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Let's share stories here about when other collectors betrayed us. Maybe your friend gave you false information to deter you from scooping up a game they also wanted. Or perhaps you give someone a bro deal and they flip it for triple the price. Let's share stories of all these moments.

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33 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Let's share stories here about when other collectors betrayed us. Maybe your friend gave you false information to deter you from scooping up a game they also wanted. Or perhaps you give someone a bro deal and they flip it for triple the price. Let's share stories of all these moments.

Are my ears burning?! I honestly had no idea you wanted that, lol! I swear to God! 😱

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Editorials Team · Posted

Well... I've got a few stories of NA/VGS members who I made trade deals with, who totally didn't send their agreed half, they sent EXTRA GOODIES. It makes me SO MAD. It happens a TON.

But yeah I agree the backhanded deals tend to take place on ebay, among strangers. Trading around with buds on VGS is the way to go.

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