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Posts posted by srbossman79

  1. I do enjoy the latter 3 on the NES, but whenever I want to get some Megaman going, I'm usually popping in MM3.  Some will disagree, but I think that one had the best mix of music/difficulty/playability and the slide rocks!! While it is indeed novel in it's own right, I just don't care for the charge shot in the latter games.  It throws off the whole flow of "jump & shoot". 

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  2. 6 hours ago, mbd39 said:

    Nobody's better at playing assholes than Spacey. Love him in Glengarry Glen Ross and Swimming With Sharks.

    I think the word "with" is missing from that first sentence... ha ha...

    I watched this again circa 2021.  I can see most of it, but at the end it's a dad that wants to make it with a teenage schoolgirl.  Very creepy. 

    I do enjoy his performances in many other movies.  GGR as stated above, Usual Suspects, K-Pax, Terrible Bosses.  I really liked his part as the journalist in Iron Will.  You guys are right though.  It's mainly all the same performance and character, just change the lines. 

  3. Y's Books I, II & III

    I took down these games on the Analogue duo last week and weekend.  They are a little bit of a slog, but there is a charm about them that shines through.  I would have been blown away by these at the time they released.  I enjoyed I and II much more than III.  I didn't like the half-assed platforming format of III, but I don't hold it against them for trying something new.  Just hold the sword button down and walk forward is basically how that one plays.  I very much enjoyed the music in all the titles.  There are some that really slap. 

    I started Book IV, but I want to play some other titles before I come back to it.

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  4. So, I looked them both up..... and we're both right.  Ha ha.  This plays in the opening of MM2 as the camera scrolls up the building right before the song changes to hard rock and the title appears.  It is also the beginning of the end credits theme for MM1.  That's just big video game for ya... reusing assets to save themselves a few pennies.  Ha ha.

  5. I get that Geography differences correlate to interest level.  It would make sense that you wouldn't be much interested in hockey if you are never able to do it in a park, yard or on a pond.  I'm in the midwest.  Growing up, the public works would flood the park and make a big snow bank around it.  It was cold enough at that time that the sheet would last from early Dec to late Feb. 

    I've been looking around and don't see a ton I can pipe in as far as the hockey themes beyond the big ones mentioned above.  I've shifted my focus to music I can play while the Zamboni is driving.  The shop theme from Earthbound is definitely going to get a play.  There is a version of it by Tom Brier on Youtube that is amazing. 

    I'm thinking "game shop/store" themes might be a better fit for while the zamboni is going.  Any recommendations there? 

  6. 39 minutes ago, Sumez said:

    Did anyone ever actually play a hockey game? 😮

    Yes, actually.  I know it's fun to crap on sports titles, but hockey games are IMO the best sports games made.  Usually the more arcadish games age better because they don't have specific rosters and are more action oriented.  You're missing out if you don't give Ice Hockey (NES), Blades of SteeI (NES), NHLPA 93 (GEN), NHL 94 (GEN) or Hit the Ice (Arcade) a try.  I like to spray to all fields when playing games and sometimes that sports itch just needs to be scratched.

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  7. The commodore music is pretty cool.  Especially for an older computer game.  It's a little rough to be piping in over a loudspeaker though.  Was the commodore known for good music?  I was born too late for those and mostly only played games on console.  The NES was my first system.

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