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Posts posted by cartman

  1. 4 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

    I can't get over the mind blowing feeling playing GTA3 for the first time, even if something like SA was so much more feature packed. It's like how BOTW is probably better than OOT, but I'm pretty much resigned to OOT being my favorite Zelda forever because how I felt playing it the first time.

    It's understandable when the mind absorbs all of it for the first time it makes an impact especially the younger you are. Back then pretty much every game was leaving an impact it was a whole different immersion than it is now and i don't think it can ever be replicated but this is perhaps another topic.

  2. On 12/6/2019 at 9:20 PM, captmorgandrinker said:

    GTA III was pants-shittingly great when it came out.

    Unfortunately, it didn't hold up all that well (especially since you can't swim).

    I think it still holds up very well. You can even make an argument for it being the best of them, i personally don't but it's a very solid atmosphere with the NY setting and different criminal fractions and characters. Each new game expanded upon everything but if someones says he thinks 3 has better atmosphere than SA i can see a valid argument.

  3. The shrinkwrap will have a place where it connects from one side to the other and leaves this little coarse texture of sorts, a place where the shrinkwrap is "assembled" so to speak. Use your nails between 2 fingers and then rip at it until it pokes, after that you can just pull of the seal and the box will remain by itself.

    You can probably use some knife/boxcutter/needle for this aswell just make sure that you've pierced the collected shrinkwrap mush and then make pulls outward angle from the box so as to not stab it and cause damage.

  4. 12 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

    Just imagine how many boxes get crushed into bubble mailers every single day alone, let alone all the minor wear you're talking about. There's millions of games on Ebay. If you are condition OCD, the earlier you were in this hobby the better.

    I got a GB game sent like that once but i was fortunate it still arrived mint. I just assumed he's gonna package it well that it goes without saying but you can't underestimate how dumb many people are.

  5. I've been thinking about how much of the stuff rally gets damaged between all the changing hands and shipping.

    Are manuals/ads sliding around a little during transportation? How was the package being processed and put in the vehicle mass-loaded among other packages. What happens during winter, summer, rain someone at the very least is carrying the package into the store and i get to pick it up from there, that's how it's handled over here. Someone who collects the package might do it on foot or bicycle going home with it. Then someone might have washed his hands and they are moist, or he touched some object at home that will leave residue, or even when you think there's nothing on the hands produce their own oil right. Some people touch their pet and then interact with the games i'm sure that leaves something aswell. Some people are opening the game pulling out the cart and manual and then re-insering the shit again, it ought to cause some amount of wear.

    I'm sure there's a LOT of decreased condition out there going on overall it might not be strikingly visible but the % of the condition is dropping.

  6. No that won't happen. The vinyls you're referring to are still a novelty because you'll never find that it's 50-50 and you can choose whether you want that or a regular CD. Out of all the millions of CD's that are released in the world, those that you know of having been released on vinyl you know them exactly for that reason: because it's an exception. Technology never really makes "comebacks" it's only few enthusiasts who are into it.

  7. Watched "The Neighbour" it starts with a Mississippi couple involved in drugrunning for their uncle and when the guy gets an unexpected visit from his neighbour wondering what he was doing earlier (returned a trashcan to his property that had been flung out on the road he was driving), both guys are basically suspicious of intruders. Then the couple guy has to run an errand and when he comes out his wife is gone. He goes looking around at the neighbours property and turns out he's running a scheme of kidnapping people and holding them for ransom to their parents, he's holding the guys wife aswell ready to kill her off because they're not worth much financially and she's seen too much anyway. The move unravels violently.

    Was a pretty good movie. It felt strange how it changed theme: you think it's about one thing and it goes to something completely else.

  8. The thing is everyone praises this controller as the real deal. The reviewers that have it as their thing to talk about gaming-related things and should have some insight i guess, they say the same thing. It makes me really wonder why i experience these things that so many others don't i mean how many differeng fucking ways are there that you can press a button on?

  9. DD3 for the NES is not the boogeyman it's made out to be it's just that people haven't taken the time to figure out the gameplay mechanics. For example right off the bat i can tell you that both the cyclone and regular jumpkick can neutralize every single enemy. The regular kick also stuns atleast 95% of them, perhaps all of them i can't remember with certainty. It's the punching as the initiating attack that's kinda obsolete but that too works on everyone except the bosses.

  10. Same shit i've experienced with other controller D-pads in regards to unintentionally registered commands i experienced here. Was playing The Ninja Warriors on MAME and you constantly have to switch between looking left and right facing the enemies while the UP arrow is the jump. I found myself jumping accidentally to the point that i can't play the game with any consistency.

  11. Honestly i'd rather have a statue of the guy and a statue of the sword, perhaps more figures either smaller or larger, and then call it a day. I'm fucking sick of all the books, papers and obsolete ass CD's that are just going to be a chore to house. I wish the stuff stopped coming in these big flimsy boxes that don't amount to shit when it's not all that expensive to create a plastic one.

  12. 47 minutes ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    Correct, it's just the 17 toys shown in the OP.   Might vary in other countries; the 101 Dalmations dog car and Fantasia Mickey are US exclusives.

    Yeah ok. I don't remember any of those altough the McD brand characters seem familiar, but probably from elsewhere. We did have a McD collecting fad here (among other things) in my circle but those were big Snoopy toys and later on smaller ones. Can't remember anything else.

  13. All of it sucks. None of it involves actual singing and nobody can play an instrument, the musical aspect of it THE BEAT is usually a dull 3-seconds loop. Whenever i do find myself semi-liking a hiphop song it's always because of the singer doing the refrain anyway; the guy in "Changes" gives the song it's melody, Elton John in "Ghetto Gospel" is what keeps that song vibrant, in "I'll be missing you" it's Faith Evans singing that does the trick etc.

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