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Darth Vader

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Everything posted by Darth Vader

  1. Wow! That's insane! I'll keep you posted but I'm sure the odds of me getting another peak that high this week are slim. I invested about 300k this week which has been my most thus far in the stalk market. Also, I would like to ask a question of people that are a little further along in the game. I'm just about to acquire my 10th villager and as of yesterday unlocked terraforming. This is my first time playing any Animal Crossing and clumped all my houses together on the main part of the island. I didn't realize that you could only have 10 villagers at the start and it seems as though most of my island will be pretty desolate unless I throw in some space filling stuff and what not. So my question is, should I spread out the houses more across the island or are there larger unlockables that will allow me to consume more space?
  2. Pretty sick video! Definitely got me hyped up.
  3. I’ll be on for an hour or so. If someone wants to come on now just send me a message and I’ll send you the dodo code.
  4. Morning turnip price of 478 if anyone is looking to dump
  5. Ah, I thought you were there and that was for his island. You need any fruit? I have everything but oranges obviously.
  6. Cool! I’m gonna swing by and grab a few oranges. I’m Jenkins
  7. Hmm, didn’t know that. I wonder why that is. So if I brought one with me to your island it would be greyed out so I couldn’t drop it?
  8. I’d be down. How would would it be run?
  9. I could really use some oranges. It’s the last fruit I need. I can trade you for fruits you need if you’d like? If not I have some tarantulas, sea turtles, or straight up bells.
  10. I’ll bite. Sounds like a fun time. Plus I need something to pull me away from my Animal crossing addiction.
  11. Thanks! I’m trying to make a new one everyday. Didn’t make one yesterday so I’ll put up 2 more later today.
  12. Been having a blast with these in game so I started making them using a website. You can convert photos or just draw something out pixel by pixel. I'll be updated this post with new ones whenever I make them. Feel free to post yours here also! Just have these for now Here is the website where you can make your own https://acpatterns.com/editor
  13. Started digging into it today. Watching the Castlevania vid right now. Pretty addictive stuff.
  14. Came across this a couple days ago and I couldn't stop watching it. It's about an hour long but it's pretty damn interesting. It's all about pushing the limits of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! to beat the characters as fast as they possibly can be beat. Enjoy!
  15. You should warn that there are spoilers in there. I would have rather not seen the final boss until I played it but.......
  16. +1 Easy to deal with, paid quickly, and a smooth transaction. Thanks
  17. Title says it all. Looking to pay around 8-9 dollars shipped for the door. Also looking for good quality snes controller button pad replacements. They can be 3rd party as long as the quality is good. Need about 7 sets.
  18. +1 Definitely no MuNKey-ing around here. Quick smooth transaction. Pleasure to deal with.
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