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Posts posted by TDIRunner

  1. Just now, cartman said:

    So you mean there's enjoyment even with neither missions nor collecting? You would find it fun anyway?

    If you remove the collecting, it's still an amazing game, no question.  I'm not sure why you mention missions since that has nothing to do with egg hunting.  There may be a few side quests that involve collecting, but again, those are purely optional.  

    As I mentioned before, I had around 200 hours into this game.  If I removed all of the collecting or egg hunting if you want to call it that, I would still probably have had 80 to 100 hours of enjoyment which is well more than necessary to call the game amazing.  

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, cartman said:

    Egghunt is the collectibles: korok seeds, shrines, photo album etc.

    To get back to the original question of the thread, no BOTW is not a glorified egg hunt. 

    None of those things you mention are required, and you can still get hours of enjoyment without doing any of those things if you don't want to.   


    EDIT:  A few shrines are mandatory, but I don't think anyone could consider those 4 shrines to be an "egg hunt."

  3. Just now, ZeldaFreak said:

    You should play the rest of it if you ever get the chance, the final bit of the second pack is really great, and the trial of the sword can actually be quite challenging.

    Oh, I absolutely will, but I definitely need to play through the game again first because I know that I will be rusty with the combat.  

  4. 1 minute ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    Honestly, a second run is totally worth it to me. It allows you to kind of look at the overworld with a different perspective, now that you've beaten it once and have much more knowledge than when you first played it. I would also recommend getting the expansion pass if you never did, if you really enjoyed what the base game already had to offer, then you'd absolutely enjoy the extra little bit of content the DLC gives you. Master Mode is a fun challenge, too. If you want something actually very challenging though, try the Trial of the Sword while playing the game on Master Mode. I will admit that normally this game is pretty easy, but maaan, some rooms in Trial of the Sword will absolutely fuck you up on Master Mode.

    I bought the expansion pass, but the 200 hours or so that I had played were completed almost entirely before it was released so I've only completed a little of the expansion before I decided to take a break from the game.  

  5. 3 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    Actually, now that I think about it, let's review the terms of this. Am I doing a third 100% run just for the hell of it, or will a standard playthrough suffice for you?

    I'm actually looking forward to a second run through.  After beating the game for the first time, I continued to play on the same game save, so I never got around to starting from scratch again.  I put in close to 200 hours before deciding to move on to something else.  

    I was also playing the Wii U version, so I'm thinking about just getting the Switch version and starting over.  

  6. I loved everything about this game.  I loved the environment.  I loved the sound and music.  I loved the graphic style.  I loved the story.  I even loved the cooking.

    As far as exploration goes, I sometimes found it difficult to complete quests because I always wanted to know what was around that corner or behind that tree.  I was always interested in seeing as much of the environment as possible.  As an example I will compare it to Mario Odyssey.  I also love Odyssey, but I don't find the environments to be that interesting.  I have no desire to see ever square inch of any world outside of trying to find as many moons and purple coins as possible.  With BOTW, I could spend hours just exploring and never get tired.  

    With that said, I might be able to understand why some people might not enjoy trying to find all of the korok seeds.  I could see how some people might view it as a way to add hours to the gameplay without any real purpose.  For that reason, the korok seeds are the only part of the game that I did't complete to 100% (although I did find about half of them).  Keep in mind though that korok seeds are completely optional.  

    I still consider BOTW to be one of the greatest games I've ever played.  

  7. Just now, Gloves said:

    Last MGS I saw at around the same grade went for I think just over $1k USD. Bit out of my acceptable range lol.

    Exactly. I know that I'll most likely never own one outside of getting lucky and finding one at a flea market or Goodwill (and I'm talking about sealed, not graded).  

  8. 42 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    Hmmmmm another sealed Metal Gear Solid...

    This auction actually has a number of games I'd personally be interested in, but I'm absolutely not alone in my interest in these games, so no way in hell I end up getting them.

    Same.  I'm not a sealed collector at all, but I wouldn't mind owning a few sealed copies of some of my favorite PS1 games including Crash, Tomb Raider or MGS.  While I would love to have them, I certainly wouldn't be willing to pay much for them.

  9. My son and I beat Odyssey last night for the first time.  I guess that's technically the first game my son has ever completed so he was pretty excited.  I don't think we are done playing the game yet since I know there is still a lot of stuff to find.  I doubt we will ever go for all 1,000 moons, but we will keep playing it until we lose interest.

    My son has also been playing the Link's Awakening remake on the side.  I've been helping him of course, but he seems to enjoy this game as well.  I've been impressed at the amount of stuff he has been able to figure out by himself, especially since he isn't reading yet outside of his "sight words."  

    • Like 3
  10. 12 hours ago, gamingsuperhero said:

    If anything nintendo got it right since the switch pretty much uses a memory stick they can increase the storage according to the size of the game unlike a disc where a dual layer bluray can hold like 50-60gigs max(something like that).

    It's pretty much the opposite.  The cost of the carts goes up as the games become bigger and require more space.  That is the main reason why some games come on the cart, but require the rest to be downloaded.  The publishers want to use the smaller and cheaper carts and just make the rest of the game a digital download.  It's also a contributing factor to why physical Switch games are more expensive most of the time.  And since Nintendo requires the digital games to be priced the same as the physical games, it also causes their digital games to be more expensive most of the time.

  11. I watched this once when I was a kid back when it first came out on video.  I honestly don't remember enough about it to rate it today, but I remembering thinking it was just ok.  Oddly enough, I have a feeling that I would have a better appreciation for it if I watched it today.  I need to get around to watching it again sometime.  

    I kind of wished you had picked True Lies if you were going with an Arnold movie  I rewatched that again recently and felt it still held up today and I would feel more comfortable giving that movie a proper rating.  

  12. While I definitely prefer the black label PS1 games over the GH versions, I'm not sure why you would want to play the black label version if the GH version has fixes.  I fully understand that the black label has more attractive art, but that has nothing to do with actual gameplay experience.  No reason why you can't enjoy the look of the black label on your shelf while enjoying the fixed GH version on your console.  

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, noiseredux said:

    Interestingly, the Wii U sold more than the Saturn or Dreamcast did. Not that either of those were huge successes, but I would have guessed that at least the DC sold more than Wii U. And as you mentioned, Wii U didn't get a big price drop. And yeah, 13M units sold is a far cry for the 700,000 or so VB's.

    And while I'm aware that the Wii U outsold every Sega console not called Genesis, that doesn't change the fact that it was a failure as a Nintendo console. 


  14. 10 minutes ago, Estil said:

    Soooo the WiiU was allegedly a "failure" (I think that's pushing it though...it certainly failed to meet expectations but it was nowhere near a real bomb like Virtual Boy or 32X...remember how they came down to $20 near the end??) yet Nintendo had no problem selling out their remaining WiiU's even without discounting the console...and the software too (I don't recall any WiiU games getting anything like a $20 yellow "Player's Choice" sort of deal like GC games did)?

    That just isn't adding up.

    Are you kidding?  Nintendo couldn't kill the Wii U quicker if they tried.  Nintendo had no problem selling the remaining Wii Us because there weren't very many to sell.  Nintendo knew from pretty early on that things weren't working and their production at the time appears to be in line with that knowledge.  Most of their decisions at the end were clearly based on the fact that they wanted to move onto the next thing as quickly as possible.  Why do you think Breath of the Wild was held back for as long as it was?  Keep in mind, I love the Wii U.  I'm not saying any of this out of hatred for the console.  

    Nintendo's decisions were frustrating for anyone who enjoyed the Wii U.  But from a business decision, they made the right move.  They recognized the Wii U was not their future and cut their losses to focus on the next thing which turned out to be the Switch.  Fortunately, that decision has worked out for them.  

    • Like 1
  15. 13 hours ago, Gloves said:

    I bit the bullet and ordered an N64 Everdrive so I can play the games I'm not quite willing to buy and keep. Will save me money in the long run!

    Nice.  That was the second Everdrive I ever bought.  In fact, I used it to beat Paper Mario in my first contribution to a "Beat every N64" thread back on NA.  

    Mine is old.  I bought it back when you still had to purchase either an NA or PAL version.  They had just released the new universal version and they had the old boards on clearance.  The only problem was that they only had PAL boards left.  I was able to order it and switch out the PAL chip with an NA chip.  I got it super cheap that way.  

  16. I was in high school when Hit Me Baby One More Time was released, so Britney was a pretty big deal in my school.  I don't think I ever owned any of her music, but I would still admit that some of her music is kind of catchy.  If I'm going off the rating key, I guess I have to give her a 6 even though that feels high.  

    Funny story.  In college, one of my friends was a huge fan of hers.  We got to talking about her live performances and I mentioned something about how she doesn't sing live.  My friend of course didn't believe me.  I explained that while it's certainly her voice in the recording studio, she and most performers like her don't actually sing at most live performances.  I thought my friend was going to kill me for breaking that to her.  I asked her if she thought it was odd that the live performance sounded exactly the same as her album, but she insisted that Britney was just that good of a singer.  🙄

    • Haha 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Estil said:

    Yeah all the more reason I didn't understand why they didn't drop to at least $150 or so...I mean if the WiiU did indeed failed to meet expectations.

    I'm pretty sure it's because they didn't have to drop the price.  They knew it was a failure, but they knew it early enough to keep production levels down.  Therefore, they knew they could sell what they had produced. To the best of my knowledge, they were able to sell the console without taking a loss.  So they might as well not lower the price.  It was frustrating for those of us who waited, but I still bought one right at the end because I did NOT want to buy a used model.  I was at least able to get mine at a discount due to a special that Target was offering at the time.  I would say about 4 weeks after purchasing mine, it got to the point where I never saw them in stores again.  

  18. 3 hours ago, Quest4Nes said:

    I got weapons and warriors recently. They had multiple expansions in it and didnt know. Just buy an assorted rybber band bag at walmart. 

    I know, but you still need to find the exact right size.  It's important to get the right level of tension.  If it's too loose, you might never trigger it even with a direct hit, or it's too tight it might trigger on its own just because you breathed on it wrong. 😛

    I forgot to check if I still have mine.  Need to do that this evening.  

  19. 19 minutes ago, c0op3r said:

    Here is a snap of my setup, the games I have so far (more are showing up today(will post a photo) and a photo with Cat - well because cat.




    Off topic, but I have that exact same consolised MVS.  I love that thing, especially the ability to use Saturn controllers and the component output.  However, I ended up just getting a multi-cart instead of a true flash cart.  Maybe some day.  

  20. 17 minutes ago, Estil said:

    Another main thing that frustrated me was when I finally got around to joining the 7th gen (PS3) and 7 1/2 gen (WiiU) back around...2016-17 or so(?) that up until then I was in fact waiting patiently for the expected console price drops as had always happened in previous gens (within a couple years or so maybe?).  Well, the PS3 super slim (I believe the last model number made) set me back $220 and the Wii U set me back $250 (plus I got $20 in Ebay bucks from the purchase from a special promo)...and I don't think they ever did get any lower.

    I remember at the end of that generation the Wii U was the most expensive console on the market.  The PS3 and 360 had both taken price drops, but the Wii U never dropped.  I remember thinking how crazy it was, but Nintendo knew they weren't making many more and what little stock was left would eventually sell. 

  21. As a kid I used to love Weapons and Warriors.  I think we had 3 different sets which I remember combining into one huge war.  It was pretty awesome.  I'm sure it would be difficult to setup today since all of the rubber bands have long since disintegrated.  Finding new ones of the correct size is probably a chore.  I'll have to check but I'm fairly certain I still have mine.  

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