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Beat Every Game Boy Game - 2024 - 123/566

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A few quick and easy clears: Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede / Millipede


Arcade Classic No. 3: Galaga / Galaxian



Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge. Almost beat this one on a single continue, but I forgot the pattern for the final boss and had to use a continue. But still a fun game on the go.


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Paperboy is done


Paperboy is not a bad game, and this plays well enough, but the zoomed in screen of the Game Boy makes this one of the worst versions you could try. Half the fun playing this as a kid is tossing papers into windows or other things to see the destruction effects, but that takes a backseat to surviving when trying to beat it. Save those papers to toss at enemies so they stop in their path.  This took a while to learn. After some time, I found a sweet spot where most sidewalk things wouldn't touch me. Then it was a matter of managing speed. I thought slow was better, but it hurt me more than I knew until I tried speeding up. Still, there are possibly always unavoidable deaths depending on the RNG load-out as you could be hit with 3 or 4 obstacles in the same little section. I barely made it through by the skin of my teeth with a deathless run on Sunday with no lives remaining thanks to a brutal Saturday that took everything from me.

I got some good practice on Itchy & Scratchy: Mini Golf Madness last night too, making it to level 8 of 9. I hope to beat that tonight.

Next on the list are:
180    Platforming/Action    Simpsons: Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness, The
181    Platforming/Action    Amazing Spider-Man 2, The
182    Sports    World Bowling
183    Platforming/Action    Pac-In-Time
184    Platforming/Action    TBD
185    Arcade    Frogger

Since World Bowling is potentially impossible, I will probably swap other games in between attempts.

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The Simpsons: Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness is done


Here's another game from my childhood that I could never beat. I don't know if I made it past level 5 back then, but in my first 2 tries I made it to level 8 and then the third try was the charm using one continue. Generally, it's not a terrible game, but boy is it frustrating at times. There are a bunch of Itchys with various weapon types and some of them move incredibly fast and/or shoot projectiles before you know they are there. You can try to combat something as soon as it appears on screen, but all the weapons you're given have a slow wind-up time and it's pretty common to still get hit and die unless you know where that Itchy spawns or you guess right and throw ammo in advance. The hit boxes are pretty unfair and your swings can go through him, but if you touch a single pixel and you're dead. The music is an obnoxious loop that lasts 10 seconds and doesn't change no matter the level. The graphics are the high point with well-done sprites and a huge variety in level designs and final obstacles for the holes. It's a bit disappointing that the mini-golf aspect isn't better utilized. It's not really a golf game, but rather an escort mission. Getting under par will earn you an extra life, but that's it. Overall, it's fun but not great - like most of the Simpson's games on Game Boy.

Next I'm going to swing through Amazing Spider-Man 2

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Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge completed using my blue Game Boy Pocket.

Edit: Looks likes JamesRobot already played this game, and Ankos played Kirby's Dream Land 1 and 2. Guess I gotta pick up the pace.

Edited by MegaMan52
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Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan completed. Played it in TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection on Switch. Played through every level without any of the turtles getting captured. I didn't use any save states or button codes. The game isn't even hard, and it's short. Oh and if anyone's wondering which turtle is in that one pic, it's Raph.

Edited by MegaMan52
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4 hours ago, MegaMan52 said:

The game isn't even hard, and it's short

Even easier if you happen to know or remember where the secret bonus games are, but still a fun time.

You'll probably get to it well before me, since I have World Bowling to fight, but I have TMNT II on deck soon. I've only played the first TMNT on Game Boy so I'm interested to see how they compare.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is done


I absolutely hated this one. While it's safe to say that it controls better than the first Spider-Man game, it's still a jumbled mess when it comes to anything web related. Plus, while you don't have the awkward high jump, there is an awkward double jump that you must perform in order to wall grab. None of this works as expected. The web mechanics honestly feel broken and largely useless except for a couple key areas where you must latch on to something to progress (thankfully very minimal overall). Don't bother attacking with web. By the time you get to the enemy, they've broken out and if you get to close to anyone, they hurt you anyway. It took me about an hour to figure out how to get through the first level, and that only happened because of an inadvertent hint in my chat. Before that sticking point, I was encouraged by the exploration aspect of the game. Get an item, use that item to open a new area and do more stuff. Some of the stages are connected and you can get in over your head if you're not careful. That's all interesting in theory, but the terrible mechanics and awful enemies that annoyingly knock you back ruin that. Also, you can soft-lock. If you need web and there are no more power-ups left (as they don't respawn after death), you're just screwed. Every level is like a mini-puzzle that should be fun to figure out but they are all frustrating in their own ways thanks to terrible controls and inconsistent behaviors in the programming. I haven't been legitimately angry at a game in a while, but this got me there.

After that lovely experience, I also started learning World Bowling. After about 1hr 45min, I got to the second stage twice. If I can manage to find a spot where I can get 2-3 strikes in a row semi-regularly, then I'll be in good shape.

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The Jungle Book is complete. Played it in Disney Classic Games Collection on Switch. I did not use any save states or button codes. I've played it before. The game is a little frustrating at times, but it's decent. Very similar to the NES version, which I remember liking and would like to play on a real NES again someday (rented it in 1994/1995 and haven't played it on a real NES since).

Edited by MegaMan52
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WWF King of the Ring is done.  Honestly, while the AI is still equally exploitable as the NES version, I feel that the gameplay feels a bit better overall on the Game Boy version.  It's still not very good, but it's not quite as shite 😛 Also, character statistics actually seem to matter here, unlike the NES version.  The game crashed on me during my second match as Mr. Perfect, with both matches taking a LONG time.  I switched over to Lex Luger after the crash, and although he moved a LOT slower, he managed to deal damage significantly faster.  I'm guessing the massive strength boost helped.  Stamina may also be a factor, likely with health, but I didn't take too much damage with either character so I didn't really notice a difference.  But yeah, it just feels like a better game overall, though it still has a ton of room for improvement.

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WWF Superstars is done.  Took a few attempts, mostly because I didn't realize you had to HOLD B to pin rather than just tapping, so I kept getting beat despite annihilating my opponents 😛  Anyway, Hulk Hogan beat all four other opponents.  I gotta say though, I kind of like the presentation.  It's a pretty simple and somewhat easy game, but they really did well with it.  The graphics are awesome, there's custom banter between opponents, including dialogue referencing the opposition, and the VInce McMahon cameos in between matches where he talks about the previous bout make it a pretty decent game overall.  This was also a first-time completion for me, which is a bonus...always like chipping away at the backlog after all 😛

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Knocked off Yoshi's Cookie.  So this is another first time win, but I'm not sure if this is truly the ending.  Upon completion of 10-10, and watching the credits, it gave instructions to get a level select to choose levels 11 and beyond.  I'm not sure if any of these have an ending as well, nor do I care enough to bother at the moment.  That said, I certainly didn't beat it from scratch.  I chose level 10 on low speed.  Speed doesn't seem to affect the ending at all, though apparently levels 1 through 9 have a cut scene that plays before advancing to the next level.  I'm inclined to say it's beaten, at least for the purposes of this thread, but does anyone have any info on the later levels, if they have a unique cut scenes too, or if it's just a bonus for people that have otherwise mastered the game?

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And WWF Superstars 2 is also in the bag now, after winning the title with Jake "The Snake" Roberts.  Gameplay is slightly improved over the first game, though it's much easier to cheese the computer on this one.  Although I didn't try the cage matches, I also don't really desire it.  Additionally, the presentation is a definite downgrade IMO.  The lack of pre match banter and slight differences in the ending depending on who you pick definitely hampers it's replay value.  Still, it's one of the more playable WWF games on the Game Boy...and indeed, it's better than the NES offerings as well!

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