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Everything posted by Skorp

  1. After learning every single DIY well besides 1, I've started to redo my entire island. I know Josh and Jason have been at it much before me (there island are AMAZING if you guys haven't been recently). Been 2 weeks at it so far and before that was probably a month with trying to get all my 6 rocks spawned together. I actually had only 5 rocks all this time and never had a sixth rock until recently. Long story on that lol. Pretty much 90% of it is fresh and redone. So far 50% done and added a space and Zodiac center and winter wonderland and mush land and central New York inspired park. Will have gate open later in the future and you can check it out. Also if anyone needs flowers I have a couple hundred up for grabs including around 120 black roses and some blue and gold. I've sold all the non hybrids to the shop though just kept the hybrids. I was rock spawning, so that is why. Pretty much am done and know I don't need most of the extras for my island. Let me know.
  2. Haven't had wipes for 2 months now. Always sold out everywhere for some reason so we had to mix our own disinfect that you can buy at Sam's Club and it works very well.
  3. Only for doing cardio at the gym. Otherwise, not at all. Have music always playing in my head everywhere I go and am in touched really deep with the lyrics. This one hits me hard with the video. Teared up for an hour first time watching it. This one as well
  4. BBQ, chicken, cheese and jalapenos. mhhhmmmm
  5. Paper Mario TTYD all time favorite probably. Super Mario Odyssey though is just amazing.
  6. Definitely passable music for me (like pass not play and listen). It's not super bad, but if I hear it or something I'll change the station or would much rather prefer something else.
  7. Excellent. Just excellent. Dang I think I'll just get the digital now as I really want to play it and not have to wait so long.
  8. I almost missed on the LRG Mother Russia one. It was 23 minutes after it was open for order and right after I bought it it said sold out when I went back to the page. Did get the Special Reserve one version too. I skipped the signature one even if I had a chance to easily get it as $250 was nuts imo. I am sure though it will sell for much more later, but screw it.
  9. Yes there is. It is all hardwired into the game. There is a total of 595 DIYs, which @Fleck586compiled for our group in Google Docs which we have been following for a long time. Includes the 2 from the wedding season.
  10. Mandatory masks or $500 fine where I am now with the 400+ daily new cases now. Even in the gym, but we can take them off during cardio or at each station. Just have to wear them moving around.
  11. Been so hard at work getting every DIY in the game. I am at the moment 4 away from having them all. What a journey it was collecting them. Also got furniture and misc. items completely cataloged thanks to my AC team! K.K. songs too! Just need 3 more that can't be bought from shop. Next goal will be to get all wall mounted items. Right now force spawning rocks to one certain location which is taking longer than I thought as I can't seem to get 2 rocks to spawn right now no matter what I change up.
  12. Zelda: A Link to the Past truly holds my heart from all. Just a masterpiece imo.
  13. Day 1000 for Animal Crossing lol. I've played it everyday since day 1 and nothing else. This weekend, I will finally go back to Pokemon Sword for that expansion pack.
  14. 9/10 for me. Truly my favorite 007 game ever and will be a forever classic. It's the only one I like to speedrun too.
  15. Definitely a 10/10 for me. Such an amazing game. Still call it the best game on the Switch. Not the best Zelda game, but in recent years, it is the best.
  16. Yeah, it is great they are listening. There was a petition and so much support for this to be a reality too. I remember the first year and I just thought how perfect the Switch would be for Snap. Hopefully it comes out this year.
  17. Shoot, I gotta check that out this weekend.
  18. My Walmart had 4 in stock and someone went and took all 4 of them at once before I got there to finally get my copy.
  19. WOW I am so hyped for this like I got chills and excitement to the fullest! Finally.
  20. Super talented hands down, but not my music at all. Would never want to go and listen to it on my own. Not bad at all, just not my taste.
  21. I'm way above 100M and know for a fact I won't ever use most of it lol. I will help out anyone that needs it though or save it for new stuff that might come in the future. I go through so much custom kits for ice stuff so it's good to have for that.
  22. Lol and I just reached 500 hours on this game. xD Yep, I am addicted. I actually haven't played anything else since this game came out too. I played this daily and nothing else and I have over 300 Switch games.
  23. Not my cup of tea at all. Sorry everyone. I'm know they are well respected and brought a huge influence on a lot of people and other artists, but just not my thing.
  24. Can't wait for June to see it!
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