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Long Lost Tales from a unreleased NintendoAge Magazine Article 




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Part 13: The Collapse  (The, I Need a Beer)  

Sadly, this is the last Kijiji Tale I had written during my original venture. It was the craziest experience I had in my opinion. You can be the judge though, enjoy. All of my previous Kijiji Tales revolved around traveling out on Adventures. However, not all Kijiji Tales are about traveling out and about. This Tale was a rarer case, were I did a deal at home. I usually never ever did deals from my house but from time to time, I did.   This Tale began in the work lunchroom befor


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 12: Painful, Just Painful (The I need a beer)

This is the last of the original Tales I wrote. However, I have one more after this. The last Tale I plan to share is the by far the most interesting so I decided to save it for the Grand Finale.     This is one of my more recent Kijiji deals. It is long-winded and painful to even attempt to explain.  I have slowed down in my Kijiji Adventures ever since the market in my city exploded in the summer of 2012. Along with hunting for deals on Kijiji, I would also sell collectables I acquir


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 11: Othello or Bust (The What the...?)

This is definitely a minor tale but it stuck out for me and I figured it was worth sharing since it is about myself trying to sell on Kijiji. As stated numerous times before in other tales, emailing was an important part of dealing on Kijiji. I remember one time in particular that made me shake my head.   Back in the year 2010, it was extremely common to be able to hop on Kijiji and find a NES with 2 controllers, the Zapper and 10 games for like $30. I had similar luck with systems li


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 10: Poor Fabio (The Score)(The What the...?)

To this very day, this deal was my most epic and fondly remembered. I don't think it will ever be topped, I honestly hope it does but I doubt it with the way things are now.   It all began as I was sitting in the lunchroom at work, just about to start my night shift. It was beautify fall evening and as usual, I was browsing Kijiji.  I saw the ad pop up at about 7:20pm and my shift begun at 7:30pm. I was in disbelief at the sight of this glorious ad, I also was doubtful I could actually


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 9: Don't Be Late (The Stood Up)(The I need a Beer)

First tale of 2022! Even though this one happened many years ago, it still pisses me off when I think about it… It was an extremely cold and snowy day at work. I was sitting in the back of a pickup truck browsing Kijiji. It was more of the usual stuff until I found something rather unique. A NES bootleg multi-cart. I think we have all come across one of these at some point in our lives.  It was something I was not crazy about but it came in a sleeve I had never seen before and I though


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 8: I Trust You (The crooked)

Along with my console collecting, I have a love of arcade and pinball machines. Ms. Pac-man is one that is near and dear, to not only my heart but my wife's heart also. We had played a lot of Ms. Pacman on a cocktail cabinet (tabletop style that you sit down at) together at the local Pizza Joint in the mid 2000's. That made it even more special since it was rare at the time for arcades to be in public places (in our city anyway).   I decided to post "Wanted" ad on Kijiji since I was no


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 7:The Redneck (The wow, where am I?)

Once again it has been a long time since posting a Tale, so I hope all that read this one enjoy it.  After a long collecting break, which I am sure many of you have also taken, I found this deal on Kijiji. I noticed the ad as I was on a bus headed to work. It was for a solid lot of  CIB Sega Master System games. There were some uncommon games in the lot and a few were from other regions. It was a really good  lot for the price but the downfall was that the location of the deal was an hour d


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 6: Do you smell that? (The WTF)(The Score)

It has been a while since I posted one of these. Let’s just say my life got very crazy for a while there but I think things have calmed down a bit now. I feel inspired to continue with my series of Kijiji Tales. This one is a classic and I loved re reading it almost 10 years later. Enjoy…   Please note that this story takes place in about 2012 and I wrote it in about 2014…   Sometimes on Kijiji, you actually meet someone that turns out to be pretty cool.  Like in this classi


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 5: Nice Eyes (The What the...?)

So much for keeping to a schedule postings these every Friday... geez. When work gets in the way, work really gets in the way. So from now on I'll just be posting these whenever  I can.    Super Mario RPG for the Super Nintendo was an epic game that I often rented with my cousin during the summer holidays of 1997. During those memorable sleep overs, we played it nonstop the entire time only taking a break for a few hours to sleep. I had always wanted it in my collection but it constantly e


killerkobra in Kijiji Tales

Part 4: Ouch My Eyes (The I need a beer)(The Eew! Gross!)

So apparently I do not know how to use the publish time feature because I entered the wrong date. Looks like I still have issues entering data into devices just like I did in this story....I am sure this next story has happened to pretty much everyone at some point in their lives. It is not a long story that needs a big long set up or write up. It is the dreaded classic... The wrong address.  And why was it wrong? You may assume I was giving the wrong address but no, I entered it wrong on Google



Part 3: Leaning Tower of DVD's (The Am I Going to Die)  

Back in my prime Kijiji collecting years from 2010-2012, before kids and even before my girlfriend (now wife) lived with me. I really didn’t know how good I had it. Deals were everywhere literally all the time. So having a girlfriend that was very busy with College, I was free to roam around the city, chasing video games with next to no commitments. Oh the glory years! So I often would go after deals regardless of how small or non-epic they were. It was just fun to do. This one in particular was



Part 2: What's That? It's Pat! (The Bizarre)   

So this was one of those mysterious deals that I never got a name or a phone number. Way back when Kijiji was new, you could only contact each other by phone number or email. If the seller never left a phone number, email was the only way to communicate. Some times in the name space, instead of actual name it would be just a letter like "H" or a period "." and that is it. So you had no clue who you were talking to. One Saturday morning, I replied through email to an ad for a CIB Golden Sun



The Beginning

Greetings and salutations,   I have decided to get more active on this forum like the old days of NA. So I am going to be posting excerpts from a long lost NintendoAge Magazine article that sadly never made it to print. Keep in mind most of these stories were written in the 2010-2012 era, I only wrote them down after telling them to co-workers who found them extremely bizarre and entertaining. I probably could have applied more editing but I am definitely not a writer. So no matter how



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