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Everything posted by Goodvibes

  1. Now if it was cib and something I don’t already have we would be talking! What else you got? Lmao I hear lots of people talking about the prices coming down, I hope so but I don’t see any of that happening right now, doubtful down the road either.
  2. Another one bites the dust, help me finish this list off!
  3. Goodvibes


    I’d take the nes clamshells if they’re still available.
  4. So good, those two were funny to watch for sure!
  5. I’d take that one, once you find what you’re looking for.
  6. Pretty sweet, I for one never really got into these three screw variants for black box games. I focused more on having the hangtabs and five screws. They are peaking my interest a little more though. If anyone has any dupes of some of these variants I would be interested in buying them or finding something to trade for them.
  7. Bump - I can also pick up something specific that you need to make a trade/sale happen. Send me a message if you can help out, thanks!
  8. Oh nice, that’s a pretty sweet game to have an original receipt for.
  9. Those are awesome, I wish I had kept receipts and such as a kid but don’t think I ever did. TRU didn’t have any of those other bonuses as best I can remember.
  10. Yes, thanks for checking. The ones I have in my pre deluxe as 1986 which doesn’t make sense based on the serial being 38,xxx along with the guys story which seemed correct and he lived not all that far from me, about 45 minutes and I live where the pre deludes were released. Just seems odd to me that the original owner would go through the trouble putting 1986 stuff in the box to sell it when everything else was original.
  11. Same, I don’t think I preordered any other games just ocarina of time. Goemons is one I don’t have either, pricey these days.
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