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Posts posted by G-type

  1. 1 hour ago, guitarzombie said:

    it sounded to me like someone did a LOT of Beatles homework to take their harmonic style, and blend it with the look/sound for that time.

    It was written by Adam Schlesinger from Fountains of Wayne, (RIP... one of the first  celebrities to be killed by Covid)


    On 3/5/2024 at 8:59 PM, greenthunder said:

    . I originally had 123 on my backlog list before cutting it down to just 1, but I think I'm gonna end up hitting 2 and 3 this year anyway

    No love for Apollo Justice?

  3. There's a 2nd and Charles near me that's closing soon. I almost never go there because it's too overpriced and disorganized. However, the giant "Store Closing Sale! Everything Must Go!!" signs in the windows persuaded me to check it out again...  some highlights


    this Mario/Duck Hunt manual with a giant price sticker directly on it.



    This Parker Bros cart with absolutely no label on it for 6.95.... I'm sure it's a Mr. Do's Castle and this is a great deal. It was sitting next to a stack of 8 combat cartridges with price stickers ranging 4.95 to 8.95.

    It's out of focus, but behind it was Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf [cart only]... they were asking $15...


    This Castle Panic Deluxe Collection... It was a recent kickstarter that shipped to backers last year. Retailer pledge level was $100... nice x5 markup.

  4. On 2/1/2024 at 12:12 PM, GiygasKaz said:

    Been working my way through Snow Crash. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I definitely didn't think I'd be getting almost dadaist levels of absurdist humor. It often feels like a post-ironic satire of the old internet from a modern perspective at times, despite having come from that era. Pays tribute to the campiness of old sci-fi and the political satire of Carpenter's They Live.

    Aside from a few moments that feel outwardly sexist or xenophobic in a way that doesn't quite sit well even as supposed satire, it's generally a very enjoyable experience and unlike anything else I've read.

    It's been a long time since I read it, but I recall thinking it had some, fun characters and humor, cool world building and memorable set pieces, but it also had a bunch of boring exposition sections trying to make the Snow Crash virus seem plausible, and overall was a bit of a slog.

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