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Everything posted by ninjistar

  1. I'm enjoying all the tapes in this photo! Feels like a great space to play games in
  2. They'll tell you that this game is about a man rescuing his brother. In reality, this game is all about a bunch of wrestlers from the past collaborating on a new type of championship rumble event incognito!
  3. Those Bret Harts sure do love to roller skate around. They also color coordinate while they do it.
  4. Haven't played this since 2017. I didn't use my extra life / continue because I couldn't remember how that worked within the rules.... 28,085 26,335 14,595
  5. Bwahahaha. Still true. Especially 'fuck the level 3 boss'. That guy can eat a bag of d_cks with his bullshit kick and faux MC Hammer pants!
  6. Thanks guys! Hybrid helped me out as well. I did a binary comparison on a working versus non-working ROM. The difference was 4 total bytes, which appear to include the (1) mapper (02 versus 71), (2) VSync versus HSync, (3) other things?
  7. For anyone using an Everdrive or emulator for this game... I was only ever able to get Nestopia to work. Even my Everdrive won't load this. They all crash in the same way. Save from hacking the ROM to use a different mapper, maybe someone can PM me what they did, please? Thanks!
  8. I like this game. It's a lot of fun. But it feels like it would take a while to play through, even if you know all of the levels and gotcha's. Unless I get super lucky or simply find this game to be easy (lol), I don't see myself finishing it. I've been taking one day per week to completely unplug from electronics and go out into the wilderness. It has been glorious!
  9. Thanks! I'm pretty excited to get one, especially for a game I enjoy. Your turn is coming!
  10. Saweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Thanks @MeganJoanne @guillavoie and the RNG gods!
  11. @42 foot tapeworm I'm glad you finally decided to show your love for Tetris. It feels good to let the truth come out into the open. Do you feel liberated?
  12. I like this game. It does remind me of R.C. Pro Am, without the weapons of course. It's strange to play on a keyboard though. I'm not quite sure if it's easier or more difficult doing so.
  13. My cart is missing and this ROM doesn't work on NesterJ for PSP. I finally was able to get this setup and give it a go on my laptop. Rule question: are you allowed to use your "lives" / continues? I didn't see that in the rules. @BeaIank @guillavoie
  14. I friggin love kale! I also like beets. Don't judge.
  15. This makes me feel awful about my score but it is a tool-assisted speed run, after all...
  16. I care not if Jamie R is man, woman, or other. I must become one with them.
  17. Congrats! I recommend movers as well. However, take your most prized and most valuable possessions with you yourself, if at all possible. You don't want a mover accidentally breaking grandma's most prized item she passed to you (or other similar badness). Also, they WILL damage or break something. Be mentally ready! I recommend you really inspect things when it's time to close. If it's a new build, I'd even hire a 3rd-party inspector to check things out. You don't wanna know why I feel this way! Best of luck!
  18. Nice score. I think I'm in a similar position with my score and progress. There's still time to play, but I don't see myself scoring 60k. I really like this game though. It's enjoyable! If only Q*Bert had an RPG...
  19. I agree. He gets worse on the levels where you have to jump on the tiles multiple times.
  20. I'm enjoying Q*Bert. I'm not real sure how well I'll do overall, but it's fun
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