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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Taking drive thru to a whole new level! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/01/texas-man-convenience-store-truck-beer-coolers/72803875007/
  2. Then you are, as they say, ahead of the game! GO KRYSTAL! Keep those wyverns flying!
  3. They were more popular than Zelda!
  4. These fooks have no moral bottom. https://news.yahoo.com/scam-alert-police-imposters-lying-190000170.html
  5. Lately I have been eating a lot of hard boiled eggs - I cook up 2 dozen at a time and have 2 every morning. I recently discovered this nifty little gizmo to easily peel them: Works as advertised! You can get them at Max Warehouse for $10.99 plus $3.99 shipping. What handy gadgets do you like having around the house/garage/office etc?
  6. I don't either - but I do like to see what tricks they are up to - some of them are pretty clever - unlike this one.
  7. But without her we never would have had the Dagwood Sandwich*! *Not to mention 28 pretty bad films (and 2 forgettable TV series). https://youtu.be/KbmbJWRdOv4
  8. Got a really pathetic attempt via an email this morning. Purportedly from the USPS about an un-deliverable package with the wrong address, And please click the link to verify my address. Complete with a non standard USPS tracking number and strange email address. They did use USPS logos but this thing was even more bogus than the Nigerian oil minister's widow ones. It did have an eye catching subject line "You have an unopened surprise."
  9. You can get "This Is The Police 1/2" for $29.99 at Walmart with free shipping. https://www.walmart.com/ip/This-is-the-Police-I-II-2-Nintendo-Switch-Game-Set-1-2-Dive-into-a-deep-story-of-corruption-crime-and-intrigue/2943050279?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=7305&adid=222222222272943050279_7305_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=aud-393207457166:pla-295289030566&wl5=9028780&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=115068578&wl11=online&wl12=2943050279_7305&veh=sem&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAiA0PuuBhBsEiwAS7fsNc_uEbG5X6c_klMgzLhB3THCL5Cs80uiE90lZh-keXUwzPefQy_OURoC4xUQAvD_BwE
  10. I like it because it was really pointed and sharp edged - something that very few popular songs of the era were.
  11. It did wildly well in the day - charted at number 1 on US Billboard 100 (pretty amazing actually since Blondie had never charted before). The album Parallel Lines also charted very well all over the world.
  12. If nothing else it proves you are a scrappy person............
  13. If you haven't seen it you might want to check this out: Obviously much more modestly funded it delivers quite a punch with more storylines to invest in than just the one main one in Titanic.
  14. The Searchers is loosely based on the true (and very sad) story of Cynthia Ann Parker who was the mother of Quanah Parker.
  15. ------------------------------------------------------ The force is not strong with this one! https://www.independent.ie/videos/irish-news/injury-claim-thrown-out-as-picture-shows-injured-woman-winning-christmas-tree-throwing-competition/a1007482794.html
  16. They are from a series of Topps stickers called "Wacky Packages" made first in 1967 and revived in 1973. https://www.amazon.com/Wacky-Packages-Topps-Company/dp/081099531X#:~:text=Book overview&text=Wacky Packages―a series of,for a highly successful run.
  17. It is so hard to get a good night's sleep...... https://news.yahoo.com/watch-daring-creature-sleeping-bald-213304427.html
  18. Why the fook don't people have the right to defend themselves anymore? https://bnnbreaking.com/breaking-news/crime/in-a-twist-of-fate-nyc-amazon-driver-confronts-drunken-mischief-and-ends-up-charged (Other sources state the perp is an illegal "migrant".)
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