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Posts posted by Lago

  1. Managed to finish Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney tonight.  Breaking this game into chunks is absolutely what helped me get through it.  I really enjoyed the game but that last case was an absolute nightmare for me in some spots.

    It’ll be a while before I start another one.  Still really glad I finally finished this one.


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  2. 19 hours ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    How old is the keyboard you're trying to use? Just curious since pretty much all decent wireless keyboards these days shouldn't have any real noticeable latency/input delay issues compared to a wired keyboard, at least as far as I'm aware.

    Heeey, welcome back! Been awhile, good to see you again.

    One quick question, for your Thorns score... is that 92,580, or 82,580? I've been looking at that image real hard and I THINK it's 92,580, but I honestly can't tell with 100% certainty so just wanted to double check, haha.

    It’s something like 7 years old.  It’ll drop keystrokes on a fairly consistent basis.

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  3. Knocked out Mega Man 6 over the weekend!  I had beat 1-5 last year.  Honestly, taking a break from the series really helped a lot.  I was getting burned out.

    Having taken a break made this game a lot more enjoyable.  I’m also glad I played it on the PS4.  I’m not ashamed to admit I spammed the crap out of the save button.  I didn’t feel like this game was unfair.  I just didn’t want to take the time to “get gud”.  Although as the game went on it became less of a necessity and more of a precaution.  I also managed to get 3/4 BEAT letters on the first try without looking at a guide.  I had to run through the Knight stage twice.  And I needed the guide there because I was just flat overlooking it.

    All and all this was a really fun experience.


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  4. 13 hours ago, ConfusedCollector said:

    Knocked calisto Protocol off the list just now. I think reviewers were too hard on it, I enjoyed it. It was like walking simulator meets survival horror with a mixture of gunplay and stealth action. 


    Thanks for mentioning this game.  It had completely flew under my radar.  It sounds interesting to me.  Do you happen to know if there is any difference in purchasing the physical copy for XBOX One or Series X if it is played on a Series X?  I Googled but the best I could come up with was performance on different consoles.  I'm imagining it is the same game but I could be wrong.

    8 hours ago, FireHazard51 said:



    Completed all of Horizon Zero Dawn's - The Forzen Wilds DLC.  I really enjoyed the DLC and hope that the some of the characters show up in the next game.  Also I thought it was slick how at the end of regular game they took a character from the DLC and snuck them into the final bit of the game.  Made it flow really well and made the DLC seem like it wasn't an after thought.

    Also completed New Game+ for Horizon Zero Dawn.  Glad I did it because I completely forgot large chunks of the story.  Last time I played the game was in 2017 so I needed the brush up before going into the next game in the series.  But before I do that I think I'll play Half Life first.  

    It sounds like you had a blast with this game!  I've tried a couple times but just couldn't seem to get into the groove of things.  I might pick it up and try again.  I'm wondering if it might have been because my preferred weapon was the sphere and I kept getting gored\trampled to death.

  5. I played through A Memoir Blue yesterday.  I almost put this on my backlog as I had actually wrote it down to check out if it ever got a physical release.  I've decided against counting it.  This "game" is an artsy visual novel that works when you don't have a lot of brain power.  

    I'm really happy that I have GamePass at the moment as it is letting me try out some of these short indie titles without being cost prohibitive.  I find these types of games fun, but I believe I would be disappointed at a $10+ price point.

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  6. Finished TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge yesterday with the kids.  This game was just like playing a sequel to the original arcade game.  Mindless button mashing.  We played a stage every day or so.  Which gives you about 10 minutes of fun at a time.

     I have also got to applaud the lack of cheapness in the game.  There’s only one fight with the one hit one kill mechanic, and that’s really easy to avoid.

    The most people I ever got to play at one time was 4.  I really want to get 6 people around the TV and remember how awesome it was to play with a bunch of friends.

    The game was fun enough that my kids immediately said can we play it again?



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  7. Started Halo Infinite.  I added this to my backlog as it was a Christmas present from my wife.  I'm absolutely atrocious at FPS games so we'll see how this goes.  I made it through the intro and was enjoying myself.  I tend to lean towards the Mangler as I am trying to get better at running and shooting instead of standing like a statue and shooting.

    I also beat Coffee Talk.  I don't think you can lose at it.  

    8 hours ago, Gloves said:

    She's givin' him the ol' manoob squeeze.

    I'm playing through Ace Attorney myself.  I'm on the bonus case.  I've been going to beat this game since it was released.  lol.

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  8. Random update.  Still no games from the backlog down.

    The kids and I are playing around a stage a day on Shredder’s Revenge.  We just took down Chrome Dome in an epic battle that had all 3 of us one hit away from dying.  High fives all around.  My youngest daughter is really showing improvement.

    Also been packing the DS around when I know I’ll have to be in the car.  That’s just found time.  Been working on Phoenix Wright instead of wasting time on social media.

    When it gets towards the end of the day I tend to gravitate towards games that don’t require a lot of brain power. I have noticed.  So I will need to anticipate that.

  9. I’ve been playing this on Gamepass, which was a Christmas present, YAY!

     I’m going to be buying a physical copy for sure.  Anyway, I am enjoying this way more than I should and from this point on this post may contain minor spoilers. 

    I am really loving the simplicity of this game.  It’s easy to pickup and knock out a couple side quests or explore a “dungeon”.  I find the last part surprising, because I typically hate exploration, but I’ve really got into this.  The map really helps me a lot.

    it also has a fair number of jumping puzzles, which again, I have surprisingly enjoyed.

    I have not looked anything up online yet.  So far hear are the things that have me puzzled/stumped:

    Finding more than the first fishing spot

    where to find the “Bandit Cloak” for the side quest.

    Opening that one door in the top left of the quarry.

    If there is a way to money farm.


    I’m just over 11 hours into the game.  Definitely going to keep playing.  Having an absolute blast!

    would love to hear others’ opinions!

  10. 7 minutes ago, darkchylde28 said:

    I did get to open mine this morning, but had a long day with the in-laws and am only just now getting settled to the point where I can participate.

    With that said, I got my package early (I want to say a week or two after names/lists had been exchanged), and due to my daughter's insistence, opened the shipping box the following day.  Inside, I discovered eight different packages, each with a label attached both telling me what order to open them in, as well as telling a kind of descriptive, thematic tale.  To say that I was tickled was putting it mildly, and my wife and son had somewhat shocked expressions on their faces when we put the tree up and started migrating presents underneath it due to the volume.

    Here is everything laid out this morning, after everyone else had opened their gifts:


    And next is the reveal, with all the notes left in place on their respective gifts.


    I can happily say that I did not have anything in the above photo save the cartridge for the Genesis X-Men game, but mine is in rougher shape, so an upgrade (and a newly spare cart to pass on to someone else) is certainly welcome!  My only current regret is that the Lucasfilm game "archive" is on 3.5" floppies, and I sadly do not currently have a running machine in the house with one installed, so I'll have to wait on playing those until I can work out something with a drive (USB 3.5" drive, get an old system back up and running, or find an online archive of the disk images), but the rest can go into queue immediately.  Between getting a batch of wholly new-to-me games as well as wanting to try to finish some stuff off for the backlog thread, I'm going to have a hard time deciding what to play for the near future!

    (The notes now reside in one of the blank SMS cases, until such time as they're needed in another capacity.)

    Thank you so much to my Secret Santa!  I'm not certain who it was, as they didn't leave their username inside, and I didn't recognize the name or address on the box that everything was shipped in (which was unfortunately thrown out sometime in the last week).  However, I believe I remember enough of the address to think that it might have been @Lago.  If I'm wrong and my Secret Santa wishes to be identified, just let me know.  Thanks!

    It was me! 😂 I spent all that time coming up with that tale and didn’t think to put my username in there at all.

     I am glad you like your gifts!  I hope you have as much fun playing them as I did getting them together.

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  11. @JamesRobot  that’s some of the best wrapping I’ve ever seen!

    GUYS!! I got a complete minty copy of Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers!  AND NINJAS!

    Seriously dude this is awesome!  Not only is this a heavy hitter on my want list but a childhood favorite I played a lot as a kid.  Thanks so much!

    side note.  I didn’t put anything in my package to let my person know I was their secret Santa.  😂. If they don’t figure it out I’ll tell them after they reveal. 🙂


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  12. 11 minutes ago, phart010 said:

    The difficulty with insuring these items is the burden of proving that they were stolen. With cars and real estate, it’s easy to prove their condition and status. Houses can’t be moved and their condition is easy to inspect. Cars are mostly stored outside in the public view.  They are serialized and registered. Generally, nobody can keep a car unless it is registered or if they do, it’s useless on the road. So pretty much every car is accounted for in a public database and any cars that are not are always scrutinized and reported by the police.

    Games can be hidden. If you report a game or a collection stolen, how does the insurance company know that it’s not just misplaced and hidden away at a different location? This would be way too susceptible to fraudulent claims. They probably just don’t want to deal with it as there’s too much that could go wrong

    One could make the same argument for personal property that is located inside the house.

    I believe insuring the games isn’t the issue.  It’s personal property so it falls under the umbrella.  It’s getting them insured at value that is appearing to be the issue.

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  13. mostly constructed

    First time trying this so let's see how off I am at the end of the year.

    I'm going to try and be realistic with my gaming time which I am estimating at a relatively modest 323 hours over the year.  I'm also going to use howlongtobeat.com as a guide for how long I should expect to play a game to help me stay realistic about what I can get done.  Adding in a buffer because I am bad at games.

    I rarely, if ever, want to 100% a game so I will consider a game beat if I finish it or get to a predetermined score that I set for myself.

    One caveat.  I have noticed that I will play a game for a while, not really enjoy it, feel like I should beat it because I bought it, and then avoid gaming altogether because I don't want to play that game.  Example: Watch Dogs.  If I run into that I am going to mark the game with a didn't like and move onto another game.  

    With all that out of the way*:


    Stacklands - 7 hours (316 Anticipated Gaming Hours Remaining AGHR)  2-26-2023 (18 hours)

    Cook Serve Delicious - 26 hours (290 AGHR)


    Mega Man 6 {Legacy Collection} - 4 hours (286 AGHR) 2-5-2023 (4 hours estimate)

    Mega Man 7 {Legacy Collection 2} - 6 hours (280 AGHR)

    Mega Man 8 {Legacy Collection 2}- 6 hours (274 AGHR)

    Mega Man 9 {Legacy Collection 2} - 5 hours (269 AGHR)

    Mega Man 10 {Legacy Collection 2} - 5 hours (264 AGHR)

    Disco Elysium: The Final Cut - 35 hours (229 AGHR)

    Dragon's Crown Pro - 24 hours (205 AGHR)

    TMNT Shredder's Revenge {with family} - 5 hours (200 AGHR) 1-28-2023 (2 hours)


    Atari 50 - 10 hours (190 AGHR) 5-28-2023 (10 hours)

    The Quarry - 12 hours (178 AGHR)

    WWE 2K22 - 30 hours (148 AGHR)

    Foreclosed - 5 hours (143 AGHR)

    Nintendo DS:

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - 24 hours (119 AGHR) 2-18-2023 (23 hours estimate)

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All - 22 hours (97 AGHR)

    Nintendo Switch:

    Live-A-Live - 30 hours (67 AGHR)

    Card Shark - 9 hours (58 AGHR)

    The Diofield Chronicle 28 hours (30 AGHR)

    Leaving 30 hours open for random pulls from my gaming library.

    Halo Infinite - 13 hours (17 AGHR)

    Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers - 4/13/2023 5 hours


    *Some games are in some state of started\forgot how to play.

    Additional Beaten Games:

    Eiyuden Chronicles Rising (XBOX) - not on my backlog.  I'm hopeless. (1-21-2023. 25 hours)

    Coffee Talk (XBOX) - not on my backlog.  Again. (1-27-2023. 5 hours)

    A Memoir Blue (XBOX) - not on my backlog.  Again. (2-4-2023. 1 hour)

    Jackal (NES) (4-15-2023) 2 hours I cheated.  Not ashamed.

    Double Dribble (NES) .5 hours (5/20/2023)

    Super Mario Bros. (NES2.5 hours (5-26-2023)

    Midnight Suns (XBOX) 74.5 hours (9-16-2023)

    Ryse: Son of Rome (XBOX) 7.5 hours (10-6-2023)

    SuperSpike Volleyball (NES) 1 hour (10-12-2023)

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