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Nes Freak

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Everything posted by Nes Freak

  1. i was cleaning up my dropbox and forgotten i had uploaded this https://www.dropbox.com/s/spi6bkl7lw96ntg/awards.png?dl=0 this was an updated version i did to improve some of the icons. i passed it on to dain at the time and he used it for the short time NA was still around. if i recall i updated the its a boat and all the gbc and gb and VB icons. not sure if this is interesting to others but, i thought it was lol. btw i will never get over the weird awards that NA have like the streaker, the tent piss award or the fact that a bunch of nintendo nerds went camping to begin with lol.
  2. its a sad end to what happen to NA but like a phoenix this site was born from its ashes. im glad i got the old nostalgia boner going for you all lol. XD
  3. btw c0cksuckers running on nes DS emulator.
  4. it could be worse. there could be a "rare game" flesh light add on XD they made one for ipad soo... yeah. dont ask how i know this stuff....
  5. i hacked the timer on that part and got my score to 99999 since it doesnt trip the flag to stop the score from going up lol XD
  6. im probably one of the few people that has a rom of the game since i have a copy nes but i dont want to be a jerk and release it. but it is fun to play on my smart phone from time to time. its a well made game for its subject XD its too bad the source code was lost. i wonder how hard it would be to reverse engineer a nes game.
  7. wow it sold for that much?! impressive.
  8. we need a smirk emoji i might never get any sleep if i got a smirk XD
  9. when i got the game i dumped with my copy nes it so i can play it on the go lol. and agreed! funny how such a negative thread became a legend lol.
  10. being on youtube for 16 years, i know what you mean. a lot of people come and go
  11. some people are weird on the internet lol
  12. https://archive.nes.science/nintendoage-forums/nintendoage.com/forum/messageview0543-2.html?catid=7&threadid=148315 this still cracks me up after all these year and i still have the nes game to prove it lol.
  13. ah i see alright. well if you remember i had no idea what it was before you told me lol.
  14. lol i couldnt remember and indeed i am! i hopy you are still enjoying that lockbox.
  15. a sign i got in a trade some years ago. so yeah ive had it awile. i actually dont remember who it was that i traded with but it was for a snes kiosk lockbox (a metal box that said nintendo the front) on nintendoage. i also cant remember if i ever did a topic on this lol. anyways ever since i got the sign i wanted to do something creative with it. so i decided to do a self portrait. im not sure what inspired me to make this but the only thing i can think of is a night terror i had when i was 4 years old. not nightmare. night terror. what i remember from that was a AM PM neon sign hanging above my window and some loud orchestrated music playing. it doesnt sound scary but for whatever reason i was scared crapless. and it was a recurring dream too. the sign is hanging from my ceiling fan and i used a back black drop. the rest is photoshoped to make the room seem bigger than what it really is. and i used my wide angle lens to get the whole shot.
  16. fixed. slightly damaged trance by power switch. scratched it and added a bridge of solder. i didn't even think to check the traces. i checked the switch. lol. other than a slightly snowy image it works i will av mod it finish recapping it and sell it off. thank you all! this atari was given to me by a cousin in 2005 he had 4 atari but this one didnt work. this one was found out in an abandoned old cabin that was being used as storage i thought i had thrown it away but rediscovered it in the attic a few years. i replaced the power cap and later the voltage regular but no power. i thought id take one more crack at it before i tossed it. its in great shape so im glad i was able to fix it
  17. hmm alright well if its anything mayor then its not worth fixing imo i was just hoping it was something simple i didnt think to try checking the voltage regular to see if the system is getting power cause if it is then its problaby as you said a dead ic.
  18. i have an atari 2600 light 6 switcher model. it never worked when i got it 15 years ago. ive replaced all the caps, voltage regulator. tried different ac adapters including new ac adapters. re did all the solder joints on the switch (and also test it to make sure its working and replaced power jack. i still cant get power. does any one have a clue what else could be wrong?
  19. honestly i miss being able to go to yard sale and actually find cool stuff like this. back in 2005 is when i started i could find this stuff so cheap. i got 50 nes games cib near mint for 50 dollars at the thrift store good games too like zelda smb mega man etc. but now i gotta pull a huge wad out of my arse for one game so much i get hemorrhoids every time... i feel sorry for any one starting a collection now. cause unless they have 50k laying around its just not possible. heck i remember when NWC was only 1500 dollars. course i couldn't get it then cause i couldn't afford it but now. HA! yeah right. not gonna happen, ever...
  20. dont make me build a time machine lol
  21. well this one is hard to grade but ive seen one on ebay for 35k but thats ebay only just one seller and its been there awile. considering the condition you can get top dollar for it im sure. it all depends on the buyer.
  22. cool. did you make any codes with it? i make around 500 codes for just mario kart ds with mine years ago.
  23. hmmm i can look at it. "alot of hot glue" oh no... sounds like drakon's work. hes known for piling the hot glue in there. sorry for the late reply if you still need help just let me know.
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