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Everything posted by JVOSS

  1. @dmgdatabase, help always welcomed. it next to impossible for this one-man show to know all.. :) and i did expect some holes and errors just not enough hours in the day to go through all the listing on all the used game sites. i keep finding a new site every week with new proofs of games i did not know about. the EUR area was the black hole i had to rely on translators to give me what i was looking for....
  2. @dmgdatabase looking to get this when do you think it will be on kick starter??
  3. i do remember someone here, (on vgs) that dose a pod cast, saying to ditch all your list and if you really wanted a list then publish it and update as you go. or something to that. in the same podcast said that game tracking apps are all junk. would love to hear their take on this.
  4. the very first edition of a "collectors" catalog was done back in 2010 IRC the person who did this was at a 90% accurate with the data that was available at the time. The original is available for free here Dadda Rulekonge, His list is the bases for my list... of course I have add to his and have been for the better part of 8 years. However an author on his own can only do so much. The Team that built this "catalog" of world list started on limited form with FAH and work from there. Their story or data is at http://www.game-boy-database.com. this site started with one man listing what he had asking other to provide photo for proof and then added that data to the list. it took about a year then when down i was under the impression that he went the way of NA but he reappeared saying a "team" had taken over and was going do a 2.0 web version. Last week the site posted the samples of a catalog....
  5. @RpgCollector, what is the deal with the single players with the official and original logos? i mean original was to be any other then USA but i see more and more USA with Original... have you seen them as official? i have logged 8 so far and that's not counting link.
  6. angry face only because it's true....
  7. Yes but good on them to put this together "private pessimistic but openly optimistic."
  8. it was done. they just took it to the next level, but i very seriously think they don't have all variants. as only recently we found the 2 and 3 line variants and that has expanded to the world listing count form just at 7500 games. looking forward to seeing the catalog... it will help quite bit for the DMG collectors.... this is only the loose cart book they are thinking of doing a box variant but unsure...
  9. I'll adjust the official count when i see more copies of the manual. I'm hopping that @RpgCollector box set is not a proto or employee box. @RpgCollector, and i talked to the seller and got the same info but the seller was unsure where the previous seller was from or even if the previous seller was an employee of NA. the box-code and manual code are same so that means there are more cib out there we just have not seen yet. I'm hopping.......
  10. Was notified of a new catalog of Gameboy DMG games. According to the author his team was able to locate all game with variants. It will be on kick starter soon. here are a few examples of the book. @RpgCollector did you have a hand in this???? Will keep you updated when it goes live on Kickstarter.
  11. just missing the one with the warranty only or "first run" box.
  12. btw the only Retail Rated E box know at this time........
  13. @AdamW IRC there are 4 prints of this game and about 8 game box. IRC there was a print run stop from 93-95 confirmed: 4 different PCB's 2 rom Version 3 Label Varents 19 region codes Chip Code is "MLA" the "A" stand for All Regions. NOA has 8 Different SML Manuals SML and SML2 is only *Currently identified* combined manual. Not confirmed.... SML Rom 0 was in a bundle pack with original GB SML Rom 0 was available in retail package only.
  14. Not that i have to give a head up but i will. most sellers have no clue what they have so be aware. Look for a DMG-BBA-01 cart that is the real first run. DMG-BBA-02 is a 2 run. This is the for the PCB not the IC chip.. Also the back will not have a copyright or a year / months on the pcb date area. On IC Chip Dates might be from 8929-8934 just around . If you need help DM..
  15. @MiamiSlice you have a rom 1 cart sorry. this is a 34A you would have wanted a 05 or 12 or 22 maybe a 23 (which i have not see yet) with out the "A". your cart to my guess would be a 2 or even 3 print run as it is also missing the Circle R for the "nintendo" on the OSQ seal... IRC the circle R OSQ early 90 and the missing of the R from Nintendo was a 89 to late 91
  16. @RH its a very nice one but the seller is a weasel i had in on the truck for 400 and he recalled it saying it was a tracking error. a few weeks after he hit me up and said he would let me have it for 1500 i told he where to put it.
  17. Post a pic of the label lower right hand...
  18. to me the best part of collecting aside from the childhood memories, is the chase but when you have gvnwataha causing the casual $20 game to highs of 26K then there is no room for fun. i have paid my share of overpriced games. it out there and it is real.. all we can do is educate each other and just laugh at the buyers cause the sellers are laughing all the way to the bank.
  19. did the plastic tray have a recycle logo in the bottom? and did it come with a poster of SML
  20. here is the best example of graders not knowing what they have or graded. are grades just ignorant or arrogant and what to get their services out there. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Heartgold-Sealed-VGA-WATA-Graded-Mint-RARE-Not-For-Resale-Nintendo-DS/224422053813?hash=item344098c7b5:g:zw0AAOSwpc9gdHBE this maybe a NFR but part of a whole. it missing about a 3rd of the total set. why would you pay price for a 3 of a graded set? it just blows my mind. as a cart only collector i just don't understand the crazy high prices...
  21. not only no but HE)) no. just goes to show that GVNWATAHA is a market multiplication leader. or is it a sign of good time ahead? IMO its a setup to a bad down turn... Side note the green box may not have a ROM 0 cart. ie a first run cart.
  22. imo it would be the ladder. i watch the E's and have seen several this year for under 20 so this one is just don't care. i can state hundradrs on this alone saw a SML going for 6000 yesterday. with 6 bidders. why? it was in a sealed H and had a hing tag *second* or third run. but then i saw jamesbone selling a 1400 first run green box. have never seen this variant before. maybe @RpgCollector has but still 1400 sml not NO but HE)) No. my guess that aside from jamesbone the sellers see the high price a SM black got and what to get in on this.
  23. Here is a one up for @PII how about $400 SML2 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Super-Mario-Land-2-6-Golden-Coins-Game-Boy-Tested-Works-E-DMG-MQ-2-ULTRA-RARE/164789147284?hash=item265e32d694:g:g28AAOSwDe1gWk~a
  24. so all the games are common chn games with exception. the zoids would be a uncommon to easy rear.. price would go between 25-75 and the zoids about 100 that is if your want a quick sale. if you have time will 50-100 mark. CHN market is very thin and only a few move for more then this. Hope this help
  25. The SmartCom was and is still the hardest RocketGames release to find... been looking for one for a few years... Thanks for sharing..
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