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Posts posted by srbossman79

  1. You stumped me.  I have no idea.  It looks like Snidely Whiplash in an old football uni.  I don't think I've ever played whatever game this is from.


    Also, thanks for doing this game @G-type.  It's a fun thing to check in on with each visit.

  2. @Philosoraptor, I've never played Judgement, but the 1st Lords of Shadow game was a lot of fun.  It gets shit on by many because it takes a lot of liberties with the established Castlevania lore/story, but the gameplay is really tight.  It's like a Castlevania version of the old God of War games.  Don't worry about the 2nd Lords of Shadow though.  That one really is a turd.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Thank you very much for all the suggestions fellas. Especially @Reed Rothchild, @TDIRunner, @FireHazard51 and @fox.  I’ll let you know when I pick some of these up and how it goes.

    I’m very excited to play Resident Evil VII and Village, as well as the remakes. I have loved that series since the first one. I’m also looking forward to playing Metal Gear V. I’ve never played any of the Bioshock games, but if I can find the trilogy somewhere, that’s another one I’d like to play as I always hear good things about it. 

    Thankfully the Switch did get a number of good games ported to it, so I was able to play some of the suggestions already. I thought Doom 2016 was really well done. I downloaded most all of the old ones as well. That was a great way to experience them. 

    Anyway. Thanks again and have a good weekend guys. 

  4. I like a lot of different genres.  Pretty much anything that isn't a vs. fighting game like street fighter, mortal kombat, etc. or an online multiplayer FPS is right up my alley.  Most of the games I gravitate to are action/adventure, rpgs, strategy games, shmups, sports games, puzzle games, and more.

    Difficulty doesn't stop me.  I'm decent at most games.  I have beaten Demon's Souls & Cup Head and can still take down Tyson.  

  5. I completely skipped the last generation (ps4/xbox1).  I have a PS3 that I rode as long as I could and I have a Switch that has been the main go-to machine since I got it.  The only thing the Switch can't do that I missed is the big Sports games.  Well, I was playing some NHL on a current gen system with friends recently.  That is by far the best multiplayer big-box sports game that exists (at least in my opinion).  Even my buds who don't really know hockey can have fun with it.   I had so much fun, I just had to get a new machine.  Since it is backwards compatible, I went for the PS5 over the Xbox. 


    So... what are the "Must Have" or "Must Play" games for the PS4?  I know I've probably missed out on a lot and it looks like now is the time to scoop them up for cheap.  

  6. Metroid is not boring (to me), but it most certainly is a product of it's time.  If it only had a map, it would be 1000% easier to know where you are and would make the game much more approachable for the newbz.  At least now there are plenty of maps printed on the internet for any who would want one.  I enjoy the gameplay, music and the emptiness vibe is spot on with space exploration. 

    Saves would be great, but NES games just didn't have save batteries in them until Zelda, so this is kinda moot.  Yes, the passwords are long, but there is at least a way to continue without having to start from the beginning every time.

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  7. Hey guys, I just wanted to say that the exhibit you had set up was awesome.  It really looked like you were back at a department store from years gone by.  Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put in to make it happen.  It was really something special to see. 

    I'm also very happy that all those old crt's in your display as well as everywhere around the convention are still getting some love and not rotting in a garbage dump.

  8. No argument on your ranking.  I think you have it right.  I was also a big WCW guy in the 90's.  Up until the time the NWO really jumped the shark.  They had better matches, a longer show and their cruiserweight division is still unmatched. 

    I have played all the games mentioned.  I still remember getting my buddies to rage quit on No Mercy.  Good times.  I can't get into modern wrestling games though.  They just don't have the "sweet science" and flow that the N64 ones did.  The N64 games were more strategy, where it seems to be more just button mashing with the more recent titles. 

    LOL, by more recent, the most recent one I've played is probably like 2014 or so.  They stunk so bad I have not had the itch to try another one.  Also, the switch doesn't offer anything great in the area of wrestling games that I'm aware of.  The N64 wrestling game clone is so buggy it's hardly playable.  I can't remember the name at the moment.  "Wrestle World" maybe?

    • Like 1
  9. This was the first Dragon Quest game I actually played through.  I bought it new when it came out back when I was in high school.  I was a big Dragon Ball Z fan when that was first aired on Toonami.  A game with graphics and artwork by Akira Toriyama was right up my alley at the time.  The music and art are great in this game. 

    I had a lot of fun with it, but it's one I've never gone back to.  Even with the quirky and colorful characters, there is something about Dragon Quest VIII that just seems sort of sanitized, if that's the right word.  Maybe its the fact that the main character never has any personality in any of the Dragon Quest games?  Maybe something is lost in the translation from one language to another?  They are fun to play at the time, but don't stick with me.  I'd recommend it to anyone that is a JRPG fan though.  It's a good one. 

  10. Congrats on the Traeger (especially the deal).  I do not have one, but have had many a tasty meal cooked on them.  My brother in law made a smoked mac and cheese that was out of this world a few weeks ago.  I have a couple webber kettle grills that can smoke things just fine, but I have been eyeing the Traegers.  The "set it and forget it" factor for doing long cooks is unbeatable.  No refilling the charcoal, etc.  A Traeger is definitely the next grill purchase for me.  Enjoy the tasty goodness my man.

    • Like 1
  11. They have some good songs.  It's totally played out, but "Float On" was like the official theme song of the summer I graduated high school, so it will forever have a place in my heart.  Most of the "Good News For People Who Like Bad News" album is pretty awesome.  I'd go see them if I was able to get a few friends together to do so.  I'm not going to push for a statue of them anywhere or anything though.  6 out of 10.

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  12. Ahhh..... the Lords of Shadows games.  I thoroughly enjoyed the 1st one on PS3.  Great, quick hitting beat 'em up action akin to God of War.  One of the best beat 'em ups/ action games on the system in my opinion.  The developer really put a lot of polish on the 1st one.  I thought the sequel was trash though.  As much as I liked the developer's take on the Belmont story, where they went with it in the 2nd just seemed rushed and unimaginative. Very disappointing because I was licking my chops for 2 after I beat 1.  Enjoy the 1st and don't waste your time on the 2nd.  Happy Halloween.

  13. I'm the only one of my friends who uses inverted aim, which makes for some fun and colorful exchanges when you're passing the controller around.  I just can't use the "regular" setting.  It is so unnatural that it's almost unplayable for me.  I invert the "Y" axis whenever possible.

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