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Everything posted by WarMech

  1. I don't have any graded games and I'm confused as all hell, mostly because of all the conversation I missed. I did watch that video from the suggested timestamp provided, though. Not good for someone who was actually thinking of taking part in the Feb auction.
  2. good lord I have missed a lot apparently. Egad...
  3. Looks like the next auction has a sealed Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and not one but TWO sealed Resident Evil Gaidens. None of these are mine but it will be a good way to see what I can hopefully get for mine if I go for February's auction. These will be the ones I eye intently.
  4. I sold a sealed Conker's Bad Fur Day to partially pay for an engagement ring back in the day. Sold it for $400. Even further back than that, I had the opportunity for multiple sealed copies of Haunting Ground at no cost to me from Capcom directly through a promotion site they ran called Capcom City. I did one but I'm kicking myself that the first game I redeemed for instead was a ps2 copy of Viewtiful Joe.
  5. The rep did say to expect them to more than likely be ready for a February auction over October. He thought they might be ready for October until I mentioned the WATA backlog.
  6. Not graded, but they offered to help me get it done for me, which honestly I found to be the most cautionary part to this. And no, Valerie did not contact me, though that was who I reached out to initially. She forwarded it to someone else who also works in the category.
  7. Got a good source for sealed older PC games? like 3.5" disk older.
  8. I reached out to them, with an initial list of 9 games, most of which were already seen here in the sealed game forum. I was honestly not expecting a callback from them, but those 9 alone went past their minimum for going to auction, and now they are going through my list of 166 to trim down what they would potentially want to sell, which I will then trim again to see what I want to go with. We conversed a little bit on some previous items that sold as well and just did some Q&A on the whole process - I just found the whole process thus far to be interesting.
  9. Just wrapped up a follow-up call as well a little while ago. TL:DR edition, some of my items may be making it to auction in October or February. I can give some additional details on my discussion as well if people want to hear more, and having you guys following the process may be beneficial so I don't make any potential mistakes going forward if I decide to pull the trigger, but yeah, this has been interesting to say the least.
  10. I've got no photos this time but I did catalog all my sealed games this morning - both ones I plan to eventually sell and my current keepers (which I want to replace with open CIB copies) 166 sealed Games. I was a little shocked at how many I had
  11. Next time I go in that storage area I need to compile you a list, I have quite a lot of CIB GBA games, some are even sealed.
  12. I seriously don't understand these prices and end values sometimes. They are just all over the place...
  13. Had to move some of my boxes of my collection today and though that I would do a little digging inside for sealed stuff. I still have more I can dig through, but some of the stuff I'm finding... Also, my cat sheds wayyy too much.
  14. I hadn't thought about selling it quite yet but if you had an offer in mind I could consider it if you pm me.
  15. Can't believe I forgot to include this one in those photos. Probably the best GoodWill find I ever made.
  16. Honestly were I to start grading, I was probably going to just start with two titles and go from there - RE Gaiden and either Chibi Robo, one of the New Vegas CEs (probably PS3 between the two) or Metroid Prime. I also need to analyze the pros and cons to both Wata and VGA to see where I go, or if I send one to each. Edit: And I just rechecked Metroid Prime and I see a 00000, so first print.
  17. I think I'll try my hand at posting some sealed collection pieces, since they aren't really doing a whole lot where they are right now. I spent a large period of my 20s and a good chunk of my 30s, to put it mildly, overbuying, what with being in the quick vicinity of at the time barely shopped at FYEs, Sears, Gamestops, Circuit City and, oddly enough for games, Ritz Camera..,up until they all shuttered up and closed down. Most of these I am the original buyer for, and for those that I was not, I got them from the original buyer. I'm contemplating getting some of these graded when its more accessible to do so again. Truth be told, it might be about time to start thinning this herd, especially as quite a few of these I have either an additional opened and complete copy of or duplicate sealed copies as well. Notes on some of the items: All the games that had hang tabs still have them unremoved and unused on the back Literally Every store I bought these from is now gone. Sears was a goddamn GOLDMINE This specific copy of Teen Titans was found at, of all places, a local pharmacy
  18. This topic as a whole and that whole Zelda sale has been one hell of a read. I knew I was out of a lot of loops with video games nowadays, but the sheer increase in values on sealed stuff if just insane. Just for shits n' giggles I looked up some of my stuff and I'm sitting on a small fortune just in sealed psp games at Amazon rates alone, though I intend to enjoy them and play them rather than sell them. That said, I am seriously considering getting in touch with HA myself next week about some of my own sealed gems. Truth be told though, I might be too inexperienced for auction dealings, especially with none of these having that high and mighty WATA grade to them. To be quite frank about it though, having a sort of brain trust here on the idea of it first would probably not be a bad idea, and might actually be a little fun. If I listed off or showed a few sealed titles I was mulling over on this, would you guys be open to giving some honest critiques?
  19. WarMech

    My WTB List

    its not the game, but I think I have a Ruins of Kunark strategy guide, if that's something you'd be interested in.
  20. Lets just say, hypothetically, that someone here does in fact have a sealed Mega Man and Bass available - did you have an offer in mind for it?
  21. Might not be something you're interested in, but I have a sealed boxed copy of Diablo 2 (not the big box, but still boxed) I'd be willing to sell.
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