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Everything posted by Khromak

  1. I'm going to try to be respectful of your beliefs but my responses will probably come across as sarcastic because text is simplistic. What function is "remaining married" performing here? In both scenarios, you are no longer in a relationship with your spouse, you are in a new relationship with the outside person, and (in my opinion) you're equally likely to fail in your new relationship. The marriage is a total sham, and just makes things worse because it confuses all parties, and forces people into confusing, overly complicated situations for...nothing? If your relationship is so bad that you want to have extramarital affairs, the marriage is over. Whether you get divorced or not is a formality, but it's an important one so that there is absolutely no misunderstanding between the ex-partners, kids, and any future partners; that relationship is over, there is no longer love and affection there, and we're moving on with our lives. Pretending you're still in a relationship by staying married is a farce, and harmful, especially in situations involving kids and abuse.
  2. If a friend is stealing milk from their employer and selling it to you on the cheap so you can use it in your cheese factory, they tell you that they're stealing, and you help them by picking it up in your truck, you're being a bad person. You don't have any obligation to their employer, you're not employed by them, but you still shouldn't engage in and encourage this behavior.
  3. Sure, maybe being beaten can strengthen the relationship too! Who knows?!
  4. Is it not a bad thing to tell someone they should steal, and that you'll reward them for doing so? Is he not also gaining from the stealing? He's getting some of the cash, and enjoying the experience, both of which because he told her to do it. You actually think the son did nothing wrong here? There are levels of blame, in both the stealing and the cheating scenario. I don't think that people who are complicit are as responsible as the daughter/wife in these scenarios, but they're still doing a bad, morally wrong thing. Blame isn't binary
  5. Sorry, but if you have sex with a woman who you know is married, you're a bad person. It doesn't matter what she tells you (or you know) is going on in the relationship, or how unhappy she (says she) is. You do not romantically pursue or have sexual interactions with people whose partner believes they are exclusively dating. If you wouldn't do whatever you're thinking of doing while the other party was aware, then it's immoral. Full stop. If they're truly unhappy or being mistreated, they need to exit that situation before they start dating/sleeping with others. If you participate in this willingly, you are doing a bad thing.
  6. I also voted 9 on this one, it's an absolute banger. All the characters are fun, unique, and powerful. The level design is great, the bosses are all tough but fair. Graphics, music, animations, cutscenes are all great. It's almost a 10, but I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite games of all time.
  7. And who says gun ownership doesn't make you safer?
  8. Finished AD&D pool of radiance. Love this game, it's a ton of fun, even though most of the mechanics are broken as hell. This time I played with a fighter/ mage/ thief because a guide suggested thief was necessary, but I found that to be a total waste. In hindsight, I think a combination of fighters, fighter/cleric, and fighter/mage is probably best. The straight cleric and straight magic user just seem weak. They level faster, but offer no other advantages. My party consisted of: F, F, F/M/T, M, C. Felt like extra heals probably would've helped, though most of the Cleric spells are useless other than Hold Person (sometimes) and Cure Light Wounds. Highly recommend this one if you like tactical rpgs. Save often, and experiment with different dialog options, spells, etc. until you're satisfied.
  9. Funny you say it because I have beaten Battletoads a bunch of times, but I was practicing levels in BT&DD and having a lot of trouble trying to get through them without getting slaughtered. It's definitely a very good game and has pretty much all the same things going for it as the original, but it seemed harder to me. Could just be a matter of familiarity, since I know so much about Battletoads, I don't get hung up on its bullshit but being unfamiliar with BT&DD I probably just die to nonsense & need to learn the enemy patterns better.
  10. Beat conquest of the crystal palace. I think this was my second clear of all time, maybe third. It's quite a fun game for the most part, love the graphics and music, but damn if the final stage and penultimate boss aren't total crap. The collapsing ceiling section especially is total bull. Fortunately once i made it to the final boss i beat it in...2 tries? Ish. Glad to be done with it
  11. I'll trade you my Battleship! It came out around the same time, seems fair to me.
  12. If I had to wager a guess, it comes down to how many copies they printed. We can't just look at the release date order, I think each developer/publisher decided the amount of copies they were going to make for each title. They probably didn't think they were gonna sell that many Little Samsons, but Capcom would've been highly confident they could sell a lot of copies of Megaman 6. They made more copies, supply & demand, boom. I'm sure there's also some factor of hype and whatever, but I've seen probably 10x as many MM6 as I have Little Samson, or more
  13. I get what you're saying @Tanooki but I disagree on the democrats defending Biden. Most Democrats I've spoken with (and I know a lot) are not hardcore fans of Biden, and don't deflect from his issues, including his mental/physical health. I think if you asked 100 democrats, over half of them would say they don't want him running again. It's not our decision though. Now ask 100 republicans if they think Trump should run again, I think you'll get a very different result and IMHO his issues are much larger. There are issues on both sides, but I think the Republicans are much more fanatical and also much more forgiving/blinded to the flaws of their candidate. This of course only applies to Biden/Trump, when compared to other R candidates, this is less applicable.
  14. I'm no professional politician or anything, I don't even play one on TV. That said: I don't think riding a bike is a required task for presidents. I'm pretty sure there's no physical aspect at all. Rumor has it, we could even have a wheelchair-bound president. I agree that old men shouldn't be running the country because they're mostly out of touch with reality and fuck rich people, so I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of politicians, but let's not focus on their dexterity.
  15. I think these are all design decisions about how you want to present things to the customer. IMHO you could have different sections for PAL NES, Famicom, FDS, etc. even though they run on the same (very similar) architecture. Or you could have TMHT just be a checkbox for region, and let the user track it themselves. If you have artwork associated with each game, probably best to distinguish games by artwork. Are you going to have 4 entries for Wayne Gretzky's Hockey because of the cover variants? You'll end up in a hellscape if you try to think of everything every collector might want to track. Just pick the way YOU want to differentiate games and go with that. If you want feedback from the community you can ask and we'll all provide it, but the feedback will be different and it will be difficult to get a consensus. Maybe polls would help, so you can at least understand majority opinion? Or just go with what you would want to see. I imagine these problems will blow up with more complex systems/ones you/we are less familiar with. Bless your heart.
  16. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. I would seriously consider not using a retail tag. It's a complete mess. Allow users to put their own tags in and THEY can decide what's a retail game. This is not something you'll be able to nail down to an absolute science, and even if you do, someone will later come back and say the pictures you used as proof were promotional and the game never actually sold. Or someone will come up with new pictures of some game which was thought to be mail-in only, being sold in a store which meets your criteria. This is a moving target and not something easily verifiable, which has different meanings to different users, and which is always hotly debated.
  17. I agree with @RegularGuyGamer's point. In terms of what's a different game for a collection, it's a different question to what's a different game from other perspectives. I don't consider Gold/Grey Zelda to be two different games, but I'd like to track them on an app, because you can own one, the other, both, prices can be different, etc. Are people going to also want to track # of screws? TM/R/RTM? Cover variants? Date codes? Manual revisions? Back label variant? At a certain point you have to draw a line. It's a completely arbitrary decision and comes down to who you/your audience are. Do they want to track all that crap, or just hit a button that says they have a Super Mario Bros? Might be best to just have tags/checkboxes and people can apply any/all they want on a per-game basis. If you have Punch-Out! and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! then add the game twice and put the tag for Mike Tyson on one and Mr. Dream on the other. Third copy with 5 screws? Add both of those tags.
  18. OK guys, here's your question, were any/all of these games sold by an establishment paying rent for an enclosed, lockable space safe from the elements for which they have signed a lease and are paying taxes on all sales, and did their merchandise come directly from manufacturers? Decathalon Magic Jewelry Cheetahmen II Sachen games HES games NES Smurfs game with The Smurfs written in English on the front Myriad 6-In-1 Hammerin' Harry NTSC (IMHO this one does not meet your criteria because the manufacturer is distributing them directly to customers and there are no store displays)
  19. @Code Monkey I think you need to define what you mean by retail and then ask those specific questions about specific games. If your app will consider something retail if it got a sticker put on it, then you'll have a different answer than if it's a game shipped to a store by the manufacturer, or if you only consider an item retail if it was available in more than 1 state/province, if it was sold by mass-market stores, or whatever other criteria you set. @fcgamer also has another point: if a game was sold at retail in one country, but not another, is that considered retail? I'd say yes, but that's also a decision for you to make. Ultimately, you will always end up with people who dispute your definition, so it's going to be a gagglefuck. Might want to consider @Gloves suggestion of just...not using a retail tag. It's not a very meaningful separation, IMHO.
  20. Zelda 2 completed with only attack raised. Damn that was tough. The grand palace is really rough when most enemies 2 shot you and you need to have full magic for the thunderbird. Dark link also 2-hit kills you, and you can't shield or heal unless you get there with an extra life. Way harder than i anticipated, the life and magic upgrades are huge boosts. Also kind of weird but you can't use reflect to kill the maze boss until you've got max magic, which requires doing the ocean palace first, which i normally never do. Fun challenge though, if you like zelda 2 and are reasonably good at it, I recommend it
  21. Spent the better part of the day working on zelda 2 single stat challenge. I'm up to the great palace now, just need to get back there again and put in some more tries to beat it. I got up to the room before thunder bird, but instead of a potion in the T room I got a red bird and he murdered me. Should be done tomorrow though. Also picked up one of the famicom games, the space harrier looking one, will play that when it comes in, and I've got a few more games on my to do list
  22. Yeah, Famicom has unlimited continues. I didn't die at all for the first ~6 dungeons or so, was on a roll. Then towards the end I lost a ton of lives/continues. Especially the final section (because of driving issues) and the final boss. Boss isn't too bad once you get a decent pattern down. I think the grenades do significantly more damage than even a fully charged gun, so I just run around and drop grenades when the opportunity presents itself. Pause glitch (if you use it) makes most of the trickier bosses very easy. Overall, the game is really great and everyone should play it. Famicom version is great for practice because you continue on the section you're currently working on, so you don't get set back very far when you die.
  23. Just beat blaster master on famicom. I've beaten it before on NES but recently acquired the famicom cart because of the regional differences. I've gotta say, this time around i definitely would've had to start over from the beginning if i was playing the nes version. The game is amazing for a multitude of reasons, but controlling the tank after getting all the wall upgrades is a nightmare, and some sections are brutally difficult. Still love the game though, it's a total classic
  24. HAH! I wish. I do love how at ~200k or whatever it tells you to go buy a house in LA or something. Don't worry, you should take the points, you cleared it. I am only like 100k in anyway, so it's NBD, was just doing it for this challenge I've already played my fair share of courses.
  25. I agree @nerdynebraskan that M.C. Kids controls kind of awkward and a lot of the mechanics aren't that intuitive, but it's decent. I've beaten it a couple times I think, maybe 2-4. I've got a small list of 5~10 games still on the list that I'd like to tackle but I've been hardcore sucked into an MMORPG lately which has taken up all my free time. That said, I'm working on NES Open Tournament Golf again this year, another game I discovered through this list and has become a yearly completion for me, because I enjoy it. I might take a shot at some of the Famicom games as well, depending how much of my list I get through/how much time I dedicate to this. Might take a crack at the Zelda 2 "only 1 stat" challenge too.
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