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Everything posted by darkchylde28

  1. @Gloves, just got off the phone with KFC US and then their Canadian Corporate/Media line and couldn't get an answer. Neither place had been made aware by HQ that the Double Down was coming back, but supervisors in each place took a look and saw it starting to blow up all over social media. The super nice lady on the US line got audibly excited when I mentioned our informal "event," and let slip that it's supposed to be a $5 (USD) sandwich, which isn't at all bad given what fast food tends to cost these days. I left my name, number, and email with both numbers, and they're supposed to each run my question up the chain and get us an answer. I'll ping you and post it here once I get some sort of answer about whether the re-release is continent-wide or not.
  2. Well, there's at least two sellers on eBay right now with that exact same yard of fabric, one asking $25, the other asking $46, and neither one having sold it, so I imagine it's actually somewhere a bit below $25 a yard for someone interested, although I'd wager that the "full," uncut 4 yards would be more valuable together versus being cut apart and sold piecemeal, as it would make larger projects possible that individual yard pieces would prevent or complicate.
  3. I would hope so, but nothing I've been able to find about the current re-release says one way or another. One thing I did find, though, was that you sneaky Canucks got a Canadian-exclusive return of the Double Down in October of 2021! How could you! Seriously, though, I can go ahead and add you to the list now while we try to find out for certain. I'm on hold with KFC right now, just waiting through horrendous hold music to ask, lol. Hey, if that's your sole issue with it, feel free to sign up, grab one, and dig in on only half when we all (virtually) get together and chow down!
  4. Well, based on your description on Atari Age, it sounds like you've got roughly 4 yards of material. Based on this auction, someone has approximately 1 yard of similar material and is asking $25 for it. With that as a rough standard to measure against, I'd say $100 or less, and leaning toward less, although I believe it should be worth decently more than the low end of that scale.
  5. Ehh...he ate what he wanted, which was sometimes healthy, but more often than not, pretty crappy. He also had a massive, serious heart condition that he hadn't disclosed to everyone at the time of his death, so it didn't exactly come out of nowhere, even if we all felt that it was too soon. lol, yeah, I'm good to go. She was the first person I told this morning when I discovered the good news, and kept her up-to-date when the possibility of a community "event' first got brought up. So far I've gotten a smirk and a bit of an eye roll, so I figure I'm locked in.
  6. Well folks, it's unofficially official! We're doing it! Anybody interested in participating in a communal sampling of KFC's most outrageous sandwich should feel free to @ me and let me know that you're officially signing up. Any thoughts, opinions, etc., regarding when this all should take place would be welcomed and appreciated as well. Thank you to @Gloves for suggesting such an event, and to @Link for inadvertently providing the name! Looking forward to more interactions with fellow "WTF did I just eat, OMG it's actually good" enthusiasts!
  7. All the better, then! It's Game Night this weekend, why don't we try to pin down anyone who would want to participate, and then do all synchronized tastings that evening? If we make this a thing, I guess the real question becomes do I start recording "sign ups" at the bottom of my original post here, or do we create a separate thread to sign up, and then share our Double Down conquests in? Edit: Got all excited about us having an already-in-place event to get together for synchronized enjoyment, then realized the sandwich won't be fully available until Monday. Still, if anyone/everyone wants to do synchronized tasting, we can certainly try to work with everybody's schedules to set something up.
  8. Nah, you're not, just not as persnickety with wording as some of the rest of us. Overall you're right, it's not good for you, but then again, neither is candy. But a little bit once in a while is just fine, and tastes great as well. It's supposed to last 4 weeks, a month, so unless you're just outside civilization for that long, you should be able to snag at least one. You joke, but I think that's actually a pretty cool idea. Maybe not necessarily synchronizing eating them, but posting photos of our individual "catch," maybe us eating them, and posting thoughts on them afterward would be great. It did look weird to me too the first time, but afterward I didn't care. If you've ever eaten a chicken club, it's literally the same thing, just minus the bun and with another patty. Think of it as almost a Big Mac with the top & bottom buns left off. Plenty of people ate burgers like that during the Atkins craze, and nobody batted an eye. Definitely worth one try, even if it looks bizarre.
  9. You're right, it doesn't. Your liver is what breaks down and filters alcohol. As for excess sodium, yeah, it can work like that. You drink at least 12 glasses of water in a 24 hour period and try to take in extra potassium, as that will also help neutralize and flush out the sodium. Average daily recommendation is actually ~2300mg, or 2.3g, with the minimum being ~1500mg or 1.5g. If you overdo it one day but still take care of yourself and don't continuously overdo it, barring any serious health conditions, you'll be fine.
  10. Note that I don't have any particular phobia about feet nor any prejudice against people for whom that's their thing. Just look at all the stickers and the license plate, then look at the SUV they're on. Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope.
  11. Where's the vomiting reaction when you need one?
  12. Got it. Then, as-is, your contract leaves you open to the first person who buys an NFT stealing your IP and preventing you from doing anything about it since nobody is allowed to get litigious with one another. It's still safer in the NFT itself, since there's a place and everything for it. Again, best of luck.
  13. Here's how I think all that will go down, lol!
  14. Well, the only people that would be in that situation either know already and are very careful with what they eat or are totally in the dark and basically spinning the cylinder on their revolver then putting the gun to their head and pulling the trigger every time they eat. For the latter ones, they most likely know without having been officially diagnosed, but just don't care. Well, it depends on how healthy your heart and cardiovascular system are. If you're in danger of or in heart failure, then it absolutely matters, as every extra bit of sodium you take in will slightly increase your blood pressure, putting more strain on everything as it goes. However, if you're healthy and generally conscious of what you're putting in your body, then yeah, absolutely, it all goes out, so you'll generally be ok as long as you don't overdo it all the time.
  15. In scanning this too fast the first time, I read that as "I will gladly sell at extra cost to someone here in the community" and was like, "Hey, wait a minute..." and went back for my double-take. It's really not, especially for a first party title. However, for most, that firmly puts it well outside of the "impulse buy" range. For most folks, I would say that at $20 they wouldn't think twice, and maybe again at $25, but going up from there more and more thought goes into the purchase, at which point a lot of folks just go, "eh, I'll wait." For reference, I only started playing Breath of the Wild this past Black Friday, so yeah, I'm one of those folks, lol. $60? Nope. $20 when you remind me years later that the game exists? Sure!
  16. Oh yeah, I understand that, hence me pointing out that he'll most likely end up with modern equivalent of k-rad script kiddies being the only ones interested in his NFTs since, as they are, no game developer in their right mind would touch them with a 10 foot pole.
  17. I just checked my email for the first time since getting up this morning, and... WOOHOO! I'm in! I get to get one on Sunday, instead of having to wait for the regular release!
  18. Yeah, it's unhealthy. But so are 90%+ of what most people eat every day. I'm willing to bet that if you listed out for us everything that you eat or drink in a day, you, just as most, are also well over your daily allotment of sodium. Regardless of how careful you are with sodium, cholesterol, etc., it can be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to be at or under the daily recommended dosage of everything, even if you're only eating "good," "healthy" stuff. Everybody splurges sometimes, and for me, that's what this is--a splurge that I used to get once every couple of weeks, and now, nearly a decade later, maybe a time or two more before it vanishes again for however long (if not forever).
  19. At first, for the sheer curiosity. Afterward, because the taste, texture, etc., are amazing. Yep. Hot, delicious garbage!
  20. Exactly. If all that's encoded in the "smart contract" portion of the NFT is a link to the contract at the time that the NFT is sold, that leaves the buyer in a very poor position, as whatever is at the link locked into the NFT can be changed at the whim of the website owner/operator. Here's a reasonably decent explanation I found about how NFTs work, and specifically how they can be or are being used in regard to IP matters: https://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/en/knowledge/publications/1a1abb9f/nfts-and-intellectual-property-rights Based on what limited understanding I've gained from reading throgh most of that, the contract itself can actually be written out within the "smart contract" portion of the NFT itself, then made immutable once the NFT is minted. Since OP keeps referring to a link, it appears that this did not happen with any of the ones he's minted thus far, leaving him able to update the online documented pointed at by the provided link at his discretion. Another thing to note is that when someone creates an NFT, they're able to set it up in such a way so that if the NFT is ever sold again, part of the digital currency transferred for its purchase will automatically go to the person who minted it, creating a potentially infinite revenue stream, where the original creator doesn't have to worry about who has the NFT or what they're doing with it, as they'll get paid every time it changes hands, no matter what. Having read all of that, I can understand why OP is so enthusiastic about doing business in this sort of manner, as it basically protects him from being directly ripped off and, if the NFT/IP gets popular, it has the potential to guarantee him a payday every time it changes hands. However, without the contract actually encoded into the token itself when it's minted (along with verbiage to the tune of "purchase of this NFT indicates agreement with all terms herein" to ensure some ability to legally enforce the contract), it leaves OP in a position of total power over what happens with his IP, even after purchase, whether he realizes that or not. Anyone I'm familiar with who would be interested in purchasing an IP in order to do game development with it would be cautious and read all the details beforehand, most likely realizing exactly this issue, and steering well clear of it as a result. If the terms aren't changed (with the contract encoded within the NFT itself versus just being available at a link that's contained within the NFT), I have a feeling the only people who might buy into this are a bunch of crypto enthusiasts who have zero interest in game development and only passing interest in whatever neat looking jpeg they think they bought.
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