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Posts posted by erac

  1. Judging currently in progress. Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snZ6kIRLFUI Downloads: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1CNCA_4966stG4mpkGCZjMSuZ-C7r8cqC Sources: https://github.com/N64brew-Game-Jam-2020

  2. Before you know it, you'll have expanded to replacement cases for the system :D The only aftermarket case currently is the warrior64, otherwise people with broken cases have to hunt broken n64s.

  3. When the model is ready, you can order them from a service like shapeways that use industrial quality printers. For prototyping however, getting the measurements exactly right, it would be good to have a printer locally. Maybe your library or a near hackspace has one you can use for cheap.

  4. The other color combinations are fine, but the bottom middle has bad contrast between bg and other elements. Try using a darker color than the current blue bg, or changing both. The bottom left has similar bad contrast, but the color choice is different enough it doesn't affect my eyes the same way.

  5. What a thread :D I do agree N64 aged worse than NES, but only slightly. Now if you compared to SNES you'd have a real case. N64 aged way better than the contemporary 3d consoles, ps1 and saturn, which have all sorts of terrible rendering issues. N64 is just low resolution, which is fine.

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  6. The SGB passes audio to the SNES via the two audio pins, left and right. This sounds like one of those pins, on either the cart or your console, is dirty. The usual DIY fix for the console side is a microfiber cloth with a credit card pushing it down.

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  7. There's a N64 game jam starting. Maybe folks here will be interested in trying a new console, or seeing what others cook up. https://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=21008

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