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Everything posted by themisfit138

  1. What do we consider as a win on WCW World Tour?
  2. I have been bouncing between Arceus and 64 also. This is the first pokemon I have played since yellow. I have been having a pretty good time with it. Still in the first area close to 20 hours in. Taking my time filling out the pokedex.
  3. 7/10 I had a good time laning on pc, but I was terrible at it.
  4. Another wrestling game down. Did the last championship with Hulkster. WCW/NWO Revenge.
  5. When I was in school. We had the nintendo and the super. Some times it was n-e-s and super nintendo. I never heard anyone say ness or sness until the youtube retro became a thing.
  6. Yeah, in the middle of a move. The N64 is the only one I felt like unpacking, for now.
  7. I am close to beating Attitude. War Zone needs a 3 hour block of time. There is no save feature in the tournament mode.
  8. I actually like the acclaim wrestling games. They feel more like a normal fighting game of the time. The story mode does get pretty frustrating though.
  9. @BrickmanJust wait till you get to the escape the trenches in the private ryan section. All the bears have rocket launchers. That part was really annoying.
  10. Power Rangers the Movie for SNES is my choice. MMPR gameboy I played a lot as a kid. The main levels have enemies that just continually walk from one side of the screen to the other. The boss battles are typical. It is still a enjoyable game if you are a power rangers fan.
  11. 9/10 My work buddies and I would have Halo Lan parties. We even put together a Lan tournament for the launch of Halo 2. The winner got the Collectors edition and 2nd place got standard.
  12. A couple more from their middle overlooked albums.
  13. Change that to FF2. 8/10. I enjoy the game but haven’t played it for quite a while. I did really like the music, though. Maybe if Square would do a rerelease I would give it another go.
  14. 9/10 It is one of those movies that takes a couple viewings. I found it odd on the first watch, but it started to click on the next few. It makes a little more sense if you have lived in LA also.
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