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On 10/25/2022 at 4:14 PM, PII said:

I agree very much with your 2nd statement here.  One of the things about motion picture is the substantial degree to which it is capable of inducing a passive state of mind and then molding perception into acceptance around this info or that, regardless of whether said info makes any sense or not...

...Which is precisely why I place a value on watching it in an active/conscious manor as much as I can.  I like being able to tell if things make good sense, or not.  And sometimes it is just fun to be the peanut gallery and make fun of it, especially with beer, pizza and friends.  

I've enjoyed watching Walking Dead as well.  So much, in fact, it's the only TV Program that I've watched regularly in the last 12 years or so (Well, that and Twin Peaks Season 3.)  IIRC, the tactic you mention with the Walker Blood on Raincoats from season one was shown to work, right up until it didn't work, when a cloudburst hit, washing the blood off = the Walkers could smell them again, and Rick & Glenn then had to run for their lives.  Then, (I believe it was season 6) Rick, Carl and some very inexperienced survivors were trapped in a house surrounded by Walkers and they went this route again.  Once again it works until it doesn't.  Sam, in his fear starts whining, the Walkers hear him and Sam becomes an hors d'oeuvre.  So, the tactic is consistent and seems to work very well when one is in a serious pinch with no other alternative, but also is not something to be over relied upon.  In season one, Rick also tells everyone not to get any on their face or in their eyes when they are slathering it on.  Since it was early they did not know if the infection was transmissible only by saliva or if blood contact would also result in infection.  It's around season 3 that Rick & co start getting heaps of zombie blood dumped on them regularly so by season six they don't have to worry about that so much, but still, the tactic proves flukey just the same = not to be relied upon.  So the whole thing hangs together on a line pretty well.

Anyway, we of course, are all entitled to our own opinion and free to watch or not however we choose. 

The music when Don is running away is awesome, I agree; and ended up in Walking dead along with a lot of other stuff, like the military dropping napalm in the streets and so on.

I'm what you might call a Zombie movie connoisseur.  Generally I prefer to see this type of film for what it is rather than what it isn't.  It's just that I also happen to like observing and analyzing as well. 😉 


It's all good. I think 28 Days and Weeks are some of the better movies out there. I haven't such much of the older zombie movies, but I do know I prefer the faster aggressive zombie types better. It's like you genuinely can't make any mistakes. Slow walking horde, eh, just climb on a roof or power walk lol

I have to dig out some freebie goodies we got from a trip we won to see the cast and crew of the Walking Dead. It's nothing "spectacular" but it was definitely an awesome trip!

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2 hours ago, Mega Tank said:

I haven't such much of the older zombie movies, but I do know I prefer the faster aggressive zombie types better.

If you get curious about the older flicks, I'd recommend "Nightmare City."  It's purportedly the first "Fast Zombie" movie.  I like it a lot as it's a rare sort.  It has some genuinely good qualities going for it, but at the same time is so horrendously bad that it's amazing.  So many good laughs!

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  • 1 month later...

Coupla recent pick-ups.

 I was lead to expect "Black Sheep" to be REALLY over the top ridiculous and it turned out more moderate in that regard; but pretty good over all.  Not exactly the usual fare.

"Shanks" I was expecting to be mediocre overall yet interesting and it turned out to be GREAT instead; A really unique film that held my attention front to back.  Pretty quick and throughout it reminded me heavily of "Edward Scissorhands."  There was a quick little clip on a television set that I did not recognize but resembled "Mars Attacks" as well; and a scene that probably inspired "Weekend At Bernies."  Coincidently?, Serendipitously?, Synchronistically?, take your pick, the film also contains actor "Don Calfa" who was in "Weekend At Bernies" as well as "Return Of The Living Dead."  There's a scene in the middle of the film that features "Mr. Barton" (one of Malcolm Shanks' control-able Zombies) doing the Micheal Jackson lean featured near the end of "Smooth Criminal."  I feel pretty sure that's not coincidence, in part because the same actor seemed to be 'doing some moves 'outta Thriller'' in a different scene.  It's a pretty bizarre film with a strangely talented star (Marcel Marceau) and I can't think of much that preceded it to compare it to except maybe "White Zombie/Bela Lugosi.  Not the sort of thing that appeals to everyone, but anyone who enjoys seeing something truly different will not be sorry that they took the time to view it.

There is also this guy who looks like a budget James Hetfield; had me laughin' pretty good...

Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 10.02.22 PM.png

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Administrator · Posted
8 minutes ago, PII said:

Coupla recent pick-ups.

 I was lead to expect "Black Sheep" to be REALLY over the top ridiculous and it turned out more moderate in that regard; but pretty good over all.  Not exactly the usual fare.

"Shanks" I was expecting to be mediocre overall yet interesting and it turned out to be GREAT instead; A really unique film that held my attention front to back.  Pretty quick and throughout it reminded me heavily of "Edward Scissorhands."  There was a quick little clip on a television set that I did not recognize but resembled "Mars Attacks" as well; and a scene that probably inspired "Weekend At Bernies."  Coincidently?, Serendipitously?, Synchronistically?, take your pick, the film also contains actor "Don Calfa" who was in "Weekend At Bernies" as well as "Return Of The Living Dead."  There's a scene in the middle of the film that features "Mr. Barton" (one of Malcolm Shanks' control-able Zombies) doing the Micheal Jackson lean featured near the end of "Smooth Criminal."  I feel pretty sure that's not coincidence, in part because the same actor seemed to be 'doing some moves 'outta Thriller'' in a different scene.  It's a pretty bizarre film with a strangely talented star (Marcel Marceau) and I can't think of much that preceded it to compare it to except maybe "White Zombie/Bela Lugosi.  Not the sort of thing that appeals to everyone, but anyone who enjoys seeing something truly different will not be sorry that they took the time to view it.

There is also this guy who looks like a budget James Hetfield; had me laughin' pretty good...

Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 10.02.22 PM.png

I remember seeing Black Sheep at the video store in my home town and yeah, same expectations as yourself - figured it'd be way over the top. Weird movie tbh lol.

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2 hours ago, Gloves said:

I remember seeing Black Sheep at the video store in my home town and yeah, same expectations as yourself - figured it'd be way over the top. Weird movie tbh lol.

That's funny; as I wrote this, I was thinking that you or one other person I had in mind might be the type to show up and have something to say ....about Shanks !

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  • 8 months later...


I haven't been much in the practice of acquiring great "new" Zombie Films this last year and to prove it here is a pic. of the only zombie movie I've recently acquired:

Zombie Diaries.  It is "Abraham Lincoln VS Zombies" Baaaaaaad, or perhaps yet even worse.  It is not funny-ha-ha bad, it is just bad.  I've had a copy of it's sequel sitting around for a couple of years now unwatched, so I only have to wait for an evening in which I'm in the mood to be bored stiff for 90 minutes while having my eyeballs occupied.  Inscribed on the back of the DVD case is:  "The Best Zombie Film Ever" according to ... -The Dark Side- ... Who or whatever that is, they must not have ever seen a zombie film before this one.

On the brighter side I recently discovered "CORPSE EATERS" which is, according to IMDB: "The first Canadian Gore Film About Zombies ...yadda, etc. 

It was produced on a budget of $36,000, came out in late summer of 1974 and is technically unfinished and considered to be a partially lost film.

Best of all you can watch it for free on Youtube.  WARNING: contains wild 70's Sex/Nudity and a pretty great soundtrack.






Zombie Diaries.png

Edited by PII
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