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Posts posted by cartman

  1. 3 hours ago, koifish said:

    I just don't see the point in comparison. Donkey Kong GB is entirely different. The only similarity is the characters and the first four stages. I could understand if it was like Dr Mario where the NES and GB games were released simultaneously and were the same game on different systems, not when it's almost 15 years later and really only includes the first four as a footnote. For Metroid/Icarus, they're completely different games, aside from the same characters.

    Maybe it's my bad, so I'll ask for clarity; Is the point of the thread to simply examine two games that happen to have the same name and same characters as another console game from the same series? If that's the goal then I'll drop my point, because I thought it was to talk about GB games released that were more or less multi-plat releases with other platforms, like Dr. Mario, Battle of Olympus, Jurassic Park, etc. Just feels strange to me to compare things like Metroid 1 and 2 because they're entirely different besides surface level similarities.

    It's not really about "only have the same name" but rather that they tried replicating something and because of limitations had to leave a lot out. Also what they did instead.

    • Agree 1
  2. Do you have any examples of this where despite color and other technical superiority, you had more fun with the GB game? 

    Blues Brothers: The Jukebox Adventure does this for me. On GB the screen is cramped so you have way less reaction time with approaching enemies or those that are off-screen at a spot you're going to. The hazards/traps are not immediately visible either so you tread carefully. The pace is fast. On SNES (just called The Blues Brothers) the screen is big, visibility, and everything is way slower. I get way more action out of the GB version than than i do on the SNES one. 



  3. 5 hours ago, wongojack said:

    I've never played the SNES game, but I have played the NES version A LOT.

    The Wii version has the same 3 circuits of fighters (with a couple of additions) with the same general ramp up in difficulty for each circuit.  However, after you beat all the fighters and win the titles, the Wii version has a title defense mode where you fight them all again.  They have new abilities that require you to practice against each fighter to know how to win.  IMO, the title defense circuit on the Wii is MUCH harder than the NES game.  It requires a lot more pattern recognition and memorization and took me quite a bit of practice - especially the last circuit.


    Sounds good. I've been skeptical of Nintendo's newer releases as being easy to hook kids and accommodate everyone. I don't have a Wii but is a title i would want to play.

  4. On 1/18/2024 at 12:12 AM, Tulpa said:

    I also have some pads from Mortoff. They look just like OEM pads and really don't feel different. They were also like a few bucks for a set for two controllers.


    My old ones were worn out, so they definitely needed replacements.

    Do you never experience that you hit a directional input and it registers as something else?

    I use an actual NOS controller now and it hasn't had a lot of mileage but i realize that it can't last forever. I don't want to use NOS controller that are being sold it doesn't feel right.

  5. 1 hour ago, phart010 said:

    I got conductive pads for my NES, SNES and master system buttons from Mortoff games. Someone on here suggested them as their product looked higher quality than others on the market. They are pretty good quality.

    I bought direct from their website, although I have not been able to find their website just now. It seems they may be doing eBay sales now

    Did you experience that your old controller buttons were dull and just didn't offer enough pushback? Or did you have playing issues aswell, like unintentional d-pad hits? 

    What did the new rubbers improve for you more specifically?


  6. What are the different solutions out there for the rubber pads under the buttons that have gone to shit over decades of use? I see quite a lot of those different 3rd party ones being sold on Ebay and elsewhere, yet i've also heard complains that the diagonals have a hard time to register and that they don't live up to the original controller standard.

    Then it struck me that Nintendo have released their own new-retro controllers for recent systems and whether those would do the trick. I've never actually owned one of them. But they do look identical, and if someone ought to know and wanted to use the same rubbers as in the old days it would surely be Nintendo that had the means to do so.

    Does it work good to just take those rubbers out and put them in an old controller?

  7. On 1/2/2024 at 2:50 PM, RegularGuyGamer said:

    I think you're thinking of it as output lag thinking 1 second per 10 mins. The input lags don't compound the way an output lag would. 

    The untrained eye can't allegedly discern less than 20ms of lag. However, 100ms is .1 second which pretty noticeable. So somewhere between 20ms and 100ms is a pont where basically everyone will notice and the closer to 100ms you get, the more likely a goomba will kill you.

    10ms is one hundredth of a second so it might look on paper like it's a lot but there's not way you can input 100 button presses per second. Breaking a second up into 100 pieces and having players be able to thread the needle into one of those slots isn't something most games will ever do. Even 20 Ms of lag takes of lag means it takes 1/50th of a second to go from the input to the action on screen which is objectively tiny.

    Yeah i don't know i get confused by all of it.

    I was listening to this guy talking aboutlag in Cotton

    But he talkes about frames of lag but i guess that's not the same as ms. What would 2 or 20ms be in frames?

    Is he just exaggerating how bad 4-6 frames of lag is?

  8. 47 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Not on the Nt itself, on 90%+ of TVs that use the HDMI from an Analogue Nt.

    HDTVs add lag. How much lag is added depends on the TV.

    You have to live under a rock not to know this.

    I thought lag was when a console wasn't properly optimized for HDMI gameplay. Analogue's consoles are built for HDMI specifically. Also why would they advertise 1080p and zero lag then if it's due to the TV anyway?

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, Tulpa said:

    It's not unique to the AVS, though. Any HDMI solution is going to see that. Analogue Nt, Raspberry Pi, computer hooked to TV through HDMI.

    It's been a known factor it shouldn't have to be disclosed.

    What do you mean? Is it a known fact that Mike Tyson's Punchout has input lag on Analogue NT?

  10. 8 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    Oh yeah, the SNES version is all around trash.

    Yeah all the single components that make up the game are pretty much flawed. Still i kept coming back, wanting to get further and beat it. There's definitely a positive bias added to it by having beaten it. If i didn't i'd feel worse about the game.

  11. 1 hour ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    😆 I didn't notice that.  My brain is broken 😆 

    I actually like Cliffhanger to be honest, but it's objectively not a good game. 

    Have you played the SNES version? The enemies surround you, have a bigger range than you, always hit before you do. Sometimes you freeze on the spot and can't even move around.

    Then the way he'd do that tip-toeing on an edge and fall over really pissed me the fuck off. 

    On the running stages sometimes he'd just stop in his tracks and get swept up by the chasing screen.

    I kept getting frustrated on clunky and shitty everything was but now that i finished it after countless of hours i kinda feel it's a good game after all. All the issues got translated to challenge. There was also a decent amount of variety between the fighting, platforming and climbing and it was cool too see how they incorporated the movie's villains into the games scenario. I kept thinking back-and-forth about how they acted there and here.

  12. 8 hours ago, Sumez said:

    NES Willow is enjoyable, but I'd say the arcade game is much better. Has that excellent late 80s Capcom platformer tightness, with some routing. inventory and RPG elements thrown in to make it stand out.

    And you get to play as both Willow and Madmartigan. Actually a really good entry for this thread. 🙂 

    willow.png 10327.jpg 

    Oh yeah that game is awesome everything is on point. That probably would be my #1 movie based game.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Beating games is now easier.  Except for when it isn't.  The End is Nigh comes to mind.

    Completing them is now much, much harder.

    Reverse the first word in each sentence if you're @Sumez

    I haven't played that one. But all the retro-esque/indie games that i did play there was no question whether i'll beat them but rather how soon. I could just continue right there if the (many) lives ran out.

    Completing as in what? If you mean 100% by finding every trinket that's more like a bonus than the actual game. And no damage runs and whatnot might be impressive but that's even less the game. Even if there's a trophy that's still just exercising skills beyond what is needed.


    • Agree 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    If anything it's just more refined now, and the extreme challenges can be optional.

    Want to kill yourself over a game?  Do Mega Man 10's zero hits trophy, or Hollow Knight's zero death run.  Or do a level 1 run of Elden Ring.  Or a Hades run with every difficulty modifier enabled.


    I don't think it's refined. Just a lot easier. Plenty of lives, checkpoints and and unlimited continues so that you'll finish the game even if you sloppied it through.

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  15. The console does seem on the sloppier side of things. Is it harder to produce a top loaded disc tray where the top opens & closes, more wear? Both the original CD-addon and the Duo had it and frankly it's way cooler aswell. Now it slides out and you can barely grab it. Did anyone who built this actually eject a CD and figured it looked good?

    Also there is supposedly way less settings than Analogues previous consoles. Not that i'm really in tune with all the differences it would make, but still.

    It gives the impression that Analogue got a little complacent and made a solid unit but nothing more above that.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, avatar! said:

    Hamas is basically a sovereign nation, ruling over Gaza with an iron fist -- murdering anyone that politically does not align with their fundamentalist ideals. They knew what they were doing on Oct 7 when the massacred over 1000 innocent civilians. For decades they have only talked about "armed struggle" and nothing approaching mutual recognition nor have they ever even considered a two-state solution.

    What was Hamas thinking? For over three decades, it has had the same brutal idea of victory


    In the three and a half decades since it began as an underground militant group, Hamas has pursued a consistently violent strategy aimed at rolling back Israeli rule — and it has made steady progress despite bringing enormous suffering to both sides of the conflict.

    Shaul Shay, an Israeli researcher and retired colonel who served in military intelligence, said Hamas “miscalculated” Israel’s response and now faces a far worse conflict than it had anticipated. “I hope and I believe that Israel will not stop until Hamas has been defeated in the Gaza Strip, and I don’t think that this was their expectation before the operation,” Shay said of Hamas.

    The Hamas government has seen only sporadic protests over the years and has quickly and violently suppressed them.

    I agree that Israel should NOT do the same thing as Hamas -- and they certainly do not. Unlike Hamas they try to avoid civilian casualties. Unfortunately, Hamas purposely uses humans -- mostly women and children, as shields. Hamas has them in a Catch-22 in the sense that Israel can either 1)not bomb and not go after the terrorists -- in which case Hamas wins. Or 2)Israel can go after the terrorists, but they will inflict high civilian casualties because of how Hamas is using civilians as shields, and as noted above, also not allowing civilians into Egypt or in many instances not even allowing civilians to leave active war zones. Ultimately Israel went with option 2. It seems that Hamas assumed there would be enough condemnation from the world, as well as they assumed that other countries would join the fight against Israel -- well, they miscalculated. Most of the Arab nations are certainly and understandably upset at what's happening, but even if they don't say it aloud in public, it's well understood they largely blame Hamas and have abandoned them. Secondly, Israel is going to complete their mission of destroying Hamas' capabilities to launch such terrorist attacks -- namely destroying their tunnels and eliminating their soldiers and leadership.

    No Hamas is not a nation. Even if they were you still couldn't legitimize own warcrimes by claiming revenge against the other side. It doesn't work that way. International law doesn't doesn't recognize such notions.

    Yes they do everything you mentioned. Hamas often purposefully attacks from where it's own civilians are and they target Jewish civilians on purpose. There's also the fact that you can't really oust them since they stay by force.

    The bombing campaigns have already killed ~20,000 civilians. That's not quite "avoiding civilians" in my book. Even if they didn't target them intentionally it's clear how massive the collateral damage would be.

    Israel has also been condemned for blocking the access to water, food, medicine and electricity wich hits civilians the hardest.

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