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Posts posted by TDIRunner

  1. 42 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

    I would offer a full refund and asked that he sends the game back in the exact same condition it was shipped in and then just eat the shipping.


    A lot of scammers are lazy and won’t go through all the trouble of that. If he does, then he was probably genuinely concerned about the condition. 

    This is what I would recommend as well.  It sucks, but sometimes it's a cost of doing business.  

  2. I'm obligated to recommend the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus remaster for the PS3 and the Shadow of the Colossus remake on the PS4.  You don't really need to play both versions of SOTC.  Either one is amazing, and both games games are easily purchased for under $20.

    Also, if you are into God of War, check out God of War Saga.  It includes HD remaster of GOW 1 & 2, along with the PS3 version of GOW3, plus digital downloads of the HD remasters of both PSP games.  It's basically every GOW game except for Ascension and the new PS4 game and it sells for about $15.  If you don't like the idea of digital downloads for the two PSP games, you can get them physically on GOW Origins also for PS3 for under $20.  

    And I would definitely check out Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4.  Absolutely amazing game, and the first game I ever attempted to get a platinum trophy for because I couldn't stop playing the game.  

  3. I really wanted to like Due Nukem Forever.  I didn't hate it as much as most people, but it certainly wasn't great.  I would have been a lot more pissed if I had pre-ordered it or bought some kind of collector's edition.  I bought it brand new at Best Buy for $9.99 about 6 months after it came out, and I feel that I got my money's worth, but the game was never what it should have been.  

  4. Based on the definitions, I have to go with 5.  I certainly don't dislike them, but I just never really go into their music despite the fact that I enjoy that style of music.  


    Edit:  I always thought it was a cool band name for sure.

  5. I've said this before, but while the Wii U was certainly a failure as a Nintendo console, the quality of the library of games was still amazing and the fact that so many of them have been ported to the Switch really supports that notion.  It's weird to think that in the not too distant future, the Wii U will be a truly obsolete console.  

  6. 17 minutes ago, jumpman1229 said:

    I copied and pasted all games listed here into an Excel spreadsheet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Neo_Geo_games

    Apparently, there are 156 officially released Neo Geo games in total. Doing a quick ctrl + F and searching for "fighting" in the genre column yielded 57 results. So I guess you could say that ~37% (57/156) of the library are fighting games. I will tell ya, it sure does seem like a hell of a lot more than that when you're collecting. It seems like that's the majority of the games you stumble upon for sale when looking for Neo Geo games.

    That was the same spreadsheet I was using last night.  But I only came up with 53 games which is why I said almost exactly 1/3 (33.9%).  

    Not that it matters of course, but I'm curious which extra 4 you were counting.

    Edit:  It looks like at least one fighter gets counted under "compilation" which I wasn't looking at earlier. 

  7. Yeah, I assumed that you mean Everdrive, instead of generically saying flash cart.  Everdrive is a brand name, and it's well established as to which consoles they are available for (of which I have one of each).  There are of course, other brands of flash carts, and it would be difficult argue whether they should be included or not.  Probably not a realistic badge to create, but I would still love to have it.  

  8. 3 hours ago, fox said:

    I thought it was pretty good for a genre show on network tv.  Well acted, well written, and expands the story.

    It had a limited budget, so they worked inward and focused tighter on characters and sci fi concepts rather than big dumb explosions.  Of course when it does come to action, there is some very nice practical effects and stunt work marred only by some not so great CG.

    Fun fact.  I was in an episode of The Sarah Conner Chronicles......




    ......well actually an actor with the same name as me (real name, spelling and all).  Not a big deal of course, but considering I have a less than common name, it's always fun to see it show up in the credits. 😛 

    • Haha 1
  9. 51 minutes ago, Foochie776 said:

    A lot of variables go into it, geographical location is the biggest thing. Higher populated area means more clientele and higher prices usually. Though when doing work of this scale artists often times offer special rates for having so much work to be done and if it appeals to their specific interests. When I started my sleeve I was getting about a 30% discount on my appointments because the piece was something the artist had a vested interest in doing. 🙂

    I also would have accepted a ballpark estimate. 😉

  10. 1 hour ago, noiseredux said:

    I thought the show was awesome. And it was kind of the sequel to T1/T2 chronology at the time.

    "At the time" being the key words.  The chronology is all jacked up at this point.  

    I know that time travel allows for different timelines, but at this point, I vote for rebooting the Terminator franchise and just start over OR just leave it alone and we can all be thankful that T2 even exists in the first place.  

  11. 9 hours ago, fox said:

    The Sarah Conner Chronicles gets unfairly overlooked

    Yesterday, I didn't even think about that show, but this morning it poped into my head, and I came back there to see if anyone had mentioned it yet.  It wasn't a great show, but it was better than most of the movies.  

  12. It's funny because while I consider Terminator 2 to be one of the greatest movies of all time, it's really the only one I've ever enjoyed.  I want to see the new one, but I have a hard time believing that it will be anything near 2.

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