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Part 4: Ouch My Eyes (The I need a beer)(The Eew! Gross!)



So apparently I do not know how to use the publish time feature because I entered the wrong date. Looks like I still have issues entering data into devices just like I did in this story....

I am sure this next story has happened to pretty much everyone at some point in their lives. It is not a long story that needs a big long set up or write up. It is the dreaded classic... The wrong address.  And why was it wrong? You may assume I was giving the wrong address but no, I entered it wrong on Google Maps. This was back when Google Maps was relatively new, and I was a complete n00b using it.

 When I found the Kijiji ad for a lot of NES goodies, I was overjoyed to be making a deal for a boxed Power Pad and the notorious Power Glove. It was one of those deals where the guy was selling off his entire childhood collection, everything was like $30. The deal was set for the next morning. I woke up to a frosty -30 C cold spell but I muscled a head and made the 30 min drive to the house or so I thought...

 I arrived just as the sun was coming up which was roughly 8 am. I ran up to the door to avoid freezing and rang the doorbell. I waited but there was no answer. There was nothing at first but after a little while I could hear footsteps. So, I continued to wait, and the cold began to set in. I finally heard the lock pop and door swung open. In the doorway stood an overweight, 70-year-old lady wearing an all-too-short night gown. She literally eyed me up from head to toe with a huge grinning seductive smile. My skin begins to crawl, and I distractedly asked about the Nintendo items. I was thinking it was the dude’s mom or grandma, only to have her look completely confused. Totally embarrassed, I apologized for the mistake. She said "no problem at all" with one last smile and I bolted back to my truck. I called the guy and could barely concentrate on asking his address again. Turns out it was just down the street, so I headed over and completed the deal with no further issues except trying to forget the site I had just witnessed

  • Haha 2


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