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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. I guess a lot of Canadians might be familiar with this guy, but is anyone here familiar with the fiddler Ashley MacIsaac? He's from a remote area in Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and is of Scottish ancestry. The guy even flashed the audience whilst wearing a kilt once on the Conan O'Brien show, which created quite a controversy at the time. I was introduced to this guy's music last night and it's phenomenal! I've heard stories about the guy himself, but everyone can make their own conclusions.
  2. I did some investigating, there have been 55 instances of the word "bitches" being used on VGS thus far, actually this will be the 56th instance since the word is in this post. A lot of the instances have been used to refer to the VGS gang collectively in a more familial way, many instances were used in the Werewolf game, a few instances were used to seemingly reference women, and a few were in the context of sons of bitches, and a few usages were to reference the homebrew game Slappin Bitches, no idea where the name for that comes from as the game itself (I just looked it up) certainly doesn't seem to match what the game's name would have one imagine. I backed up copies of the instances, should someone feel inclined to go back and edit their post. I guess my point is as follows, although the intention wasn't there, I now personally feel as though I am being viewed as the VGS misogynist, something that is (A) not true, and furthermore (B) a bit unfair given that things such as "banging fine-ass bitches", "screw those jumping guys and those chalk writing bitches", "PS2 and 360 were like my side bitches", and "Metroid fans are some whiny bitches" all seem to get a pass, with three of the instances conjuring up references to women. I've been working hard to try to foster good relations here on VGS in the recent times, and then this train wreck comes up. I feel the need to vindicate myself here. Now back to the artwork.
  3. Nah it's a different guy, though he was into video games and stuff. Sorry to hear about the loss of collector Bryce too
  4. Personally I feel much more uncomfortable about the term lady, and here's an article explaining some of the issues with the word: https://helloclue.com/articles/culture/lets-talk-about-word-lady With the word "bitch", in the circles I run in, it's quite common, take the usage in Avril Lavigne's song "Smile" for example. That being said, I see bitch as being edgy, a modern woman with personality, whereas the term lady just conjures images of feminine stereotypes and helplessness of yesteryear, rather than strength and independence. I will not respond to this further, I just wanted to point out the issue with the outmoded term lady, in hopes we can all as a team work together to make VGS a welcoming place for all.
  5. Yeah, this was one of my motivations to learn to properly cook, I realized the food tasted better, was generally more healthy, and I felt more satisfied afterwards even if I ate smaller portions.
  6. I have a colleague from Toronto and his claim to fame was going to a meatloaf concert thirty years ago, was the video you were watching on the band or the food?
  7. I think he means that because this is gaming related, it should fit in one of the gaming forums.
  8. For my suggestion down the line, it would be either ramen (not instant noodles) or beef noodles. These are both delicious and everyone has their own special recipe. Another one I'd like to see at some point would be meatloaf as well as Sheppard's/cottage/fish pie. For a first meal, I'd gladly do grilled cheese and pair it with something (of your choice, I'd likely pair it with tomato soup personally), as it's a simple, non-intimidating way to open things.
  9. I don't know if there is an official RIP thread here on VGS, but I know that a lot of celebrities have their own threads discussing their deaths and legacies. Therefore I decided to start this thread to a guy I know, Bryson. Bryson was one grade below me, though he and I were born the same year, me towards the beginning and him towards the end. We went to elementary school together, and although we weren't close back then, my parents moved house when I was in about third grade. By fifth grade, he and I ended up on the same bus route, and we both rode for a good while (I think he was probably on for about 45 minutes, and I got off at least an hour or maybe even an hour and a half in). As can be imagined, we and the rest of the kids who rode that bus who were the older kids, we quickly got to know each other and get up to mischief. Years later, right after I graduated from university, Bryson, my best friend, and I started jamming out in the basement of my parents' house, in hopes of starting a band. My best friend and I both played guitar, and Bryson was on bass. We eventually recorded a few tracks, IIRC we did Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Smells Like Team Spirit, and Back in the U.S.S.R. for the songs we recorded, maybe also I Am the Walrus, but eventually Bryson got busy, and my best friend and I then both moved away, him to the Missouri and me to Taiwan. I still have the recorded tracks somewhere. Anyways, found out Bryson passed away last week, at age 36. That's a damn young age to go, and the whole thing just rattled me quite a bit, since although we weren't super close, we went back a long ways and I have quite a few fond memories. Rest in peace Bryson, you will be missed.
  10. Also, just a forum suggestion, perhaps we should sticky this thread to make it easier to find?
  11. I'm sure some of the suggestions will be great family meals though.
  12. Where's @OptOut? He could throw a few bitches into that art
  13. I like this multicart... Super 1 in 1...wtf?
  14. Free shipping worldwide
  15. Thanks. $6 per item registered, arrives in about two weeks.
  16. Some pickups this week. Famiclone carts, the jewel is the 300 in 1. It's a rare multicart that has a menu displaying a street sign and lamp post. Powermon for Vista, there's two variations as seen in the photo. Wii Spors 2...wtf, this garbage is gold! Golden Axe is a boot, but it's fun as it has a manual with it that was translated into Chinese. Three Kingdoms, this is the rare official Chinese translation. Has the manual too.
  17. Also, no sniping. If bidding within the last five minutes of auction's end, it extends the auction five minutes. Payment is to be by paypal only. Thanks.
  18. Hello everyone, so I was doing some cleaning out around the apartment tonight and found a few things that I figured I'd try to sell on here first, before throwing it up on my Mali's Cash shop page. 1. Gran Turismo 2 [ASIAN VERSION} - PlayStation - $25 This is Gran Turismo 2 for the PlayStation. It is the Asian version of the game, contains the two disks, the game case, the Japanese manual, and the Chinese-translated information sheet. 2. Bootleg Pokemon POWERMAN PC Game [SEALED} - $30 This is a bootleg Pokemon game for the PC. It is for Windows Vista. The game is sealed. 3. MVS Games - assorted mix, see pictures. Prices are 15% less than recent average ebay sales since I have to list a price here. If you're interested, message me, I'll work out something nice.
  19. Moving to Taiwan, I had to switch units to metric. Since we used meters in track and running sports, distance is easy. We use liters for soda, again easy. Grams was never an issue either. The hardest bits are speed and temperature. I just learned the systems independently, I don't need to know that 26C is almost 79F, rather I just know what a 26 feels like compared to a 35 or a 16 and I'm good. No need to switch between them.
  20. I wasn't married, but I was a terrible cook until I broke up with a woman I had been dating for about five years. After that, I started to learn a bit about cooking and I think do just fine now.
  21. @BlackVega : But yeah at least from where I'm sitting, I'd love to see more people involved, and to see a variety of levels and interpretations
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