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Everything posted by Khromak

  1. Just added a column to my NES collection spreadsheet with a Yes/No for if I've beaten the game. I'm at an appalling 89 games, including the ones which can't be beaten, barely 13%! For the completions thread I mostly play games I'm already familiar with, but I think this year I'm going to try to branch out into some new games. It should be easy to do that since pretty much every game I've beaten has already been done this year even though January isn't even over yet. Haven't picked a new game to take on yet, but I've got a couple in mind.
  2. Willow is done. My second or third time beating it; it's quite a good game, most people would say a zelda clone which i think is pretty fair, but it's definitely worse
  3. Just finished M.C. kids for the first time ever. It's a decent game with some cool ideas and great level designs, but the controls are a bit slippery
  4. A combination of factors: I got really lucky running away from basically all battles, I had all the best equipment you can get, and I made many, many attempts. Essentially I was doing my "grinding" by killing what battles I could handle, running from the battles I couldn't handle, and then just escaping or dying, and trying again. I did this from ~16ish through ~20ish when I made it through. Now I'm doing my grind from that point to ~30ish to take on the mini-bosses and eventually the boss. For those who haven't played it, definitely do. It's not as good as DW3 or 4, but in my opinion is vastly superior to DW1, though obviously 1 was pioneering. There's a lot more strategy and thought you have to put into the battles. It can be brutally unfair if you get bad RNG though, and there's not much you can do about it, depending how bad your luck is. Lots of enemies can sleep lock you and destroy you without any input on your behalf, you can be hit by defeat, sacrifice...all kinds of nastiness. But it keeps you on your toes instead of being a boring slog.
  5. Well I guess in the interest of transparency I'll do the same. I'm at the final sanctuary area, doing my final grind to take on the bosses. I'm still fairly low level, around 22/20/18 or so, but I'll probably finish it today?
  6. You could always play Zoda's Revenge, it's still on the list for this year last I checked.
  7. Started up a playthrough of Dragon Warrior 2, so I'll probably be on that for a while. Though with how slow work has been lately, maybe it won't be that long...
  8. Thank God because I am currently playing it and getting incredibly pissed off. It's another one of those games with a few things going for it and a lot of things that are incredibly, unbearably annoying.
  9. Gun Nac is finished. Surprised it lasted this long since most people treasure this game. For me it's definitely my style of shooter, which is to say pretty easy with lots of mechanics to help you when you stuck at shooters, because I do. Badly. On a related note this is definitely the first time I've beaten it without continuing
  10. Just finished gremlins 2: the new batch. Never played this game before now, it's decent, great graphics and sound, but lord... it's like "moving platform: the game."
  11. GI Joe: The Atlantis Factor is done. Fun game, I really enjoy the powerup systems and the different characters with different abilities. Damn if it isn't ball-bustingly difficult at parts though. Really have to get the patterns for the different bosses and mini-bosses down or they will destroy you, and even certain regular enemies can be tough to get by without taking damage.
  12. @Foochie776 seems like our tastes are very similar. I'd tell you what the next games on my list are but then you'd play them before me
  13. The guardian legend is done. All in one sitting, which i hadn't done before. Excellent game, definitely in my top 25, possibly top 10
  14. I agree Gaia, every game is repetitive if you think about it, how many times are you stomping on enemies in SMB? And realistically there are so many scenarios with different enemy compositions, party compositions, status ailments, hp/mp values, item management, that really most battles in a (good) RPG are pretty dynamic.
  15. I probably won't do 3, at least not for a while. I really enjoy the lolo games, but I think grinding through 2 in a night has sated my interest in them for the time being
  16. Going to start up The Guardian Legend tomorrow, unless someone else already has. It can be a bit of a longer one, though I don't know exactly how long. I'm terrible at shooters but with the HP and chip systems it's forgiving enough that I can beat it...just not quickly
  17. Adventures of lolo 2 is done. Some of those puzzles are damn tricky. Not nearly as bad as some of the crap in 3, but still very particular
  18. Metal storm is beaten on standard difficulty
  19. I've already played through the whole game on my cart and I didn't realize it was a NESMaker game. Very solid game, well done. Not a top-tier NES title in the overall library, but definitely worth playing.
  20. Tried beating Smash TV for the last day or so and just got pissed off enough to take it out of my system. I can absolutely dominate the crap out of it for 95% of the game, then a single room in the final level will take 5 or 6 lives from me. I've gotten to Key room #2 with 5 lives (plus play on 0) and then lost after 10 minutes of nonstop gigantic waves of enemies. Maybe when my friend comes over I'll give it another shot on 2 player, we've beaten it together before, but single player is testing my patience.
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