ย  That's a decent guess, and perfectly reasonable sounding, but I'm not aware of any verifiable source that was actually in-the-know enough about it to be able to cement that as the origin.

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It's possible that I conflated details about the Funco person (maybe either Douglas Brown or Andy McNamara?) with those that were mentioned by Neil Levin of Play it Again, both of which are mentioned in this video.ย  It also points towards a similar conclusion.



Here's what the Lost Media Wiki has to say about it:

"The first person contacted was Andy McNamara, who works at Game Informer and was a former employee of Funco. When contacted by Lost Media Wiki Forums user co, he stated that David Pomije, CEO of Funco, was the one to compile the mail-in order lists. Later on, the list was also complied with buyers. Andy also said that it was likely that the list was created by looking at games available on the market in the early days.

The second person contacted was Neil Levin, one of the founders of Play it Again. Lost Media Wiki Forums user stintergalactic was able to reach out to him through LinkedIn. After this, a phone call interview was scheduled between the two of them. Neil said that the person who ran the company would often put in fake listings to catch people copying Play it Again. This was a common business practice, according to Neil. Through this contact, the theory thatย Yeah Yeah Beebiss Iย was a copyright trap is strengthened."

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Graphics Team ยท Posted
7 hours ago, AlternatorDelux said:

It's possible that I conflated details about the Funco person (maybe either Douglas Brown or Andy McNamara?) with those that were mentioned by Neil Levin of Play it Again, both of which are mentioned in this video.ย  It also points towards a similar conclusion.



Here's what the Lost Media Wiki has to say about it:

"The first person contacted was Andy McNamara, who works at Game Informer and was a former employee of Funco. When contacted by Lost Media Wiki Forums user co, he stated that David Pomije, CEO of Funco, was the one to compile the mail-in order lists. Later on, the list was also complied with buyers. Andy also said that it was likely that the list was created by looking at games available on the market in the early days.

The second person contacted was Neil Levin, one of the founders of Play it Again. Lost Media Wiki Forums user stintergalactic was able to reach out to him through LinkedIn. After this, a phone call interview was scheduled between the two of them. Neil said that the person who ran the company would often put in fake listings to catch people copying Play it Again. This was a common business practice, according to Neil. Through this contact, the theory thatย Yeah Yeah Beebiss Iย was a copyright trap is strengthened."

I watched that video a while back, too.
I had high-hopes of learning about some unique, unpublished game - so to hear that it was likely just fabricated as a plagiarism-check was pretty disappointing.


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21 minutes ago, CasualCart said:

I watched that video a while back, too.
I had high-hopes of learning about some unique, unpublished game - so to hear that it was likely just fabricated as a plagiarism-check was pretty disappointing.


I personally think it's a cool footnote in video game history ๐Ÿ™‚

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