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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. Also… I have never worked with anyone that said I was not the hardest working person they have ever met. I put my all into a job. I make sure that I work harder than anyone and I make sure I attend to everyone’s needs.
  2. Well, I got the job. I didn’t think I would. I definitely didn’t deserve it. They gave me a chance and it’s worked out well for all of us. I will take this advice and try to use it in future endeavors. I didn’t know how to answer that question.I worked at a place for a very long time and nobody ever questioned me or had any criticism. I ran a place that needed me and my “expertise”. This new job is a learning experience. i will be better.
  3. I’m always shocked I get pinged in things like this . I am grateful though. Thank you @ZeldaFreak
  4. Well, one is older and married. The other is young and I’m a serious relationship. Unfortunately, I’m not really interested in work relationships right now. I’m still trying to figure out how to do my job
  5. Thanks. It’s been quiet the rollercoaster and I’ve had fun doing it.
  6. Just an update here. It is exactly 7 month today that I started my first day at a new job. It’s been a damn rollercoaster. I tanked the interview and by happenstance, I got the job anyways. It was for grocery/bulk/dairy/frozen assistant at a small grocery store. The interview was crazy. There were three people interviewing me (there was supposed to be 4). The store manager, the grocery/bulk manager and the dairy frozen manager all sat me in this small office and asked me some crazy questions that I couldn’t answer. The SM didn’t want to hire me but the two girls that run the respective departments were desperate to have an assistant. So they talked him into hiring me. Had the assistant manager been on time to work that day, I would have not got the job. I really liked the position a lot. My bosses were awesome at training me and they both liked me a lot(still do). I got good at the job pretty quickly and the work was easy for me, even though I had never worked at a grocery store before and had no clue what I was doing. About a month ago, the dairy/frozen manager moved to receiving and they offered me her position. I took the job of course and it was going fantastic. Welp…. The fucking power went out 2 Fridays ago and stayed out for 16 hours. It completely wiped out my department. I’ve been so behind ever since. Anyhow, everyone from all the other departments put all their shit on hold to help me recover. They offered me as much OT as I wanted and I am now almost caught up. Maybe another week. The benefits here are great. So is the health insurance. My coworkers are all great people. We are like a little family, almost a bit cultish. We are all hopped up on vitamins and we are always looking out for each other in and out of work. I honestly never imagined things could be going this well 7 months ago. I wish I’d have left my last job 7 years ago. Thats my little update for now. Thanks for reading
  7. I still watch tv. I watch the local news almost every morning and I keep the tv on while I’m gone to keep Mr. Pickles occupied.
  8. Doug!!!! Grown-ups on redd… I mean the VGS are talking. You need to calm down.
  9. Lowest of the low….. ??? I can think of people that are much “lower” than me. I will start with pedo’s. You’re up next. What kind of person do you think might be “lower” than me?
  10. Hmm…. What’s that have to do with anything? You acted like I was some sort of “man” that only you saw. I posted this for the whole VAGS to see. I can post more threads and comments i have made if you’d like. Maybe save you the trouble of proving what kind of “man” I am.
  11. Hey oot of here Doug. Grown people are having a civilized conversation right now
  12. Just barely ? You still didn’t tell me what kind of “man” I am. I’m very curious.
  13. You lose and call the better player a cheater and I’m the delicate flower ? Do you have a mirror? Do you have a black kettle ? Are you a pot ? I was really hoping to get a 9 paragraph post oot of you like you gave @BlackVega Such a disappointment.
  14. Oh please continue playing. We all know you have some more cheating accusations to throw around.
  15. Lemme guess…. The kids and parents in school shootings are crisis actors…
  16. I play most of my games using a powerpak, I’m an emulator scum. I follow the rules set by the contest mods, I’m point scumming….. Im aboot to make some tacos with meat cooked in an instant pot, I’m cook scumming. When does it end ?
  17. I’m gonna have to go back through every contest thread for the year to see how many times I played all week long, just to have the doctor beat me by a few points or completely crush my score. I think he’s the real cheat. You know, since we are now calling people who are better than us cheats.
  18. I’m guessing he’s real fun at parties. Being competitive doesn’t mean you have to hijack a contest thread with accusations of cheating, and to call people using emulators scum ( or something along those lines) is an absolute garbage thing to do. If he doesn’t like an honor based forum contest, then maybe he shouldn’t play. Maybe it’s time to bow oot and do something else. I won’t play anymore of these games if he’s involved. The things he says leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s like shit talking but more personal.
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