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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. Hah, I know but i'm still bitter that when I played it last week, it soft locked me half way thru the game. Oh ok, i'll give it a shot. I'm pretty sure I beat it but I can't quite remember.
  2. Not sure what to do next. I still have Blaster Master... Is Low G Man a 9 because it has to be beaten 3 times?
  3. Surprisingly finished off Toxic Crusaders. I forgot that you don't get a password for the last level (as I died at the first boss). I watched a speed run and learned yeah, no password. But for the final boss fight, I saw the guy just stood slightly under the boss and rapidly punched. So I thought I'd give it a shot. The last level isn't so hard but its just getting thru all those stages with 3 lives. I got to the bosses, beat em in one try. That rapid punch strat worked!
  4. Yeah very much so! The 2nd boss is really tough to fight without taking damage. I just finished up a guitar lesson and gonna go back to work on it soon. Thank god this one has a password feature. Cowboy Kid was also on my list but it's been so long since I played it and I remember it took quite a while, so go for it.
  5. Working my way thru Toxic Crusaders. Up to level 3. Trying to get a feel for the game again and its weird mechanics. Game boy game is def better.
  6. Finished Silver Surfer! Whew that was exhilarating. I was doing pretty good and then lost all my power ups on the first part of the final stage. I know from experience how much of a pain this is and I thought I lost all my lives and continues, but I had ONE more left. I somehow pulled it off, and got past that level. The final 2 stages arent hard and the final boss battle is easy, so I knew if I could get fully powered up again I could pull it off and I did! Now my finger hurts! Funny because first time, I got about half way in the game and I thought I discovered something amazing, by making a circle on top of the button I could rapid fire. Then I thought for a second and realized I left turbo fire on from last time haha. So I had to quit, turn it off and start again. So glad I put this one behind me.
  7. Working thru Silver Surfer using turbo to re-learn it. Funny that I just beat it with the turbo. The difficulty really lies in having to shoot very fast. I cant use my thumb but have to use my index and tap the A button like I'm operating a morse code machine haha. Anyway, I'll eventually get this done.
  8. Yeah its funny to see that. Like Battletoads being a 1 or something.
  9. While 'practicing' and relearning the game, I finished Zen on "easy". I think that counts because you do get the full game and credits. It was MUCH easier than I remembered. Maybe I didn't remember anything because there were no real annoying parts to it haha.
  10. Yeah. I'm convinced if they removed the auto-death hitting the sides of the screen, people would love this game a lot more, as well as making the default shot stronger. When you're fully powered up on and know what to do, its easy. Its still one of the 'easier' shmups on the system
  11. Ok. Gonna take me some time to remember it again. I remember very little of what to actually do but I know I've beaten it a few times before.
  12. Not sure what to work on, someone pick: Blaster Master, Silver Surfer (not too bad, just have to remember some parts), or start to learn again: - Dirty Harry - Jetsons - Zen - Toxic
  13. Hah, I was looking for easier games and I thought about doing that but decided to give Frankenstein another go. Looks like I made the right choice as I would have just been wasting my time.
  14. Oh cool, I finished Frankenstein when I wasn't expecting to! I forgot, only after using a password to learn the last level, that the password DOES save your health refills, so luckily I had 3 going into the 3rd level, so I just did better so I went into the last level with 4 health refills. The password doesn't save the amount of hits you can take. But I learned that in the 2nd screen, the first green orb drops a blue potion that gives you an extra hit, so I just farmed him out to so I maxed it out and got to Frank and beat him on the first try. Jolly good!
  15. Ended up having a little more extra time and finished Nightshade. Actually wasn't as hard as I remembered. The final boss battle is tough, and when I tried to used the staff of Ra I got demolished. It was just easier to duck and spam punch and have him teleport near you. Didn't even get hit once. Fun quirky game, and another PC port with "Anubis" in it that I beat, the other being Conan haha.
  16. Gonna work on Nightshade. I got about half way. Just have to get familiar with the fighting controls again. I will probably finish it tonight now that I have a better handle on it.
  17. No but it may be related. I was in the water area and I went thru one of the screen transition tubes as Jason in the map screen area, but it didn't show me going in the front but off to the side or something. I didn't think it was a big deal cuz I could still play, but then when I went to the small door for the underground boss levels levels, I couldn't go in the door. I kept pressing up, then thinking "oh its probably just glitched so if I find the right area it'll correct itself". I found it off to the left and instead of putting me in the underground area, it moved me elsewhere in the map area and stuck me inside of a wall. Couldn't get out. Anyway I finished off Conan. Had to learn it and again needed some thanks for some youtube videos because its been sso long. Weird game. Not as hard as you'd think but its more about getting an idea how to use the silly controls. Down for jumping forward isn't so bad but you dont use it as much as Up+forward which is a forward running jump, which is essential for the 2nd to last level platforms. Game is also very generous with health when you farm for it, so its really making sure you don't die falling in pits, esp since the game only gives you 3 lives and thats it.
  18. Well I got half way at the water stage in Blaster Master and the game glitched and I soft locked. So I dont expect to go back to this any time soon because i'm too annoyed to try again.
  19. I think I'm gonna do Blaster Master next. Or ill give it one shot today. Its not that hard until the very end but its a LONG game. Even knowing what to do it usually takes me close to 2 hrs. This game would be loved so much more if it ONLY has a simple password feature.
  20. Well as an 'easier' one I finished Shatterhand. One of the first games I bought when I started getting my NES stuff because my friends always talked about how great it was. It wasn't too bad but I kept messing up the last part. I remember always going into the final boss fully powered and just beating him in one shot, but I kept messing up, so this time I had to beat him, fist only with the green jacket. Dunno how I did it but I did it.
  21. I did it!!! I can't believe it, I beat Darkman. Funny that to me the hardest parts of the game is the "Smiley" part, because of those damn ninjas and being punched into a pit and fighting Durant, which you have to just SPAAAAAM the shoot button and hope you get into a rhythm. I also want to thank gamefaqs because someone put up the level maps of the level 5 elevator parts, which are easy if you memorized em but so incredibly unfair. Also used a fair amount of pause buffering too. I may have to play this a few times because I want to be able to beat it again at a later time and not have to re-learn everything.
  22. Ah man, that reminds me of the time I went to my buddies house and we learned the game together in 2 player.
  23. Ive been whittling down Darkman little by little. I dunno why Im torturing myself. Maybe because my mom bought it used for me as a kid, thinking she was doing something nice and man the game is so wonky and I felt bad for not really liking it. I'm way better at the physics of the game but it really forces you to move thru the levels in an almost specific way.
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