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Metal Gear Solid PS1 (pt.5)



Could there be wolves in there? 

Meryl thinks she's all smart telling me she'll take point and to follow her footsteps to get through the minefield. Pfff, loser.

*turns on thermal goggles and picks up all the mines*

*watches Meryl get her comeuppance as Sniper Wolf lays into her and she lays bleeding on the floor*

That'll teach her. And so begins the great backtrackening, my quest for a Sniper rifle.


The Les Enfants Terrible project wasn't a complete failure. 

Going through all that trouble to get a sniper rifle and then beating Sniper Wolf at her own game, only to end up caught anyway. Typical video game logic. Tsk tsk. 

And no we come to everyone's favorite part of the game - Ocelots "interrogation". I'm pretty good at mashing the same button rapidly, so happily this part is quite easy for me. My arm does really hurt though. 

This is where paying attention to cutscenes does come in handy. Calling Otacon on the codec (141.12) initiates him coming to help bust me out with... Ketchup. The alternative is waiting long enough for Gray Fox (the ninja) to come rescue you, but who wants to wait THAT long? Or you could just hide under the bed when Johnny has his bout of diarrhea and he'll think you've escaped in a similar fashion to how he thinks youve died when you smear ketchup on yourself. Your pick! 

Out of my prison and with my gear once again in my possession, I'm ready to move forward and finish off Sniper Wolf! 


Recommended Comments

2 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

Loving this series. Are you streaming as you play?

Not streaming atm, I only have component cables for my PS2 and no hookups for that to my PC. That said I do intend to hook that up once I'm good enough, maybe even speedrun the game sometime.

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