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  1. Yeah, it's a year old, but I'm still stoked about this! Darkest Dungeon is a masterpiece, and hopefully DD2 lives up to its predecessor! I have high hopes, after all 1)they are taking their time with the game 2)they care about their game 3)they're not Blizzard (nor EA)! ps Definitely a Mountains of Madness vibe...
  2. I was actually reading the sci-fi book Three-Body Problem. Honestly, just couldn't get into the characters, so back to Tennyson
  3. Got a mint CIB Zelda Windwaker
  4. I have some of the stuff you're looking for such as Link's Awakening Dreamer Edition Here's my list:
  5. 15 hours to go for anyone on the fence about pledging...
  6. Well, actually, Return to Darktower, like the original Darktower, has a single player campaign as well
  7. 5 days left, over $3 million raised! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/restorationgames/return-to-dark-tower
  8. I want Return to Dark Tower to feature Orson Welles
  9. Dang... This is going to reach 400-600% of their goal by the time the campaign is over!
  10. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2020/01/parents-take-internet-modem-on-road-trip-instead-of-unappreciative-children.html
  11. Wow! This looks really great! I'm sorely tempted...
  12. https://nypost.com/2020/01/07/florida-woman-arrested-for-threatening-to-get-mcdonalds-sauce-by-any-means-necessary/
  13. I'm also looking for N64 F-Zero X (not a priority, but would trade for it) SNES Super Mario RPG (also not a priority, but would trade for it)
  14. If anyone has Special Reserve Games -- Gris for trade, please let me know. Also, see first post for long list of trade/sale items!
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/us/miami-couple-duct-taped-banana-gift-iconic "They plan to loan and eventually gift the banana to an unspecified art museum." https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/dec/08/banana-artwork-that-fetched-120000-is-eaten-by-hungry-artist “This has been interesting,” said Miami Beach police captain Steven Feldman, who was called in to maintain order as the crowd swelled."
  16. Yeah, very dark atmospheric rogue-lite. If you enjoy challenging games along those lines I would highly recommend it.
  17. Special Reserve Games Ammonomicon Bundle = SOLD
  18. Gris is a lovely game where you can't die, and I ended up picking up a terribly hard game where you die all the time... Hmmm...
  19. Ton of schnat available! For me, Dark Devotion for the holiday win
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