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Everything posted by NEET.dreams

  1. Some of ya'll have no imagination. I'm still holding out hope. Just watch, a few years from now when Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez announce Grindhouse 2, only available on VHS, people are gonna be running out to Barnes and Nobel to pick up a Guardians of the Galaxy 5 branded CRT with built in VCR for Christmas. Mark my words.
  2. It's a niche market for sure but you can't tell me there's high enough demand for companies to start manufacturing brand new Sega Saturn controllers in 2019 but there isn't enough to bring back CRTs.
  3. I remember about 10 years ago I started to notice vinyl records were making a comeback. More and more stores selling those record/cd players that looked like old time radios, more and more new artists releasing albums on vinyl. I said to a friend of mine that with everything going digital records were going to make a comeback for physical collectors. He called me crazy. Now I go into my local walmart, target etc they all have vinyl record sections. My question is this. Do you guys think we'll ever see a similar revival for CRT TVs? I find a CRT TV to be a far more necessary component to the experience of playing retro video games than vinyl records are to the experience of listening to music. What do you guys think? I would love to see brand new CRT TVs in stores. They could make them HDMI compatible. It would be great.
  4. I just got my first Saturn a couple of years ago. I love it. Highly underrated console. But I still think it's 3rd place behind PS1/N64. I'd trade the entire Saturn library for Ocarina of Time alone.
  5. Any chance of a late entry? I just found this site today. I participated in NA secret santa the previous 2 years.
  6. So I just got my 8 bit xmas 2019 in the mail and I pop it in my nintendo but instead of study hall 2 it starts playing a buggy version of 8bit xmas 2018 so I say to myself better hop on nintendoage and see if anyone else is having this issue and what do I find? No nintendoage. Gone. How does something like this happen? In 2019? It's a travesty! Anyway I'm here now. I used to go by the name ugopoopy on NA, in case any of you remember me. Super bummed about losing all my forum badges and transaction feedback from NA. feelsbadman.jpg
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