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Beat every Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game - 250/757


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Outrun 2019 should be done. I played through every stage once on normal difficulty to get the ending.

It plays quite well and is fun for a short while, but is overall really short for a 16-bit racing game. Even Rad Racer I and II one the NES were longer experiences. Still, it would have made for a good weekend rental.

Outrun 2019.jpg

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Just beat OutRunners. I played both arcade mode and original mode. Playing through original mode is what triggered the credits.

The game itself isn't really anything to write home about and less fun than the other Outrun games. That's because you only have half of the screen available for yourself and the tracks are really barebones and rather dull. However, the music is actually really good! I've got to put those tracks in one of my playlists.

OutRunners Arcade Mode.jpg

OutRunners Original.jpg

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Turbo Outrun is done. By far the weakest Outrun game on the Genesis/Mega Drive. You just have four courses or levels that are divided into four smaller sections each. So you've not only beaten the game in like 8 or 9 minutes, but you've also seen everything. On top of that it didn't play all that great either. So a very middle of the road kind of game.

Turbo Outrun.jpg

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  • The title was changed to Beat every Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game - 228/757

Beat Street Smart. Missed getting a pic, but oh well.

Yikes what a lame ass fighting game. I breezed through the game in about 15 minutes pretty much just mashing the B-button and jumping away from attacks every now and then.

There's a gambling gimmick which I didn't pay much attention to, but I guess how much money you make effects the ending scene. Even though I beat all 10 fighters, I still ended up a broke ass loser, but the game gave me a "Congratulations!" anyway and showed the credits. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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Uncharted Waters is in the bag.  It's a great game, but it could've been a lot better overall.  Things like how easy it is to make way too much money too quickly just kind of makes it a grind.  I still love it for short bursts, but putting the time in to beat it is a bit much for me.  I will say that of the three versions, this one is probably my favorite of the three, much like Romance of the Three Kingdoms II.  But yeah, definitely recommend it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Beat every Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game - 234/757

TaleSpin is done.

I'll copy and paste my thoughts from the 2024 Backlog Challenge:

I have vague memories of playing the Game Gear version as a kid but never beating it. Looking up videos it looks like the Game Gear version is actually a reasonably faithful port of this one.

It's not a great game. It's janky, the graphics are mediocre, the sound effects and music are poor. There is some variety in the game play, alternating between platform sections, boss battles, and shmup sections. The concept is actually decent for adapting the cartoon to a game, so it's too bad that the gameplay is not up to par.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dragon's Fury is done. I used the password feature to save scum to a billion points and beat the final boss. You can get a password any time by pausing and pressing A. It saves number of balls and score, but nothing else (not ball position or the state of the table). I used the options menu to set the ball speed from the default of fast (which is very fast!) to slow (which is more like "normal"). I took a victory lap after beating the boss and played normally without save scumming and got my best normal score ever, 91.9 mil.

There's not a lot to do in this one. You'll spend most of your time in the middle screen trying to shoot into the holes to change the face in the middle for bonus stage 6 or destroy the wall on the left for a random bonus stage. You can't worry about scoring if you fall to the bottom screen, you just need to focus on trapping the ball with a flipper and then going for a shot back up to the middle screen. I couldn't intentionally go up to the top screen, it was just something that happened sometimes. The default ball speed is way too fast, I recommend changing the speed in the options menu.

It probably took around 20 hours total to grind out the billion points. I learned partway through that if you reset the console, it remembers the last password you got and will autofill it for you. It's still a good idea to record the password every 10 mil or so in case of a crash, which happened to me once when resetting.





Edited by LHCGreg
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2 hours ago, LHCGreg said:

Dragon's Fury is done. I used the password feature to save scum to a billion points and beat the final boss. You can get a password any time by pausing and pressing A. It saves number of balls and score, but nothing else (not ball position or the state of the table). I used the options menu to set the ball speed from the default of fast (which is very fast!) to slow (which is more like "normal"). I took a victory lap after beating the boss and played normally without save scumming and got my best normal score ever, 91.9 mil.

There's not a lot to do in this one. You'll spend most of your time in the middle screen trying to shoot into the holes to change the face in the middle for bonus stage 6 or destroy the wall on the left for a random bonus stage. You can't worry about scoring if you fall to the bottom screen, you just need to focus on trapping the ball with a flipper and then going for a shot back up to the middle screen. I couldn't intentionally go up to the top screen, it was just something that happened sometimes. The default ball speed is way too fast, I recommend changing the speed in the options menu.

It probably took around 20 hours total to grind out the billion points. I learned partway through that if you reset the console, it remembers the last password you got and will autofill it for you. It's still a good idea to record the password every 10 mil or so in case of a crash, which happened to me once when resetting.

Is maxing the score required for the ending or did you just do massive overkill for its own sake?  I'm curious what the requirement is so I know whether to go for it or not lol

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9 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Is maxing the score required for the ending or did you just do massive overkill for its own sake?  I'm curious what the requirement is so I know whether to go for it or not lol

When you max out the score, you get immediately transported to the final boss.

There might be an alternate way of getting to the final boss: clearing all 6 bonus stages in a single game. I think I read that in a FAQ. But in all my play time I NEVER cleared bonus stage 5 (the green field where you have to hit an enemy over all the circles to light them up). I only cleared the blue bonus stage a handful of times.

I would count on maxing the score being the only practical way to reach the ending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starflight is done.  I had intended to do  a full run with just whatever in game notes I acquired, as I'd previously beat it with a guide.  Then my battery decided today was the day to crap out.  And knowing that there's only two things that need doing, and that I'm a lazy ass that doesn't want to start over, I opted to follow a speed run to get it done.  It's unfortunate, since it's a fantastic game, but it is what it is.  Honestly, aside from the resource mining, the game is functionally Star Trek, and should appeal to any fan of the series, as this is basically what every Star Trek game ever made should have been.

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Monopoly is done.  Kinda surprised it was unbeaten to be honest, since it's kind of a gimmie.  Played a full 8 player game against the computer.  Hoarded properties as much as I could, and leveraged the Water Works and one railroad to get massive property deals from the computer...Basically gave the sets away for all the rest of those players properties.  Also got one computer player to give all their properties and 90% of their cash in exchange for the games first set, a gamble that paid off as they never got enough cash in hand to build on them.  From there, I traded singles to get the last part of various sets so I could complete mine, notably giving away the yellow set in exchange for the green one, and then building straight away.  Thats when dominoes started falling, with every player dropping cash until I could fully build up.  By then there was no recovery for the computer players and they all fell in short order.

The one thing  keeping this from being a version I'll play much in the future is that, on multiple occasions, the same cards came up on Community Chest and Chance on subsequent landings, which shouldn't happen early in the game (I could see it happening after shuffling the deck once all cards are drawn, but not before everyone passes Free Parking, that's just silly).

On the plus side, it can handle 8 players instead of only 4 for the 8 bit versions, so it's a better party game in that regard.  Also, on other versions the computer will mortgage everything before declaring bankruptcy, forcing you to either unmortgage or pay the fee, but here they calculate it, and if they won't make it up, they don't bother mortgaging everything and you get the properties unmortgaged (though buildings are still sold off).  It's a small but nice touch imo.

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WWF Royal Rumble is done.  Tougher than I remembered, but in fairness I don't recall ever playing the tournament, and there's no way to select difficulty on it like there is in exhibition matches and the Rumble match itself.  Also kind of amusing that I fought Hulk Hogan in the first match and the final one was against IRS 😆 At least they properly randomized it, unlike a lot of wrestling games back then.

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So I'm working on Family Feud.  I've now won two games, took my password, and figured I'd mention it here since there are no requirements listed.  According to the manual you get passwords as long as you haven't won 5 games, so I'm presuming that would be the requirement.  I couldn't find any details about there being an actual ending for that, as every playthrough I saw had only completed one match.  But yeah, it's either done now or will be soon, depending on whether one win is enough or if you want all five to count it.  I'm not counting it on my own list until i do all 5, so it's still being worked on regardless, I just thought I'd mention it just in case.

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So after some more gameplay, I have now exceeded the number of games the manual mentioned, and still get passwords.  Curious about this, I looked into the password system.  Apparently the game will give passwords up until $80,000 and then won't give passwords anymore.  With the Bullseye round, the most you could possibly get per round is $20,000, and would realistically be much lower.  So by the sound of it, you could have 5 rounds total if you played matches consecutively, per the manual, but the password system doesn't track the number of wins so they've hard coded it to not actually allow passwords after a point that wouldn't likely be achievable in fewer than 5 games (but in reality would take far longer to do).  I've played 6 games now and still have a valid password, and will likely need at least two more to get to 80K and confirm this development, but yeah, still no word on where the end of Family Feud would be.

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