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Posts posted by zxdplay

  1. Alright, I will consider the suggestions provided by everyone and reprice accordingly.
     the key point is that my actual income needs to reach the project's startup capital
    One of the forum members asked me how much money is needed, and I mentioned that the project's startup would require approximately $10000. However, there may be adjustments made during the production process based on actual circumstances, so it is estimated that at least an additional 6-8K will be needed.

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  2. 6 hours ago, RetroX85 said:

    @zxdplay the music for the bonus level is really cool, I totally dig it. You make good chip tune music along with your programming talent.

    The music for the bonus level is someone else’s copyrighted music that I had to purchase. I looked for a suitable BGM for a long time and finally found one.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Jfreakofkorn said:

    Thats badazz

    So glad to know its available 

    Will this be only downloadable copy or a physical copy is available  ?

    This is a PC version that can be purchased at Steam Store in a few days.

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  4. Star Keeper PC
    Hello everyone, after three months of development, the PC version of Star Keeper is finally complete. The game has been tested and runs smoothly on both Win10 and Win7 systems. The PC version includes the following additions and modifications based on the NES replica version:
    (1) Redesigned the first level, shortening the length of the stage and adjusting the positions of the stars to make it easier for players to get started.
    (2) Added two Easter eggs, including a Christmas Easter egg in the first level. Please watch the video below for instructions on how to access the Christmas Easter egg.

    (3) Added a bonus stage where you need to collect as many stars as possible within a 115-second countdown. After the countdown ends, you will be rewarded with an extra life for every 35 stars collected.

    Currently, my next step is to release the game on the Steam platform. Since this is my first time using Steam, I'm not familiar with the platform, so I'm not sure how long it will take to complete the initial preparations.

    Future Projects of Star Keeper
    Due to well-known reasons, I am unable to raise funds for developing other games through crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter (KS). Therefore, I have to find alternative ways to raise funds. The only method I can think of is to generate enough project startup capital by selling the PC version of Star Keeper. I promise that once the PC version reaches 1000 copies sold, I will initiate the development of Star Keeper 2 . The PC version will be priced at $29. Achieving this goal may be an ongoing challenge or it could be accomplished in a short period of time. If you can help promote the game and make more people aware of its existence, we may achieve the goal faster. I also guarantee that Star Keeper 2 will continue to use Nintendo's cartridge system as the game platform, and the cartridges will no longer include complex circuits.  I will also try to collaborate with a US-based distributor to produce and sell the  game cartridges.I will hand over the ROM to them and have them help me produce and sell the game cartridges. just as mentioned by @Dr. Morbis and @Scrobins

    Regarding NFTs
    After careful consideration, I have decided to listen to everyone's opinions and cancel the planned NFT sales. 
    Originally, there were plans to sell 10 NFTs, but now NFT #1 has been gifted to @RetroX85 , a loyal fan of SK, and the remaining 9 will not be minted as the sales have been canceled.
     In fact, I have never officially sold any NFTs. I haven't even released any advertisements related to NFTs. The previous post related to NFTs was not an advertisement but rather a discussion to explore the feasibility of the concept. Since most participants in the discussion doubted the feasibility of the plan, I have ultimately decided to listen to the majority and cancel the NFT authorization plan for SK. Furthermore, future projects of SK will not involve NFT authorization, and all NFT-related operations will be terminated.


    update 2023/5/31

    Alright, I will consider the suggestions provided by everyone and reprice accordingly.
     the key point is that my actual income needs to reach the project's startup capital
    One of the forum members asked me how much money is needed, and I mentioned that the project's startup would require approximately $10000. However, there may be adjustments made during the production process based on actual circumstances, so it is estimated that at least an additional 6-8K will be needed.



    update 2023/6/30



    The PC version has been officially released on Steam, priced at $9.99. There was a 12% discount in the week leading up to the launch, bringing the price down to $8.79.





    Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    OS: Windows 7 or higher

    Processor: Dual core 1GHz

    Memory: 200 MB RAM

    Graphics: A graphics card that supports OpenGL3.3 or above is required

    Storage: 80 MB available space

    Sound Card: Onboard sound chip


    Key Input

    The game defaults to keyboard controls.W, A, S, D correspond to Up, Left, Down, Right respectively (similar to NES D-pad).

    C and V correspond to select and start buttons respectively.

    J and K correspond to B and A buttons respectively

    Press Right Alt+Enter to enter full-screen mode, and press Esc to exit full-screen.

    You can also use a controller for gameplay. You will need to configure it in the controller settings interface.


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  5. 50 minutes ago, Darth Vader said:

    Anyway, @zxdplay, I love your game. It is truly a work of art. I wish you luck with whatever path you take. You deserve to make some money from your creation and I hope your choices take you there. Thanks for the great game and please make a sequel!

    Thank you. I appreciate your support for the game and your recognition of its quality.Due to the limited number of game copies available, many people were unable to play the game, which led to the exorbitant prices. However, this situation will soon be improved as the PC version has been developed. I am currently researching how to upload it to Steam.

    Regarding NFTs, in fact, I have already abandoned the NFT licensing plan. As for how to raise funds for the development of the sequel to SK, I will provide detailed explanations in the release post for the PC version.

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  6. 16 hours ago, Jeevan said:

    I can see this as something I would buy just to support you more than play the game!  Depends on the amount of course.  Are you planning on releasing on steam or other means, not sure I remember seeing this anywhere unless I just missed it.

    Thank you for your support. Your support is my source of motivation. I am currently developing the PC version of SK and striving to release it on Steam.

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  7. 11 hours ago, krzysiobal said:

    I have reverse engineered hundreds of cartridges - you can check my page:


    I have to admit, you're a master. You can draw a schematic just by looking at a photo of the PCB (although I don't know if it will work properly). The cost of the components is expensive. To be honest, I never intended to make money from Star Keeper(NES) when I first released it. The game was intended as a gift to the homebrew community. Although the game is almost free, I still need to protect its copyright.

    • Like 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, Link said:

    A branch game, or anything using existing IP in exactly one iteration, is something you contract out to another dev that you pay to create a product which you sell. Nintendo paid Retro to make Metroid Prime. Not the other way around. Can anyone think of an example where money went the other way? I'd bring up the franchise restaurant analogy again. But there are big, fundamental differences in what is offered here. 

    I'm sorry to say as another sad reality, no one will do this. 

    'Authorization' and 'outsourcing' are two concepts

  9. 35 minutes ago, Scrobins said:

    I hope you can understand my feeling suspicious. How do we know you are the bonafide developer of Star Keeper?


    The only way I can prove my identity is through the official paid email. Many players also contact me through this email. However, I don't know how to link the email to Twitter because although my Twitter account was created in 2014, it was only recently made public, and I never thought I would need to use it before.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Scrobins said:

    You suggest all things carry risks, so why aren’t the risks with NFTs acceptable? It’s because, as has been stated here, most of the people interested in your game are here, and most of those have made it clear they have no interest in an NFT. We are literally telling you that we aren’t buying what you’re selling.


    You misunderstood, I didn't intend to sell NFTs to VGS players. I was just sharing my thoughts with everyone. I was hesitant before about whether I should release an explanation of the NFT authorization program on VGS.

    I just wanted to talk about my plan, but I didn't expect so many people to misunderstand  NFT projects. So I have to explain it over and over again.

  11. 7 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    Respectfully, there is NO market for Star Keeper among this "second type of players" because they don't know it exists!  Your entire market right now is this small community of retro gamers/collectors, of which many are members here on VGS.  There is no worldwide audience awaiting a new Star Keeper game, literally no one outside of this community.  If you want to expand your market for the Star Keeper IP outside of this community, then you have to release your game on a modern platform (like Steam or Switch) FIRST!!!


    @Dr. Morbis

    "they don't know it exists!" , This is what I want to say. This situation has both advantages and disadvantages.

    7 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    Seriously. re-read this thread from the start and do some serious soul-searching so that you can hopefully make the right decisions. 

    I've read all the posts you guys sent, yes, NFTs do carry risks, but what doesn't carry risks? Why not give it a try? What if it succeeds?

    7 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    And by the way, Kickstarter is not the only crowd-funding platform on the planet; there are many others out there as well, so please stop hiding behind the "no Chinese allowed on Kickstarter" excuse.

    Of the crowdfunding platforms, I only know of Kickstarter. Can you recommend a few reliable platforms for me to try out? If feasible, I can crowdfund the production and sale of a digital version of Star Keeper.

  12. 12 hours ago, RetroX85 said:

    @zxdplayMan, I just want a Star Keeper sequel. It's nice to see you back in the forum. I think most of us just want you to keep doing what you do best And that is continue developing another game. The fact you designed your own mapper and made the original game a great homebrew is why people on this thread want another game. I think most of us would throw in money to help you develop another title; whether the NFT helps you in your journey or not , I respect your programming talent.  

    thank you very much for your recognition and understanding towards me.
    I assure you that I am doing all of this in order to provide more games to players  in the community. and the game is developed by me

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  13. Since many people are confused, I'll explain my plan more clearly.

    14 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    1. To expand the brand and produce revenue without having to do any programming yourself? I have not been convinced that the NFT will expand the brand. It assumes that those who buy the NFT are developers that see the Star Keeper brand as lucrative. However, the only appeal to current collectors is the original Star Keeper game. More over, it seems to me that community is most interested in your programming.


    There are two types of players.

    The first type are those who purchase games within the VGS self-made community. I saw on the VGS forum that some players suggested creating a digital version of Star Keeper for release on Steam or other platforms, which is a very very good idea! However, I don't have the time to do it, so I thought of authorizing others to do it for me. I will provide them with all the levels of the game and the map editor, including the source code of the editor and all other resources. Programmers with game development experience can easily use these resources to develop a remake of Star Keeper on other platforms to meet the needs of the community's players.

    The second type of players are those outside the VGS community who are used to playing commercial games. For them, games with movie-like graphics, various modes and gameplay mechanics that can be played with a joystick or mouse are the norm. They have no concept of Star Keeper, and for them, there is no difference between the Mainline Game and the Branch Game - both are new business game. Game developers can completely tailor Star Keeper to meet the needs of these players. Some people have mentioned IP issues. Yes, developers can make a game similar to Star Keeper using their own IP, but compared to purchasing a license for Star Keeper, they would rather choose the latter because the game has a good reputation, popularity, and a large potential market that can be tapped into. Moreover, the lifetime license fee is not high for them. They can first sell the side version on the VGS website and then switch to the external market when the popularity reaches a certain level.

    When the Branch Game becomes popular, it will also help me raise enough funds to start developing the sequels of Star Keeper. And I guarantee that the mainline sequels of SK will first meet the needs of the self-made community.


    15 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    2. To just produce revenue? The NFT seems like a good way to make a lump some of money. I actually think producing money is the best thing about the NFT.


    The only possibility for Star Keeper to Authorize NFT to make big money is the success of branch games!

    15 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    3. To expand the brand and produce revenue with have you program the content? This seems like while it will take longer to generate the revenue than the NFT road will but will ultimately expand the Star Keeper brand more than any other outlet. One way to expand the brand is to program a Star Keeper successor or reskin the original game and get it on Steam and launch a physical release on kick starter.


    Of course, I would like to raise funds on Kickstarter and then release it on Steam, but the Kickstarter project is not open to Chinese people.

    15 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    Overall, it is hard for me to see the release of the NFT more than a cash grab as it is a quick way to syphon money out of individuals who already have an affinity to the Star Keeper game without having to develop a new game.

    I never thought about making a lot of money from Star Keeper fans. I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say "who already have an affinity to the Star Keeper". If you're talking about game buyers, there are only a few copies of Star Keeper, so how can I make money from them? If you're talking about potential players in the VGS community, if I wanted to make money from them, I would have re-produced the game and sold it for $300-500 a set, but have I done that?

    I think I have explained everything as clearly as possible. If you still don't understand, it's my poor English level. > - <

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