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Everything posted by koifish

  1. On that note of remembering I don't need a photo, Game Boy Gallery is complete.
  2. Oh yeah, I've just been in the habit of taking screenshots since I've been competing in the weekly GB contest.
  3. How do we show Game Boy Gallery (EU) is done? Play all the games, but then what, screencap that scores exist on the games? And is it Game A and B of every game?
  4. Pac-Man is done. This is the first screen after the third transition. bgb00054.bmp
  5. Lemme know if you ever get tired of it. I could probably have a good drunken weekend event with friends trying to finish it.
  6. One of the ultimate terrible GB games, NFL Football, is at last beaten. I can't believe it, but I actually got a grasp of how to play it well enough to finish a game. I'm happy too that I capped a screenshot when I did, because after this final results screen, there is absolutely nothing else. The game immediately reboots to the Konami logo. This one has to be one of the ultimate bad GB games. It is a little bit fun, but I could probably name 100 better games on GB, and I certainly don't suggest going for this one anytime soon. I plan to delve into the GB Madden games this year as well, hopefully they hold the promise of higher quality. To their credit though, I bet Konami squeezed this one into a tiny memory space. Cannot confirm or deny, however. And, I guess getting all the sprites on screen at once was a good accomplishment. Still, it isn't worth much. bgb00001.bmp
  7. I'm still chuggin' along on Pokemon, it's kind of fun playing again after so long. I'm purposely using a ton of Pokemon I've never used before, like Oddish, Clefairy, and Zubat among others. Afterward I'm thinking it's time to take on the never-beaten sports game nightmares. Last year went well for golf games, maybe this year will go well for the dreaded NFL games. Also, I will sadly have to start over my halfway-done playthrough of NBA Jam TE. At least it is a fun sports game though.
  8. First and last submission, I am not very good at these kinds of games I think. 606820 bgb00052.bmp Speaking of GBC pinball, @Splain, I think it would be pretty intense and epic to set Pokemon Pinball's clear conditions for GBC contest as "complete the pokedex'. Would probably take the whole year!
  9. On a slick white 3DS too, lookin' sharp. I always wished we had gotten the orange model that was demo'd at one time. At least there is the regular New 3DS with orange cover plates. Of course, those plates are going to get really expensive soon (some of them already are!).
  10. Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man Color Editions have extra games. Pac-Man has both the original game and Pac-Attack, Ms. has Super Pac-Man IIRC. For that reason, you might argue that you have to finish or top scoreboards in both games on the cart. Then you run into another sticky situation, as Pac-Attack is already a separate cart for grey GB. We may have to check that one too for similarity. If it's the same, then should probably treat Pac-Man Color as an unneeded multi cart, like with the GB carts that are just multi-cart releases of two other separate carts.
  11. As long as you mean the original, and not the 3D remake, you should be fine. I assume you are talking about the Collection release?
  12. Okay, I think I will start on Link's Awakening as well then, or rather "Yume o Miru Shima" IIRC. May we suffer through kana-only text with humility and grace The GB/GBC to me would make sense to those games that are pure color additions. I believe Wario Land 2, beyond maybe some bugfixes, would be identical. That said, maybe we should reach out to the powers that be for this one. Are there any existing forums or guides people have written on the differences (if any) between B/W and Color releases of the same game? It sounds like a TCRF thing, but maybe it will be more obvious to speedrunners or rom hackers.
  13. From reviews I read about Dragon Slayer I, the GB port is seen as particularly slow and not all that good. It's most likely better to play another version of the game if you can.
  14. Hey, if anybody gets to the end of this game (even with continues) then they should post the ending in the Beat Every Game Boy Game contest thread. We'll gladly take one more off of the list for 2020.
  15. 790660 I have no shame in saying this is my least favorite GB game so far in the contest, and perhaps my least favorite of all the GB games I've played in the last year, with the exception of true crap like Pit-Fighter or Escape from Camp Deadly. That said, here is my only entry. I won't subject myself to any more of this one! bgb00050.bmp
  16. it's not a Konami game boy game if it isn't cruel to the player! In all seriousness though, this is a common problem in GB, especially in the earlier releases. Dragon Slayer 1 got a port to GB which is infamous in this regard. Not only is it very slow and clunky, it also takes something like 2-3 hours to finish one segment, so the game can end up being impossible to clear. More to the point, it's believed to even be impossible to finish on real hardware, with some even claiming that trying to beat it caused their game boys to overheat and fail. I forgot how much drudgery is in Pokemon. I am tempted to just go 1st grader on this and ride my starter in every fight. Never fails in the story mode, gym leaders and elite 4 alike go down hard to a 10 year old with an overleveled charizard packing four fire-type moves.
  17. Lingo is done. Was really annoying that you basically just rely on luck to win the end game. I've started Pokemon Red, planning to beat it before April. bgb00048.bmp bgb00049.bmp
  18. Mario Land 2 is done. It's been years since I played this game. It was fun to revisit, but looking back, I do feel like the levels are a little too short. It's a nice meaty game for someone's first time in Mario though, I'd recommend it for that purpose, as it was my first Mario game too. The only bummer is for the player who gets frustrated when they see that you lose all your boss wins if you game over, but hey, something has to pad the play time, right? bgb00047.bmp
  19. Will Wario Land 2 GBC cart be accepted, or is only the grey cart allowed? Also, would it be a problem if I played Link's Awakening in Japanese?
  20. Wow! That screenshot is huge. I'm doing this on retroarch on ubuntu right now, and it is way bigger than I expected. Not sure what's up there. Let me know if it's an issue. Here is Super Mario Land. Another fast one. I resized this screenshot before posting it.
  21. Well, I'm just gonna get going and see what happens. Here is Space Invaders. Pretty easy.
  22. Not sure if I should replay games I played last year or only do new ones. Either way, I think we should aim for 250 this year!
  23. Hi Red, yes, it's here. I wasn't completely sure if it was required, since getting 1000 on hard is a prerequisite for unlocking very hard in the first place. There is another pic somewhere but I can't find it right now. I actually had to unlock it twice because of the bit I mentioned early in the thread about how quitting in-game doesn't save your score. I'm sorry also that this pic is so blurry. The other one is clearer but I can't find it. Either way, this one shows the rounded shape of the flower in the corner as well as the 1016 in the top-right.
  24. Christmas saved me from lesser play, I got a final score of 2233 with this, but pretty much stopped playing. Thought I would come back to top it and never did. Bummed, I thought I would finally get 1st on this, but hey, still decent scoring.
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